Junior Atlas

Book Description

An ideal world reference atlas for young primary school geographers aged 9-11 years at Keystage 2. Published in association with the Geographical Association, enabling students to learn about the world today by exploring clear and engaging maps, study satellite imagery, understand key facts and statistics, and learn how maps and atlases work. * This atlas has topographical based mapping which helps the young geographer understand the processes which take place during the formation of the earth's landscapes. The atlas has been designed specifically as an introductory reference atlas for 7-11 year olds studying geography at Keystage 2. * The reference mapping is designed for maximum clarity and accessibility, and is supported with photographs and data files, with detailed map keys and scale information on each map. Specially selected topic maps give additional information linking to knowledge and understanding of distant places. * The atlas is organised into sections covering the UK, Europe, the World and Continents with larger scale maps of countries and regions popular for focus studies. A variety of carefully selected scales are used to allow for comparison of size and distance in different countries.

Collins Junior Atlas

Book Description

This atlas includes topographical mapping and topic maps. It is divided into sections covering the UK, Europe and the world, with larger scale maps of countries and regions popular for focus studies.

Collins Junior Atlas (Collins School Atlases)

Book Description

The must-have Back to School Atlas for Year 6 Fully revised and updated, this is an ideal world reference atlas for young primary school geographers aged 8-11 years (Key stage 2). Published in association with the Geographical Association, it enables children to learn about the world today and understand how maps and atlases work. * The atlas is organised into sections covering the UK, Europe, the world and continents with more detailed larger scale maps of countries and regions popular for focus studies. * It includes topics such as climate, population, migration, trade and environmental issues. * Topographical based mapping helps the young geographer understand the processes which take place during the formation of the earth's landscapes. * The reference mapping is designed for maximum clarity and accessibility, and is supported by photographs and data boxes, with detailed map keys and scale information on each map. * Specially selected topic maps give additional information linking to knowledge and understanding of distant places. * Tables of key world country data include an Ecological Footprint figure for each country.

Collins First Atlas

Book Description

Collins School Atlas

Book Description

Collins Primary Atlas

Book Description

Understand the world today through maps. The Collins primary atlas allows readers to locate and connect places, develop map skills, explore landscapes, and discover the universe.

Collins Primary Atlases - Collins School Atlas

Book Description

This introductory atlas for secondary school students aged 11-14 is designed to help students develop map, atlas and data handling skills. The content adheres closely to the requirements of the National Curriculum and incorporates results of classroom testing. Its clear and accessible layout will motivate pupils of all abilities at Key Stage 3 and S1-S2. An easy to follow introductory 'map and atlas skills' section, useful for both teacher and pupil, is followed by clear, easy to read reference maps presented with locator maps, fact boxes and flags, descriptive text, detailed map keys and photos. Carefully selected focus country studies include mapping on contrasting regions and special topics. The latest available country-by-country statistics are listed in a separate section and the index includes full latitude and longitude values. The extended world section in this edition covers all the global issues required by the National Curriculum e.g. climate, population, biomes, earthquakes and volcanoes. Colour coding of the titling and marginalia aids the identification of the sections within the atlas.