Classica et Mediaevalia Vol. 65

Book Description

Classica et Mediaevalia is an international, peer reviewed journal covering the field of the Greek and Latin languages and literature from classical antiquity until the late Middle Ages as well as the Greco-Roman history and traditions as manifested in the general history, history of law, history of philosophy and ecclesiastic history. Articles are published mainly in English, but also in French and German. Some of the many contributions to the present issue include “Wisdom, Boasting and Strength of Spirit in Xenophon’s Apology” and “Democracy and Aristocratic Identity in Fifth-Century BC Athens”.

Classica Et Mediaevalia vol.54

Book Description

Classica et Mediaevalia is an international periodical, published annually, with articles written by Danish and international scholars. The articles are mainly written in English, but also in French and German. The periodical deals from a philological point of view on classical antiquity in general and topics such as history of law and philosophy and the medieval ecclesiastic history. Classica et Mediaevalia covers the period from the Greco-Roman Antiquity until the Late Middle Ages. Volume 56 contents include: The Habit of Subsidization in Classical Athens: Toward a Thetic IdeologyA Note on Aristophanes, Clouds 76A Polis as a Part of a Larger Identity Group: Glimpses from the History of LepreonA Monger of Red Herrings: Plato's Method of Dead Ends in Politicus 257a-275cEpicurean GodsThe Contribution of Ars and Remedia to the Development of Autobiographical FictionHow Shall We Comprehend the Roman I-Poet? A Reassessment of the Roman Persona-TheoryJuvenal 3.146: A New Interpretati

Classica et Mediaevalia vol. 64

Book Description

Classica et Mediaevalia is an international, peer reviewed journal covering the field of the Greek and Latin languages and literature from classical antiquity until the late Middle Ages as well as the Greco-Roman history and traditions as manifested in the general history, history of law, history of philosophy and ecclesiastic history. Articles are published mainly in English, but also in French and German.

Classica Et Mediaevalia vol.51

Book Description

Classica et Mediaevalia - Volume 51

Classica et Mediaevalia vol. 63

Book Description

Classica et Mediaevalia is an international, peer re¬viewed journal covering the field of the Greek and Latin languages and literature from classical antiq¬uity until the late Middle Ages as well as the Gre¬co-Roman history and traditions as manifested in the general history, history of law, history of philos-ophy and ecclesiastic history. Articles are published mainly in English, but also in French and German. The present issue includes chapters on divination as a convention of war in Classical Greece; pornographic allusions in Catullus; Sophistic oratory and styles in Roman Asia Minor; suspense and surprise in Achilles Tatius’s Leucippe and Clitophon; narrative time and mythological tale-types focusing on Beowulf andOdysseus; and Petrarch’s reading of Cicero’s letters, among others..

Classica et Mediaevalia vol.49

Book Description

Classica et Mediaevalia - Volume 49

Classica Et Mediaevalia vol.46

Book Description

William Hansen: The theft of the thunderweapon. A Greek myth in its international context Anders Holm Rasmussen: Thucydides on Pericles (Thuc. 2.65) Christian Gorm Tortzen: The Codices Theophrastei Haunienses Lawrence Okamura: Plotinus in Syria and Mesopotamia Asger Ousager: Plotinus on motion and personal identity in time and space Francis Xavier Ryan: The quaestorship of Norbanus Francis Xavier Ryan: L. Novius Niger Jo-Ann Shelton: Persuasion and paradigm in Seneca's Consolatio ad Marciam 1-6 Martin Helzle: Die Redeweise der Hauptpersonen in Silius Italicus' Punica Jon A.P. Gissel: The Philotas affair in Curtius' account of Alexander (vi.7-11). A rhetorical analysis Neil Adkin: Cyprian's De habitu virginum and Jerome's Libellus de virginitate servanda (epist. 22) Telfryn Pritchard: The Collatio Alexandri et Dindimi. A revised text Maura K. Lafferty: Nature and an unnatural man. Lucan's influence on Walter of Châtillon's concept of nature Arthur Keaveney: Remarks on J.L. Vives. Declamationes Sullanae I and II

Aristotle: New Light on His Life and On Some of His Lost Works, Volume 2

Book Description

Originally published in 1973. Aristotle’s early works probably belong to the formative era of his philosophic thought and as such contribute vitally to the understanding and evaluation of the development of his philosophy. This book shows that the philosophy propagated in these lost works indicates an undeniable Platonism, and thus seems to conflict with the basic doctrines in the traditional treatises collected in the Corpus Aristotelicum. Was the author of the lost early works and the later preserved treatises one and the same person, or were some of these treatises written by members of the Early Peripatus? This, the second of two volumes, discusses in detail certain decisive aspects of Aristotle’s early works. Fascinating hypotheses and conjectures put forward here provoke discussion and further investigation in the ‘Aristotelian Problem’.