Leyendo Números 0-19

Book Description

LEYENDO NúMEROS 0-19Identifying and reading numbers 0-19 is an essential skill for young learners. With this 25 page game packet you can develop this skill in your students. Watch as your students learn to effortlessly read Spanish numbers 0-19 in standard and written form. The 5 games and activities included in this package make reading Spanish numbers fun! The following backlines in Spanish are included:- Game board- Game cards (written form)- Game cards (numerals)- Assessment- Homework sheets- Quick game assembly- Teacher friendly game instructions(English)

Colors: Red

Book Description

Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Green.

Bilingual Math Basics 1

Book Description

Guided Practice Book for Targeted Mathematics Intervention

Book Description

Receive the special price of $8.99 per book when 10 or more copies are ordered! The Student Guided Practice book has been created specifically to support each Targeted Mathematics Intervention level to reinforce the skills taught in the lessons.

Español Básico para Niños, Book 1

Book Description

"Español Básico" (Spanish Basics) by Mi Camino Spanish(TM) is a workbook created by a Spanish teacher specifically designed for elementary school students in grades Kindergarten - 1st. This workbook includes over 100 worksheets of "Spanish Basics" covering the following 10 lessons: 1. Greetings & Good-byes 2. Numbers, Alphabet, Colors & Shapes 3. The Calendar & Weather 4. Telling Time & School Vocabulary 5. Verbs & "Me Gusta" 6. Parts of the Body & Introduction to Animals 7. My Family 8. Introduction to Food 9. Where are you going? & What are you going to do? 10. Spanish-Speaking Countries of the World. This workbook is perfect to use with students in an immersion setting since all of the exercises are written completely in Spanish! To find out more about accessing additional multimedia resources, send an email to [email protected].

Astrology and Numerology in Medieval and Early Modern Catalonia

Book Description

From a late 15th-century Catalan incunable and drawing on a rich tradition of astrological magic, geomancy, Pythagorean numerology and Hebrew gematria, this practical manual reveals a unique expression of medieval syncretism, the mingling of traditions and the development of new ideas.

El Gemelo

Book Description

Con el descubrimiento en 1905, en la mina premier "Premier" localizada en Pretoria Sud África, del diamante más grande del mundo, que en su piedra matriz pesaba", tres mil ciento seis quilates, se logro pulir "El Cullínan". Joshua Smith, -Jefe de cuadrillas de la mina- entregó a la gerencia solamente una parte de la piedra, el otro fragmente de semejantes proporciones, fue sustraído de manera ilegal, despertando la codicia de distintos grupos. La sorpresiva huida del Jefe de cuadrillas y otros mineros, provoca una mortal persecución por tierra y mar, la que comienza en Pretoria y continúa por Durban, Canal de Mozambique, Cuerno de África, Golfo de Adén, Nabq, Elat, Desierto de Néguev, Hebrón, Barnea, Antalya, Estambul, Dijon, Praga, Dunkerque, y culmina en Londres Inglaterra. Del pulida la piedra sustraída por Joshua Smith, se obtuvo un diamante de quinientos veintiocho quilates. Posteriormente, la joya fue robada y oculta en las Cavernas de Carlsbad, Nuevo México, Estados Unidos, iniciándose de nueva cuenta, una intensa búsqueda que deja varios muertos en distintas partes del mundo. El incalculable precio del diamante, da origen a una sorprendente aventura llena de anagramas y mensajes encriptados, asechanzas, emboscadas, lesiones y muerte. La obra contiene innumerables datos geográficos, turísticos y científicos, que enriquecen los distintos escenarios en que se desarrolla, permitiendo al lector sentirse parte activa en cada hecho, sin embargo, el desenvolvimiento de cada trama puede poner en conflicto y duda, algunos de sus conceptos de valor.