Reflections on Human Development

Book Description

This work explores a new development paradigm whose central focus is on human well-being. Increase in income is treated as an essential means, but not as the end of development, and certainly not as the sum of human life. Development policies and strategies are discussed which link economic growth with human lives in various societies. The book also analyzes the evolution of a new Human Development Index which is a far more comprehensive measure of socio-economic progress of nations than the traditional measure of Gross National Product. For the first time, a Political Freedom Index is also presented. The book offers a new vision of human security for the twenty-first century where real security is equated with security of people in their homes, their jobs, their communities, and their environment. The book discusses many concrete proposals in this context, including a global compact to overcome the worst aspects of global poverty within a decade, key reforms in the Bretton Woods institutions of World Bank and IMF, and establishment of a new Economic Security Council within the United Nations.

Vigesima segunda carta pastoral que el primer obispo de Leon, Dr. y maestro D. José María de Jesus Diez de Sollano y Dábalos dirige a su Ilmo. y V. cabildo, a su seminario concillar, y a los señores vicarios foraneos, curas proprios, interinos, coadjutores y encargados, venerable clero y fieles de su diocesis publicando la enciclica de N. Smo. Padre el Sr. Leon XIII que comienza aeterni patris de 4 de agosto del presente año sobre la filosofia del angélico Dr. Santo Tomás de Aquino

Book Description