Technological Change, Collective Bargaining, and Industrial Efficiency

Book Description

Assessing the reaction of trade unions to innovation, this book examines the port, newspaper, and automobile industries in U.S. and Great Britain in a detailed analysis of industrial innovations and labor relations.

Collective Bargaining Adjustments to Technological Change

Book Description

Study of collective bargaining adjustments to problems of technological change in the USA - covers provisions of relevant collective agreements in selected industries, and includes wage incentive and profit sharing experience. Bibliography p. 53.

Methods of Adjusting to Automation and Technological Change

Book Description

Automation and technological change in USA - principal methods used by private sector employers to ease workers adaptation and reassignment of displaced employees. (1) avoiding layoff (attrition, retirement, reduction of hours of work, retraining,automation fund), (2) easing burden of unemployment (severance pay, maintenance of acquired rights, unemployment benefit), (3) facilitating employment opportunity (employment service, training programme, antidiscrimination policy). Case studies.

Seminars on Private Adjustments to Automation and Technological Change

Book Description

USA. Conference reports on adjustments made by private enterprises to mitigate the ill effects of automation and technological change. Retraining is most successful in the form of in plant training. Advance notice of displacement is important. Attrition and early retirement.