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Trends and Challenges in Science and Higher Education

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This book discusses the role that integrated science and higher education policies may play in further democratizing and promoting social-economic development in Latin America. It suggests that such democratizing and development may be achieved in two complementary ways: i) broadening the access to knowledge through formal learning processes of higher education, and ii) promoting the advanced qualification of people while strengthening research institutions. The book shows how this entails a complex process of policy integration, with an emphasis on human resources and institutional issues combined in processes of technical change. It discusses in detail the three main challenges that most Latin American countries face in a globalized age, based on knowledge and ever-evolving learning processes. These challenges are the need to broaden the access to higher education; to make this access more socially balanced; and to recover from a long gap in investing in knowledge production and dissemination. This book treats these issues from a variety of conceptual and methodological perspectives that present a contribution to the field of science policy and higher education studies, and inform policymakers in Latin America.

The Global Politics of Science and Technology - Vol. 2

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An increasing number of scholars have begun to see science and technology as relevant issues in International Relations (IR), acknowledging the impact of material elements, technical instruments, and scientific practices on international security, statehood, and global governance. This two-volume collection brings the debate about science and technology to the center of International Relations. It shows how integrating science and technology translates into novel analytical frameworks, conceptual approaches and empirical puzzles, and thereby offers a state-of-the-art review of various methodological and theoretical ways in which sciences and technologies matter for the study of international affairs and world politics. The authors not only offer a set of practical examples of research frameworks for experts and students alike, but also propose a conceptual space for interdisciplinary learning in order to improve our understanding of the global politics of science and technology. The second volume raises a plethora of issue areas, actors, and cases under the umbrella notion techno-politics. Distinguishing between interactional and co-productive perspectives, it outlines a toolbox of analytical frameworks that transcend technological determinism and social constructivism.

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Collaboration for Sustainability and Innovation: A Role For Sustainability Driven by the Global South?

Book Description

A number of arguments are made by an international group of authors in this though provoking book about an understudied and socially important context. A future in which financial wealth transfers across the North-South divide from richer to poorer countries is far from sufficient for the relief of poverty and the pursuit of sustainability. Caution must be taken when growth is achieved through the liquidation of the natural wealth of poorer nations, in order to maintain a global economic status quo. Neither poverty reduction nor sustainability will ultimately be achieved. The financial collapse and social upheaval that might result will make the most recent economic downturn look trivial by comparison. What is more urgently needed instead, as argued in this book, is collaboration for sustainability and innovation in the global South, especially building on models originally developed in the South that are transferable to the North. In pursuit of a sustainable and more equitable future, the book examines such topics as Cross-Border Innovation in South-North Fair Trade Supply Chains; Potential Pollution Prevention Programs in Bangladesh; Digital Literacy and Social Inclusion in the South through Collective Storytelling and Eco-innovation at the ‘Bottom of the Pyramid’. Many of these stories and have not been told and need greater visibility. The book contributes in a meaningfully to the discussion of how innovation and sustainability science can benefit both sides in South-North innovation collaborations. It provides useful introduction to the topics, as well as valuable critiques and best practices. This back-and-forth flow of ideas and innovation is itself new and promising in the modern pursuit of a fair and sustainable future for all regions of our planet.


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