Research Centers Directory

Book Description

Research Centers Directory has reported on the programs, facilities, publications, educational efforts and services of North America's leading nonprofit research institutes.

Science in Russia and the Soviet Union

Book Description

By the 1980s the Soviet scientific establishment had become the largest in the world, but very little of its history was known in the West. What has been needed for many years in order to fill that gap in our knowledge is a history of Russian and Soviet science written for the educated person who would like to read one book on the subject. This book has been written for that reader. The history of Russian and Soviet science is a story of remarkable achievements and frustrating failures. That history is presented here in a comprehensive form, and explained in terms of its social and political context. Major sections include the tsarist period, the impact of the Russian Revolution, the relationship between science and Soviet society, and the strengths and weaknesses of individual scientific disciplines. The book also discusses the changes brought to science in Russia and other republics by the collapse of communism in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Problems of Communism

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Soviet Politics In The 1980s

Book Description

The Soviet Union, in the aftermath of the Brezhnev era, may well stand at a crossroads in its history. According to the authors of this volume, the Chernenko administration and the new generation of political leaders now on the threshold of power must steer through a difficult period in the USSR's international relations, especially where the U.S. is concerned, continuing to assert what they regard as the legitimate Soviet role as a world superpower while coping with an inflexible and aging political system, a stagnant economy, and growing social problems. The contributors provide a careful consideration of the choices confronting the USSR as this new era begins and analyze the paths its leaders may take as they grapple with the challenges of the 1980s.

East Central European Studies

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Vladimir Putin and Russian Statecraft

Book Description

An interpretive biography of one of Russia's most formidable leaders.