Description of Coherent Structures in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer by Model Reduction of the Surface Pressure

Book Description

The flow of coherent turbulent structures into a wind turbine is associated with vibrational blade excitation. Successful forecasting of such turbulent events for control system input would increase the lifetime of turbine components. The coherence of these features suggests description by model reduction. To this end, an array of pressure transducers was deployed on the ground at Reese Technology Center in Lubbock, Texas, and the pressure fluctuations were recorded over nearly two diurnal cycles. A program for computation of the dynamic mode decomposition was developed with special consideration for the case of a non-stationary, nonlinear system. A simulated surface-pressure perturbation was first decomposed, to inform the interpretation of experimental data. Several sets of surface-pressure data were decomposed for various meteorological conditions. The resulting dynamic modes and eigenvalues describe the spatial and temporal coherence of local features in the atmospheric boundary layer. In each case, modes were identified that can be associated with wave-like pressure fluctuations that propagate either at convective or acoustic speeds.

Coherent Flow Structures at Earth's Surface

Book Description

An expert review of recent progress in the study of turbulent flows with a focus on recently identified organized structures. This book reviews the recent progress in the study of the turbulent flows that sculpt the Earth’s surface, focusing in particular on the organized structures that have been identified in recent years within turbulent flows. These coherent flow structures can include eddies or vortices at the scale of individual grains, through structures that scale with the flow depth in rivers or estuaries, to the large-scale structure of flows at the morphological or landform scale. These flow structures are of wide interest to the scientific community because they play an important role in fluid dynamics and influence the transport, erosion and deposition of sediment and pollutants in a wide variety of fluid flow environments. Scientific knowledge of these structures has improved greatly over the past 20 years as computational fluid dynamics has come to play an increasing important part in building our understanding of coherent flow structures across a broad range of scales. Chapters comprise a series of major, invited papers and a selection of the most novel, innovative papers presented at the second Coherent Flow Structures Conference held August 3-5, 2011 at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia. Chapters focus on six major themes: Dynamics of coherent flow structures (CFS) in geophysical flows Interaction of turbulent flows, vegetation and ecological habitats Coherent structure of atmospheric flows Numerical modeling of coherent flow structures Turbulence in open channel flows Coherent flow structures, sediment transport and morphological feedbacks.

Coastal Meteorology

Book Description

Almost half the U.S. population lives along the coast. In another 20 years this population is expected to more than double in size. The unique weather and climate of the coastal zone, circulating pollutants, altering storms, changing temperature, and moving coastal currents affect air pollution and disaster preparedness, ocean pollution, and safeguarding near-shore ecosystems. Activities in commerce, industry, transportation, freshwater supply, safety, recreation, and national defense also are affected. The research community engaged in studies of coastal meteorology in recent years has made significant advancements in describing and predicting atmospheric properties along coasts. Coastal Meteorology reviews this progress and recommends research that would increase the value and application of what is known today.

The Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Book Description

The book gives a comprehensive and lucid account of the science of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). There is an emphasis on the application of the ABL to numerical modelling of the climate. The book comprises nine chapters, several appendices (data tables, information sources, physical constants) and an extensive reference list. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction, with chapters 2 and 3 dealing with the development of mean and turbulence equations, and the many scaling laws and theories that are the cornerstone of any serious ABL treatment. Modelling of the ABL is crucially dependent for its realism on the surface boundary conditions, and chapters 4 and 5 deal with aerodynamic and energy considerations, with attention to both dry and wet land surfaces and sea. The structure of the clear-sky, thermally stratified ABL is treated in chapter 6, including the convective and stable cases over homogeneous land, the marine ABL and the internal boundary layer at the coastline. Chapter 7 then extends the discussion to the cloudy ABL. This is seen as particularly relevant, since the extensive stratocumulus regions over the subtropical oceans and stratus regions over the Arctic are now identified as key players in the climate system. Finally, chapters 8 and 9 bring much of the book's material together in a discussion of appropriate ABL and surface parameterization schemes in general circulation models of the atmosphere that are being used for climate simulation.

Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows

Book Description

Boundary layer meteorology is the study of the physical processes that take place in the layer of air that is most influenced by the earth's underlying surface. This text/reference gives an uncomplicated view of the structure of the boundary layer, the instruments available for measuring its mean and turbulent properties, how best to make the measurements, and ways to process and analyze the data. The main applications of the book are in atmospheric modelling, wind engineering, air pollution, and agricultural meteorology. The authors have pioneered research on atmospheric turbulence and flow, and are noted for their contributions to the study of the boundary layer. This important work will interest atmospheric scientists, meteorologists, and students and faculty in these fields.

Boundary Layer Coherent Structures (MBL ARI).

Book Description

It is well known that a substantial portion of the air/sea fluxes of heat, moisture, and momentum is accomplished via intermittent processes (Khalsa and Greenhut 1985), processes that are poorly understood at the present time. Recently, Mahrt (1989) and Sikora and Young (1993) have demonstrated that coherent structures in the marine boundary layer (MBL) are responsible for this flux intermittency. These coherent structure types include such secondary circulations as two-dimensional rolls (cloud streets), three-dimensional convective cells (thermals), and shear-driven eddies (billows) (Brown 1980). These features occur in different atmospheric boundary-layer thermal stratification and shear regimes; some are forced primarily by thermodynamic, and others by dynamic, mechanisms. Our ultimate goal is to determine the mechanisms underlying the intermittency in air/sea fluxes produced by these coherent structure types. As summarized below, we are using a variety of complementary statistical/mathematical approaches to objectively identify the spatial and temporal characteristics of these structures. Our primary data sources include both the high resolution output produced by the Penn State version of Moeng's Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) code (e.g. Schumann and Moeng 1991) and observations from the MBL ARI experiments performed in 1995 off the California coast.