Coming Home to Lemuria

Book Description

A firsthand account through the use of hypnosis and past life regression of life in Lemuria. The lives we have forgotten as Lemurians. We co-created through instant manifestation with our minds. We are back now to bring these energies through to help our Mother Earth.

Coming Home to Lemuria

Book Description

Even as George Lucas' "Star Wars" films are being prepared for re-release in 3D, Phillip Elton Collins, a former director of marketing at Industrial Light & Magic Commercials/Lucasfilm Ltd., goes two steps beyond Lucas' fictional space stories with "Coming Home to Lemuria," an account of a remarkable non-fiction adventure into an extraordinary 5D reality that co-exists with ours here on Earth. When Collins was working with film director Ridley Scott of "Blade Runner" fame, they produced the celebrated 1984 Apple Computer commercial that introduced new cyber communication technology to the world. Now, Collins introduces us to a fantastic reality beyond cyber space. His inspiring account of a sacred journey to Mount Shasta in Northern California reveals the presence of an advanced, ancient civilization living inside our planet, and also depicts important rituals performed on the surface that will change our world for the better, forever. Is the world ready to receive this truth? Are you ready? Rev. Philip Elton Collins, co-founder of The Modern Day Mystery School, is a healing arts therapist and light ascension master teacher whose work addresses the emotional, mental, and physical bodies. His private practice and teaching promote self-love and self-healing leading to higher consciousness.

Learn Lemurian Healing

Book Description

This incredible book will teach you a huge amount about Lemuria in a very short amount of time. With an amalgamation of the principles of healing, this practical course will easily teach you Lemurian symbols, potential facts of Lemuria & includes exclusive channeled messages from the highest priest of Lemuria. This book takes you on a positive journey for your personal growth, with insider tips, guided meditations and a chance for you to start to heal not only yourself but to start your journey as a healer for others. Lemurians were highly evolved psychic beings that used distance healing in their every day lives. Lemuria was apparently the age before Atlantis. Wardle travels to areas of the world where Lemurians are said to reside and writes a fascinating account of their lives and the Motherland - Lemuria. Lemurian Healing can be used for any physical or emotional pain with absolutely no side effects. Lemurian Healing has been described as being 10 times the power of Reiki! Want to learn how to become a Lemurian healer? This is an intense course for those interested in the age of Lemuria and those whom want to become healers. It is a course like no other before. Wardle has intentionally added Lemurian healing energy to the content of this course, so whilst reading you be able to tune in and feel personal healing from Tiffany Wardle, your qualified Lemurian teacher.

A New Earth Rising

Book Description

In New Earth Rising Charmian Redwood shares information about the steps we need to take to prepare ourselves and our loved ones to move smoothly into the new world of peace. We have passed through the portal of December 21, 2012, so now all of the energies on the planet are set for us to ascend into our light bodies where we live from our own divine consciousness in a physical body. The Earth is returning to the garden where all is peace and harmony once more. Charmian used hypnosis to guide eighteen people forward into the New Earth to experience what it will be like. Each one had the same experience of being joyful, physically healed, vibrant, and seeing everything restored to harmony and peace.

Perry Rhodan Lemuria 1: Ark of the Stars

Book Description

After a tragic accident Perry Rhodan discovers a huge space ship, two miles long and traveling almost at the speed of light. The ship turns out to be an ark, carrying a population of humans who set out on their journey 55,000 years ago, from Earth - Lemurians, the legendary forefathers of mankind. But Rhodan is not the only one to have noticed the ark. A ship of the Akons, Earth's arch enemies, has also set its sights on this galactic mystery ...


Book Description

Before Atlantis, there was Lemuria. No one is certain as to when this civilization existed, but an educated guess is around 300,000 BC. It was a time when people began to live in communities and build shelters by the sea, for water was very sacred to them. The Lemurians were a highly spiritual people and practiced equality as it has never been practiced since. Everyone was equal regardless of what labor they provided for the welfare and comfort of everyone else. There was a Council of Elders, wise men and women who offered advice and suggestions to those asking for help, but even this group had no jurisdiction over anyone else in their village. The Lemurians possessed a group mind where no individuality existed or was even thought about and where no one belonged to anyone else. Even children did not belong to their mothers but to everyone residing in the community. The concept of marriage and family simply did not exist. No one owned anything either. Land, homes, and even possessions belonged to everyone in the community. It was also a matriarchal society where women were highly respected and had an equal voice with men. Learning about their lifestyle and culture, it quickly becomes apparent that modern humans would have a difficult time understanding the people of this ancient civilization. Yet it is important for humans of today to learn about Lemuria as this shift in thinking, in consciousness, that is permeating the world is actually a return to this kind, loving, compassionate Lemurian energy. The whole world is now slowly stepping up or ascending into this higher vibrational energy of love as exhibited by the earth’s first civilization, namely Lemuria.

Lemuria and Atlantis

Book Description

Shirley Andrews, author of "Atlantis: Insights From a Lost Civilization", combines her own research with the data of scholars, scientists and respected psychics to offer a look into the little-known details about the lost continent of Lemuria and its relationship to Atlantis.


Book Description

"My purpose was to comply with the desires of the publishers in preparing and presenting an easily readable, enjoyable, and fascinating account of the lost Continent of Lemuria, with all of its past history, effects upon the races of man, and ancient, human incidents of life.(...) I hope, therefore, that this book will make the subject more popular and arouse further interest in the investigation of the hundreds of available sources of information still untouched by those who have spent their lifetime seeking for positive facts. With this hope and with the further desire that what I have written may contribute to a better understanding of the development of the human individual in all of his physical, mental, spiritual, and so-called psychic qualities, I offer this work." W.S.C

The Lemurian Way, Remembering Your Essential Nature

Book Description

"The Lemurian Way is a fascinating account of the Lemurian civilization and, more importantly, what it meant to be a Lemurian. Lauren O. Thyme, Storyteller, with the guidance of Lemurian Elders and the help of Sareya Orion, Library, has created a striking account of the customs, lifestyles, and harmonious community of people known as Lemurians. Lauren has done a masterful job of showing what life was like during this ancient civilization. If you feel drawn to Lemuria, or Mu, for whatever reason, and would like to know more, The Lemurian Way provides you with a truly wonderful understanding and awareness of the Lemurian civilization, and the glory that Lemuria was. And by exploring, studying, and remembering our distant past, we can better understand why we are here now." --- Andrew Lutts, Founder, Salem New Age Center "The Lemurian Way could be used as a guidebook for the new millennium." -- Alex Lumen, former art director, FATE magazine "Thanks for the awakening your book gave me." - Roy Briggs, Nigeria You are loved so dearly in Turkey, Lauren. The Lemurian Way marked a pivotal moment in my awakening. Thank you for your being and sharing. The Lemurian Way is my bedside book, dear author. --- Selin Mikaela Bolu, Turkey Lauren O. Thyme and Sareya Orion have their own soul memories of Lemuria and created this book in partnership with Lemurian Elders. The Lemurian Elders, many of whom may be Ascended Masters, are a loving and gentle group of souls who advise and teach human beings the essential nature of the universe from their perspective in the spirit world. The Elders describe the harmonious life they experienced in Lemuria as a guidepost for human civilization today. They elaborate on the ease of Universal Laws and Wisdom as they lived it, knowledge as old as humanity. Pieces of knowledge have been explored extensively throughout time in myths, legends, archetypes, philosophy, world religions, and mystic thought. Information has issued forth from countless shamans, prophets, mystics, philosophers, poets, psychics, and recently by transpersonal psychologists, scientists, and physicists. However, the Elders' intention is to complete our education: to present the entire body of knowledge, kept secret for ages, to prepare for the leap in planetary evolution. To accomplish that, they stimulate deep soul memories by presenting details of their society that encompass the order, logic, and harmony of the universe. They remind us to allow recognition, knowledge residing in individual souls, to just happen. They encourage us, not just to understand with our intellects, but to feel the wisdom in our bodies. Most iimportantly, the Elders quietly remind us that Universal Laws and Wisdom were initiated and put into motion by a loving Creator Source, so that everyone can live one's essential nature of peace, harmony, love, and joy.

The Lost Civilization of Lemuria

Book Description

A compelling new portrait of the lost realm of Lemuria, the original motherland of humanity • Contains the most extensive and up-to-date archaeological research on Lemuria • Reveals a lost, ancient technology in some respects more advanced than modern science • Provides evidence that the perennial philosophies have their origin in Lemurian culture Before the Indonesian tsunami or Hurricane Katrina’s destruction of New Orleans, there was the destruction of Lemuria. Oral tradition in Polynesia recounts the story of a splendid kingdom that was carried to the bottom of the sea by a mighty “warrior wave”--a tsunami. This lost realm has been cited in numerous other indigenous traditions, spanning the globe from Australia to Asia to the coasts of both South and North America. It was known as Lemuria or Mu, a vast realm of islands and archipelagoes that once sprawled across the Pacific Ocean. Relying on 10 years of research and extensive travel, Frank Joseph offers a compelling picture of this mother­land of humanity, which he suggests was the original Garden of Eden. Using recent deep-sea archaeological finds, enigmatic glyphs and symbols, and ancient records shared by cultures divided by great distances that document the story of this sunken world, Joseph painstakingly re-creates a picture of this civilization in which people lived in rare harmony and possessed a sophisticated technology that allowed them to harness the weather, defy gravity, and conduct genetic investigations far beyond what is possible today. When disaster struck Lemuria, the survivors made their way to other parts of the world, incorporating their scientific and mystical skills into the existing cultures of Asia, Polynesia, and the Americas. Totem poles of the Pacific Northwest, architecture in China, the colossal stone statues on Easter Island, and even the perennial philosophies all reveal their kinship to this now-vanished civilization.