La Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) y la protección del medio ambiente

Book Description

Este libro trata sobre la compatibilidad entre el marco jurídico de protección internacional del medio ambiente y el marco jurídico que regula el sistema multilateral de comercio. Ambos sistemas nacieron por separado, pero por fuerza confluyen en un mundo marcado tanto por la interdependencia económica de las naciones como por la interdependencia ecológica de la vida en la Tierra. Tras una visión general del debate, se examina la evolución de la protección del medio ambiente en el GATT/OMC, y se centra después en los aspectos principales de la interrelación comercio-medio ambiente: la incidencia de las políticas ambientales en la competitividad, la utilización de restricciones comerciales al servicio de los objetivos ambientales y el marco institucional del debate comercio-medio ambiente.

Las medidas comerciales multilaterales para la protección del medio ambiente y el sistema multilateral del comercio

Book Description

Resumen Para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible es necesario que los acuerdos de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) y los Acuerdos Multilaterales del Medio Ambiente (AMUMA) se apoyen mutuamente. El problema es que estos acuerdos regulan a las medidas comerciales desde perspectivas diferentes: mientras que algunos AMUMA las permiten por ser consideradas necesarias para lograr sus objetivos, los acuerdos de la OMC generalmente las prohíben pues se perciben como un obstáculo para el desarrollo económico. Las diferencias institucionales entre estos regímenes indican que, en caso de surgir alguna diferencia, probablemente serán resueltas por el Órgano de Solución de Diferencias (OSD) de la OMC. Así, lograr el apoyo mutuo entre estos sistemas normativos depende, al menos en parte, de que el OSD de la OMC realice una interpretación sostenible de los acuerdos comerciales, es decir, que prohíba el proteccionismo comercial y permita la adopción de medidas comerciales basadas en consideraciones ambientales auténticas. Abstract To achieve sustained development it is necessary to make the trade agreements administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the multilateral environmental agreements (MEA) mutually supportive. The problem is that these agreements regulate trade measures from different perspectives: while some MEAs permit them as necessary to achieve their objectives, the agreements of the WTO generally forbid them because they are perceived as an obstacle for economic development. The institutional differences between these regimes indicate that, in the case that a difference arises, it would probably be resolved by the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the WTO. So, making these normative systems mutually supportive depends, at least in part, on a sustainable interpretation of the trade agreements by the DSB, in other words, that forbids protectionism and permits trade measures based on authentic environmental considerations.

Biological Diversity and International Law

Book Description

The book focuses on the interactions between international legal regimes related to biodiversity governance. It addresses the systemic challenges by analyzing the legal interactions between international biodiversity law and related international law applicable to economic activities, as well as issues related to the governance of biodiversity based on functional, normative, and geographic dimensions, in order to present a crosscutting, holistic approach. The global COVID-19 pandemic, the imminent revision of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, and the Aichi Targets have created the momentum to focus on the interactions between the Convention on Biological Diversity and other international environmental regimes. Firstly, it discusses the principles that inspire biodiversity-related conventional law, the soft law that conveys targets for enforcement of the Biodiversity Convention, their structural, regulatory and implementation gaps, the systemic relations arising from national interests, and the role of scientific advisory bodies in biodiversity-related agreements. The second part then addresses interactions in specific conventional frameworks, such as the law of multilateral trade and global public health, and the participation of communities in the management of genetic resources. Lastly, the third part illustrates these issues using four case studies focusing on the challenges for sustainability and marine biodiversity in small islands, the Arctic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, as a way to strengthen a horizontal and joint approach. The book is primarily intended for academics, researchers, and students interested in international environmental law and policy and in interactions for creating conditions for fair, sustainable, and resilient environmental development. By offering an analysis of instruments and criteria for systemic relations in those areas, it will also appeal to public and private actors at the domestic and international level.

Global Challenges in the Arctic Region

Book Description

Bringing together interconnected discussions to make explicit the complexity of the Arctic region, this book offers a legal discussion of the ongoing territorial disputes and challenges in order to frame their impact into the viability of different governance strategies that are available at the national, regional and international level. One of the intrinsic features of the region is the difficulty in the determination of boundaries, responsibilities and interests. Against this background, sovereignty issues are intertwined with environmental and geopolitical issues that ultimately affect global strategic balances and international trade and, at the same time, influence national approaches to basic rights and organizational schemes regarding the protection of indigenous peoples and inhabitants of the region. This perspective lays the ground for further discussion, revolving around the main clusters of governance (focusing on the Arctic Council and the European Union, with the particular roles and interest of Arctic and non-Arctic states, and the impact on indigenous populations), environment (including the relevance of national regulatory schemes, and the intertwinement with concerns related to energy, or migration), strategy (concentrating in geopolitical realities and challenges analysed from different perspectives and focusing on different actors, and covering security and climate change related challenges). This collection provides an avenue for parallel and converging research of complex realities from different disciplines, through the expertise of scholars from different latitudes.