Book Description

Numerical Development - From cognitive functions to neural underpinnings

Book Description

Living at the beginning of the 21st century requires being numerate, because numerical abilities are not only essential for life prospects of individuals but also for economic interests of post-industrial knowledge societies. Thus, numerical development is at the core of both individual as well as societal interests. There is the notion that we are already born with a very basic ability to deal with small numerosities. Yet, this often called “number sense” seems to be very restricted, approximate, and driven by perceptual constraints. During our numerical development in formal (e.g., school) but also informal contexts (e.g., family, street) we acquire culturally developed abstract symbol systems to represent exact numerosities – in particular number words and Arabic digits – refining our numerical capabilities. In recent years, numerical development has gained increasing research interest documented in a growing number of behavioural, neuro-scientific, educational, cross-cultural, and neuropsychological studies addressing this issue. Additionally, our understanding of how numerical competencies develop has also benefitted considerably from the advent of different neuro-imaging techniques allowing for an evaluation of developmental changes in the human brain. In sum, we are now starting to put together a more and more coherent picture of how numerical competencies develop and how this development is associated with neural changes as well. In the end, this knowledge might also lead to a better understanding of the reasons for atypical numerical development which often has grieve consequences for those who suffer from developmental dyscalculia or mathematics learning disabilities. Therefore, this Research Topic deals with all aspects of numerical development: findings from behavioural performance to underlying neural substrates, from cross-sectional to longitudinal evaluations, from healthy to clinical populations. To this end, we included empirical contributions using different experimental methodologies, but also theoretical contributions, review articles, or opinion papers.

The Materiality of Numbers

Book Description

This is a book about numbers – what they are as concepts and how and why they originate – as viewed through the material devices used to represent and manipulate them. Fingers, tallies, tokens, and written notations, invented in both ancestral and contemporary societies, explain what numbers are, why they are the way they are, and how we get them. Overmann is the first to explore how material devices contribute to numerical thinking, initially by helping us to visualize and manipulate the perceptual experience of quantity that we share with other species. She explores how and why numbers are conceptualized and then elaborated, as well as the central role that material objects play in both processes. Overmann's volume thus offers a view of numerical cognition that is based on an alternative set of assumptions about numbers, their material component, and the nature of the human mind and thinking.

Troubles de l'apprentissage chez l'enfant

Book Description

Les chemins qu’empruntent les enfants pour apprendre gardent toujours une part de mystère et réservent nombre de surprises, le plus souvent fort agréables. Lorsque des embûches se présentent, lorsque l’enfant peine pour apprendre, les parents, l’entourage familial ou éducatif au sens large ainsi que les enseignants, sont bien souvent pris au dépourvu. L’appel aux professionnels de santé est devenu un recours incontournable, dès que des « difficultés d’apprentissage » sont repérées chez un enfant. Écouter, observer... pour pouvoir aider au mieux, voici le défi auquel sont confrontés les soignants en collaboration avec la famille et l’équipe enseignante. Les auteurs de cet ouvrage – pédopsychiatres, psychologues, orthophonistes – s’appuient sur une longue expérience clinique de consultation hospitalière spécialisée dédiée aux troubles du langage et des apprentissages chez l’enfant (centre référent). L’enjeu d’un bilan pluridisciplinaire réalisé dans ce cadre est de proposer une analyse approfondie des difficultés, et de dégager, à partir des observations recueillies, des points d’appui et des leviers afin d’orienter les actions thérapeutiques et les remédiations dont pourra bénéficier l’enfant en difficulté. Les nombreuses vignettes cliniques décrivant le parcours des enfants au sein de ce centre référent ainsi que la description des outils de travail clinique utilisés, feront partager au lecteur l’expérience quotidienne de l’équipe d’auteurs cliniciens. Largement illustré par des cas cliniques évocateurs, ce livre intéressera tous les acteurs du soin – équipes de proximité (CMP, CMPP, SESSAD... ), équipes hospitalières spécialisées et praticiens libéraux (orthophonistes, psychologues, psychomotriciens, ergothérapeutes, psychopédagogues, pédiatres, pédopsychiatres, neuropédiatres...) – ainsi que les acteurs des champs pédagogique, éducatif et associatif, engagés auprès des enfants, sans oublier les familles.

The Child with Traumatic Brain Injury or Cerebral Palsy

Book Description

Families are profoundly affected by a child's brain injury, and their participation and support play a critical role in the child’s adjustment and ongoing development. As such, today's literature contains a growing number of studies that document the importance of the family's role in the child's recovery. Edited by two experts from the cerebral palsy unit at the distinguished SARAH Network of Hospitals in Brasilia, Brazil, this book is designed for rehabilitation professionals and provides important guidelines for training parents and involving the family in the rehabilitation process. Including 200 line figures representing SARAH's novel neurodevelopmental exercises, as well as a CD-ROM with printable versions of all neurodevelopmental exercises included in the book, as well as some additional ones, The Child with Traumatic Brain Injury or Cerebral Palsy prepares rehabilitation professionals for training the family to perform, at home, a rehabilitation program developed by an interdisciplinary team. Clearly presented and easy to follow, this important work will appeal to physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, speech therapists/teachers and all professionals who care for children with cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, and developmental delay.

Handy numbers: finger counting and numerical cognition

Book Description

We are born with a “number sense” - the ability to respond to numerosity, which we share with other vertebrates. This inherited numerosity representation is approximate and follows the Weber-Fechner law that governs sensory perception. As educated adults we can also use culturally developed abstract symbol systems to represent exact numerosities – in particular number words and Arabic numbers. This developmental stage is preceded by an apparently transient phase of finger counting and finger calculation. In fact, the use of fingers to represent number is ubiquitous across ages and cultures. Children use finger counting even if they are discouraged to do so, sometimes even before they are able to utter the number word sequence. Furthermore, finger counting strategies may also be used by adults diagnosed with dyscalculia to make up for a deficient or absent mental number representation. The advantages of finger counting are evident: Fingers are readily available and perceptually salient, finger-numerical representations support short term memory and they provide a transparent one-to-one relationship between to-be-counted objects and their representation. Obviously, however, these advantages only hold for small numbers. Fully transparent finger counting systems are limited to the number range between zero and ten. Larger numbers can only be represented in perceptually less salient or symbolic ways. In recent years, a growing body of evidence has suggested that finger-based representations of number do not form an arbitrary and transient stage of cognitive development. Rather, they seem to provide a good example of embodied cognition. According to this influential viewpoint, all of our knowledge is represented together with the sensory and motor activity that was present during its acquisition. As a consequence, even a supposedly abstract cognitive ability such as numerical cognition reuses the neural substrate and inherits functional properties of more basic perceptual and/or motor processes. Consistent with this assumption, finger counting habits and numerical processing do interact even in educated adults, casting doubts on purely abstract accounts of mental number representations. The objective of this Research Topic is to document embodiment signatures in number processing and calculation – a domain of cognition that was long considered to epitomize the abstract symbol manipulation approach to human cognition. To this end, we invite empirical contributions using different methodologies including behavioural, developmental, neuroscientific, educational, cross-cultural, and neuropsychological studies. Moreover, we also seek theoretical contributions, review articles, or opinion papers. Questions to be tackled may include, but are not restricted to the following: Is finger counting only a useful or even a necessary step towards the acquisition of symbolic number representations? What are the neural correlates of the finger-number relationship? Which features of finger counting influence adult number processing – both approximate and exact? How can finger counting systems be classified typologically and how do different finger counting systems influence numerical cognition across cultures and populations? Should finger counting and finger calculation be promoted or discouraged in maths education? How are disturbances of finger gnosis and numerical abilities linked? We hope that this Research Topic will bring together researchers from different backgrounds to fruitfully discuss a topic which has both scientific and every-day relevance.

Advances in Psychology Research

Book Description

Advances in Psychology Research

Troubles du calcul et dyscalculies chez l'enfant

Book Description

Dans une société où les savoirs et savoir-faire techniques prennent de plus en plus d'importance, une formation mathématique sérieuse apparaît absolument nécessaire. Une bonne connaissance des facteurs susceptibles de troubler les apprentissages de base, contribuant à faire avancer la recherche, ainsi qu'une maîtrise appropriée des moyens de remédiation devraient permettre à de nombreux enfants de ne pas s'enfoncer dans l'échec. La finalité de cet ouvrage est de dresser un tableau précis des diverses formes que peuvent revêtir chez l'enfant les difficultés d'accès au calcul, de découvrir leurs causes complexes, de permettre leur évaluation objective grâce à des outils spécialisés récemment mis au point et de proposer des prises en charge. Conçu par une équipe d'auteurs tous référents en la matière, cet ouvrage expose une démarche novatrice en appliquant aux enfants des méthodologies réservées le plus souvent aux adultes. Dans un premier temps, un cadre conceptuel est dessiné : histoire des systèmes mathématiques, développement des capacités numériques chez l'enfant, performances précoces chez les bébés ; les bases neurologiques de ces activités mentales sont décrites et analysées. Les fonctions mnésiques, visuo-spatiales et exécutives impliquées dans l'ensemble des processus mathématiques font l'objet d'études approfondies. Une autre partie traite plus précisément des tableaux spécifiques ayant une incidence particulière sur de telles performances : infirmités motrices cérébrales, lésions diverses, syndromes génétiques (Turner, Williams-Beuren), dysphasies, etc. Deux chapitres ajoutés dans cette nouvelle édition offrent, d'une part, un panorama général sur les recherches récentes menées outre-Atlantique et traitent, d'autre part, du développement du nombre chez les enfants trisomiques. En fin d'ouvrage, une section propose et discute des nouveaux instruments d'investigation et une autre des modalités thérapeutiques actuellement utilisables. Destiné aux orthophonistes, pédopsychiatres, pédiatres, neurologues, psychologues, éducateurs spécialisés, ergothérapeutes et enseignants, cet ouvrage apporte un éclairage théorique aussi bien que pratique sur les difficultés rencontrées au cours de premiers apprentissages mathématiques qu'il présente dans une synthèse innovante.

Emerging Perspectives on Gesture and Embodiment in Mathematics

Book Description

The purpose of the book is to establish a common language for, and understanding of, embodiment as it applies to mathematical thinking, and to link mathematics education research to recent work in gesture studies, cognitive linguistics and the theory of embodied cognition. Just as in past decades, mathematics education experienced a "turn to the social" in which socio-cultural factors were explored, in recent years there has been a nascent "turn to the body." An increasing number of researchers and theorists in mathematics education have become interested in the fact that, although mathematics may be socially constructed, this construction is not arbitrary or unconstrained, but rather is rooted in, and shaped by, the body. All those who engage with mathematics, whether at an elementary or advanced level, share the same basic biological and cognitive capabilities, as well as certain common physical experiences that come with being humans living in a material world. In addition, the doing and communicating of mathematics is never a purely intellectual activity: it involves a wide range of bodily actions, from committing inscriptions to paper or whiteboard, to speaking, listening, gesturing and gazing. This volume will present recent research on gesture and mathematics, within a framework that addresses several levels of mathematical development. The chapters will begin with contributions that examine early mathematical and proto-mathematical knowledge, for example, the conservation of volume and counting. The role of gesture in teaching and learning arithmetic procedures will be addressed. Core concepts and tools from secondary level mathematics will be investigated, including algebra, functions and graphing. And finally, research into the embodied understanding of advanced topics in geometry and calculus will be presented. The overall goal for the volume is to acknowledge the multimodal nature of mathematical knowing, and to contribute to the creation of a model of the interactions and mutual influences of bodily motion, spatial thinking, gesture, speech and external inscriptions on mathematical thinking, communication and learning. The intended audience is researchers and theorists in mathematics education as well as graduate students in the field.

Guide to Psychological Assessment with Hispanics

Book Description

This book focuses on diversity, culture, and ethnicity as they relate to psychological assessment of Hispanics. It is a how-to guide for clinicians, researchers, and instructors working with Hispanic clients. Each chapter contains an overview of cultural considerations needed for assessing the Hispanic client followed by a specific exploration of the assessment measures available and the research that has been conducted on these measures with Hispanic participants. An exploration of the strengths and limitations of each assessment measure is included. Considering that ethnocultural minority individuals who are of Hispanic/Latino origin make up the largest ethnocultural minority group in the United States, guidelines for working with this population are a must. Given that a large subset of this percentage is composed of immigrants many of whom do not speak English or who have learned English as a second language, special considerations for effective psychological assessment are neccessary.This book fills a gap in the scientific literature by consolidating the research on psychological assessment with Hispanic samples into one comprehensive volume and providing simple recommendations for the psychological assessment of Hispanic clients. An exploration of the general psychological assessment domains (e.g., personality, intelligence) is included with references to research on the major assessment measures used in the field. A more specific exploration of psychodiagnostic assessment measures follows, including the assessment of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, sexual dysfunction, psychosis, etc. Several chapters are dedicated to specialized assessment, including neuropsychological assessment, forensic assessment, and school-based assessment, overall creating the most comprehensive, up-to-date, research-based compendium of psychological assessment measures for use with Hispanic clients.