Community College Partnerships with Business and Industry

Book Description

The context of this research was a qualitative and comparative study of the industry partnerships that existed between three community colleges in a rural, urban, and suburban community. In-depth interviews were conducted with key stakeholders from each of these institutions, as well as one pre-selected business partner serviced by the community college in their region. Data was collected through survey interviews.

In Search of Community College Partnerships

Book Description

A study was conducted for the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges (AACJC) and the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) to determine the nature and extent of partnerships that exist between community colleges and business/industry and high schools in the United States. The survey of 1,219 colleges sought information on the colleges' characteristics; establishment of business, industry, labor councils; participation in private industry councils; coordination with business/industry; large private sector employee training; public sector employee training; small business support; high school/college partnerships; and economic development offices. Based on responses from 770 (63.2%) of the colleges, study findings revealed: (1) 41% of the colleges had established business, industry, labor councils on their campuses; (2) two-thirds of the colleges participated in the area Private Industry Council; (3) two-thirds of the responding colleges had appointed business/industry coordinators on their campuses; (4) nearly three-fourths of all respondents offered training for large private sector employees, and three-fourths offered training for public sector employees; (5) 83% of the colleges reported providing small business support beyond traditional credit course work; (6) nearly 90% of respondents had collaborative arrangements with the high schools in their areas; and (7) 80% of the colleges reported involvement with local and state economic development offices. Appendices include the survey instrument, descriptions of exemplary cooperative programs, and a statement of the interests and activities of the AACJC/ACCT Keeping America Working Project. (HB)

Proven Partners

Book Description

This booklet provides brief descriptions of cooperative arrangements between community colleges and local businesses, industries, and labor unions established to meet employee needs for training. Following an introduction which notes the importance of such arrangements, partnerships involving 38 community colleges in 23 states are described. Industries associated with these programs include manufacturing, insurance, data services, defense, electronics, optical fabrication, construction, furniture, and textile industries. Programs are also described which offer services to hospitals; local, state, and federal agencies; and power and telephone companies. The types of training provided through these programs include college courses at industry sites, apprenticeship programs, pre-employment training, management training, courses in teaching techniques for company instructional personnel, worker retraining after layoffs, and skill upgrading. The program descriptions include, with variations, information on the nature of the program; problems to be addressed by the cooperative agreement; types of courses and training provided; the source of instructional staff; the types of learning materials used; the support services available; company contributions in terms of released time for employees, facilities, equipment, and funds; and the name of a contact person for further information. (KL)

Partners in Economic Development

Book Description

In response to the competitive challenges of the emerging world economy, employers are looking increasingly to community colleges for the provision of job training to revitalize their work forces. While job training is an appropriate role for community colleges, its delivery, characterized by speed and adaptability, is contrary to most campus cultures, and calls for a new paradigm of teaching for the nation's workers. This book describes state-of-the-art economic development programs at community colleges. It's eight chapters are: (1) "A President's Perspective on Economic Development," by Richard J. Pappas; (2) "The Community College as an Economic Development Tool," by Charles C. Spence and Stanley Block; (3) "Federal Funding for Economic Development and Community Colleges," by David B. Canine; (4) "Partnerships with Senior Colleges and Universities," by Catherine B. Ahles; (5) "Serving Small Business," by Richard Shaink; (6) "Serving Big Business," by Frank G. Milligan and James L. McGuidwin; (7) "Working with Labor Unions," by Evan S. Dobelle and James Mullen; and (8) "The Fund Raising and Economic Development Linkage," by G. Jeremiah Ryan. (PAA)

Community College Leaders on Workforce Development

Book Description

This book has two things going for it that are rarely combined—it is fundamentally purposeful and it is useful. As the authors point out, there is a trilogy of needs confronting any business leader with a change agenda and/or transitioning into a new top role: influence, coalition building, and performance consulting. Of the three, performance consulting has received the least amount of attention in both the public and private-sector businesses. Because the focus on performance consulting rests primarily on the worker and the workplace environment, the authors contend that we must have a picture of how that environment has changed over the years. In this book, visionary leaders of community colleges will present their views about the present challenges and future approaches needed for community colleges to be successful.

Reinventing the Community College Business Model

Book Description

Community colleges were established to provide an accessible, affordable education and have largely met this charge. Access without success, however, does not benefit the student and traditional planning, operational and financial management, and infinite enrollment growth strategies have not produced positive student outcomes. The Great Recession, disinvestment in higher education, and increasing costs and competition have further exacerbated the inability to deliver better results. Community colleges need an operational framework structured for student success. The community college needs a redesigned business model. This publication breaks new ground by introducing the community college business model (CCBM), an intentionally designed operational management approach that provides a comprehensive approach to understanding students and meeting student needs by providing an exceptional educational experience. Supported by a fiscal management that targets finances to support student learning and success, the model guides the reader through the growth, development, and leveraging of the resources (human, physical, and intellectual) necessary for delivering a successful educational journey. The CCBM is designed to restructure community colleges for delivery of a student value proposition built on learning and success. The philosophical underpinning of the book is that student success is the ultimate measure of organizational effectiveness.

Linking Workforce Development to Economic Development

Book Description

"Provides 28 case studies demonstrating how community colleges identify and address the continuous learning needs of their communities and how they develop individuals, help employers, and support communities as they fill the workforce training needs of the country"--Provided by publisher.

Apprenticeship and Community Colleges

Book Description

Degree-earning apprenticeships are becoming recognized as legitimate programs of study at community colleges. This book analytically describes the role of apprenticeship as an instructional methodology in post-secondary technical education. Cantor looks at programs that work in the linkage between business and industry. Contents: Introduction; The Employer System: Job Training and Apprenticeships; The Community College Education System: Community Colleges and Apprenticeships; The Economic Development System: Relationships to Job Training and the Community College; Study Methodology: The Case Study Method; Apprenticeships and Community Colleges: The Automotive Industry's New Model; Organized Labor, Apprenticeships, and Community College Degrees: An Emerging Partnership; Apprenticeships, the U.S. Maritime Industry and the Community College: Linkages in America's Defense; Firefighter Training 2000: Apprenticeships and the Fire Service; Towards a Solution: What Has Been Learned; Bibliography.