Characterizing the Function of T-box Target Genes in Mesoderm Development

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T-box genes encode a family of transcription factors that contain a conserved DNA-binding domain, the T-box, and have been shown to play a crucial role in various developmental processes. Two zebrafish T-box genes, no tail (ntl) and spadetail (spt), as well as their orthologs in other vertebrates, have been shown to play important roles in the specification and patterning of posterior mesoderm. While wild-type zebrafish embryos develop ~30 somites that will later differentiate into muscle and vertebrae, spt mutants lack the anterior 15-17 trunk somites, and ntl mutants lack a notochord and the posterior 15 tail somites. Interestingly, embryos mutant for both ntl and spt lack all trunk and tail mesoderm, including tissues that form in both single mutants, indicating Ntl and Spt have overlapping functions in specifying these structures. Despite the obvious importance of T-box factors in development, relatively few of their transcriptional targets have been identified and tested to examine their role in mediating posterior mesoderm development. Recently, microarray results published by our lab and others have generated an extensive list of genes up- or down-regulated by Ntl and Spt. For my thesis I have chosen to focus on characterizing the role of several of these potential targets: mesogenin (msgn1), which belongs to the bHLH family of transcription factors; T-box gene 6-like (tbx6l), itself a T-box protein; RNA binding motif protein 38 (rbm38), an RNA-binding protein; and integrin beta 5 (itgb5), an adhesion and signaling molecule. Through characterization of a null mutant, I have shown that msgn1 functions with spt to promote cell migration out of the tailbud, but is not essential for zebrafish development. Additionally, I have shown that depleting tbx6l by morpholino oligonucleotide results in perturbation of dorsal-ventral patterning during gastrulation as well as dose-dependent loss of tail mesoderm. I have also characterized the spatial and temporal expression patterns of rbm38 and itgb5 and shown that both genes are expressed in the presumptive mesoderm and tailbud, where they overlap with ntl and spt expression, consistent with a role in mesodermal development. Characterizing the functions of downstream targets will add to the gene regulatory network for specification of posterior mesoderm and help to detail the molecular mechanism of vertebrate posterior development in general.

T-box Genes in Development and Disease

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T-box Genes in Development and Disease looks at the genes encoding the T-box family of transcription factors function as key regulators of many important decision processes during embryonic and tissue development. The importance of these genes is further underlined by the fact that most members of this gene family have been conserved during evolution from worms to humans. This book brings together the current information on conserved aspects with the evolutionary innovations of the functions of these genes during developmental regulation in various animal species and then discusses their important roles in human disease. Brings together current knowledge from a wide variety of animal species and humans Presents commentary from authoritative experts, and includes many prominent scientists and their research Illuminates the connections between developmental biology, evolution, and human disease Allows researchers and newcomers to this research area to gain a thorough picture of the current knowledge

Investigating the Role of the Mesoderm Induction Early Response (MIER) Family Members as Transcriptional Co-repressors

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Large coregulator complexes are recruited to specific gene loci to modulate chromatin structure by altering epigenetic marks on DNA and histones to control gene expression. Mesoderm induction early response 1 (MIER1) is a nuclear protein known to function in transcriptional repression through its ability to recruit histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) and 2. The MIER family consists of three related genes encoding proteins containing ELM2-SANT functional domains. MIER1 is the prototypical member, well characterized in our lab but little is known about MIER2 or MIER3 function and there is no data characterizing these two proteins. In my thesis, I have begun to characterize MIER2 and MIER3 proteins and to compare them to MIER1. I investigate their subcellular localization, their potential association with each other, their interaction with HDAC1 and 2 and chromodomain Y-like (CDYL), the activity of associated deacetylases and key residues for HDAC and CDYL recruitment. Immunostaining followed by confocal microscopy analysis revealed that, while MIER2 and MIER3 are mainly nuclear proteins, a substantial proportion (32%) of MIER2 is localized in the cytoplasm. Co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) experiments demonstrated that the MIER proteins do not form dimers, neither homodimers nor heterodimers with either of the other two family members. Our data also showed that MIER2, but not MIER3, can recruit HDAC1 and 2. Co-IP experiments showed that MIER1 and MIER2, but not MIER3, interact with CDYL through the ELM2-SANT domains. Both MIER1 and MIER2 augment interaction between CDYL and HDACs. Finally, ChIP-Seq analysis revealed that each MIER member has unique targets and that they share target genes. In addition, consensus DNA sequences for MIER protein occupancy are nearly identical to binding motif for the transcriptional repressor RE-1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST). REST is known to regulate expression of neural genes by recruiting corepressor complexes. Co-IP experiments demonstrated that MIER1 and MIER2, but not MIER3, interact with REST. Suppression of MIER1 or MIER2 expression in P19 embryonal carcinoma cells results in neuronal differentiation. Observations made in this report suggest that MIER1 and MIER2 play an important role in the repression of neuronal genes by the REST complex. Overall, I am the first to characterize MIER2 and MIER3. The results presented in this thesis show that MIER2 is similar to MIER1 in that it recruits some of the same epigenetic regulators and both proteins are enriched on REST target genes. In contrast, I showed MIER3 to be distinct: despite a high degree of amino acid similarity between MIER3 and MIER1/2, it did not interact with any of the MIER1/2 recruited regulators and is enriched on FOXA1 target genes.

Molecular Analysis of Chromatin Remodeling Activities by the T-box Transcription Factors

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Abstract: The process of gastrulation results in the three-layered embryo and is characterized by a precise context- and time-specific regulation of transcriptional activity. The early expressed T-box transcription factor EOMES plays a crucial role by conducting the specification of mesoderm and endoderm and preventing the specification of neuroectodermal derivates. The exact molecular mechanisms of this first cell-lineage specification are still unknown. Latest findings indicate that the presence of EOMES at ME genes results in an open chromatin state while binding to already accessible NE enhancers has repressive effects. These changes in chromatin are in accordance to an association of EOMES with chromatin remodeling complexes found in mass spectrometry analysis. Particularly several components of the multi-subunit complexes BAF and NuRD emerged from a large spectrum of potential interaction partners. Mammalian BAF complex, member of the SWI/SNF family, is mainly considered to create an accessible chromatin state and allows active gene expression. In contrast, activity of the NuRD complex mostly results in a closed chromatin formation and transcriptional repression. Both ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes have a wide cellular distribution and were shown to have indispensable roles in development by cooperating with tissue-specific co-regulators. This project aimed to better characterize the T-box factor induced chromatin remodeling by identifying the interacting subunit(s) of BAF and NuRD complex. The experimental setting included transfection of HEK293T cells and P19CL6 cells, co-immunoprecipitation and analysis on Western Blot. As specific interactors of EOMES, BAF60B of the BAF complex and MBD3 of the NuRD complex were identified. The recruitment of chromatin remodeling complexes via unique subcomponents is a possible mechanism to specifically influence transcriptional activity on target genes. Hereby, the cooperation of EOMES and BAF complex would result in accessible chromatin at ME genes, while interaction with NuRD complex would prevent expression of NE and pluripotency genes. Furthermore, the characteristic appearance of EOMES protein as three bands on Western blots was analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS). Additional bands are larger than the expected molecular weight of EOMES, thus I focused on post-translational modifications. A preliminary MS analysis revealed ubiquitination as possible modification. If ubiquitination has a functional impact on EOMES requires further studies. In summary, this project gives further proof of direct interaction of EOMES and chromatin remodeling complexes BAF and NuRD and serves a model where chromatin remodeling importantly contributes to the specific functions of T-box factors. The detailed effects of this cooperation on transcriptional chromatin-based and T-box dependent regulation during the first cell lineage decision needs further investigation

A Normal Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition as a Model for Metastatic Onset

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Genes and signaling pathways implicated in EMT and the invasiveness of breast cancers include FGF, Notch and T-box and Ets family transcription factors. One goal of this research was to examine the relationship between Notch signaling and the Brachyury T-box transcription factor. Through cloning and characterization of this gene it was shown that Brachyury is not a target of Notch signaling and does not function in mesoderm formation, and therefore EMT. A second T-box family member implicated in breast cancer progression, Tbx2/3, was cloned and characterized. A polyclonal antibody was generated and functional assays performed to determine the role of Tbx2/3 during development and to link these observations to the tumorigenesis observed in breast cancer patients with amplifications of chromosome region 17q23 containing the Tbx2 locus. FGF signaling was also further examined during this funding period but the results of these studies were inconclusive. Functional characterization of Ets factors and subtractive screens aimed at identifying genes regulated by Ets and Tbx2/3 were initiated through a collaborative effort. This effort involves the generation of cDNA macroarrays to facilitate the easy identification and cloning of such genes after subtraction.

Principles of Developmental Genetics

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Unlike anything currently available in the market, Dr. Sally A. Moody and a team of world-renowned experts provide a groundbreaking view of developmental genetics that will influence scientific approaches in embryology, comparative biology, as well as the newly emerging fields of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. Principles of Developmental Genetics highlights the intersection of developmental biology with new revolutionary genomic technologies, and details how these advances have accelerated our understanding of the molecular genetic processes that regulates development. This definitive resource provides researchers with the opportunity to gain important insights into the clinical applicability of emerging new technologies and animal model data. This book is a must-have for all researchers in genetics, developmental biology, regenerative medicine, and stem cell biology. • Includes new research not previously published in any other book on the molecular genetic processes that regulates development • Chapters present a broad understanding on the application of animal model systems, allowing researchers to better treat clinical disorders and comprehend human development • Relates the application of new technologies to the manipulation of stem cells, causes of human birth defects, and several human disease conditions • Each chapter includes a bulleted summary highlighting clinical aspects of animal models


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During gastrulation, tissue layers are formed and the overall body plan is established. This book is the definitive guide to this vitally important period in embryonic development, providing authoritative and up to date information that includes the first comprehensive interspecies comparison, cell movements and patterning events, the roles of individual genes and gene families, and the evolution of gastrulation.

The Growth Plate

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Evidence generated by a number of genetic studies indicates that growth is regulated by a number of genes and that interference with their expression can have catastrophic effects on the well being of the whole organism. This work covers skeletal development and growth.

Xenopus Development

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Frogs from the genus Xenopus have long been used as model organisms in basic and biomedical research. These frogs have helped unlock key fundamental developmental and cellular processes that have led to important scientific breakthroughs and have had practical application in embryology, cancer research and regenerative medicine. Xenopus Development is a vital resource on the biology and development of these key model organisms, and will be a great tool to researchers using these frogs in various disciplines of biological science. Xenopus Development is divided into four sections, the first three highlight key processes in Xenopus development from embryo to metamophosis. These sections focus on the cellular processes, organogenesis and embryo development. The final section highlights novel techniques and approaches being used in Xenopus research. Providing thorough and detailed coverage, Xenopus Development, will be a timely and welcome volume for those working in cell and molecular biology, genetics, developmental biology and biomedical research. Provides broad overview of the developmental biology of both Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis Explores cellular to systems development in key biomedical model organisms Timely synthesis of the field of Xenopus biology Highlights key biomedical and basic biological findings unlocked by Xenopus