Comprendre et accompagner les enfants en difficulté scolaire

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Ce livre se veut une défense et une illustration des capacités de l'école à assumer pleinement sa mission éducatrice auprès de tous les enfants et à assurer la prévention de l'échec scolaire en liaison avec les divers spécialistes de l'aide socioéducative et médico-psychologique. Manuel pratique, cet ouvrage recense les principaux moyens d'action offerts par les divers dispositifs pédagogiques, rééducatifs et thérapeutiques au service de l'enfant en difficulté à l'école.

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Education familiale et services pour l'enfance

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Le terme “Service” a orienté les travaux de recherche et de formation lors du XIIIème Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Formation et de Recherche en Education Familiale (AIFREF). Il s'agissait, en l'occurrence, de se mettre au service de la petite enfance. L'acte qui consiste à se consacrer au service d'un être qui chemine sur la voie de l'autonomie a pris une consistance et une importance sans cesse croissantes au cours du développement de la modernité. Aujourd'hui, celle-ci connaît une profonde mutation : entrant dans la postmodernité, nous constatons que la notion de service prend un tout autre sens. Pour mieux être au service de l'enfance, il s'agit maintenant de savoir ce qui peut lui être utile. Qu'est-ce qui permet à l'enfant de grandir et de s'émanciper? Et, dès lors, quels services convient-il de rendre à l'enfance? Quelles sont la relevance, l'efficience, l'efficacité et la durabilité de ces services délibérément conçus et opérationnalisés? Ces questions ont fait l'objet d'une mise en examen et ont orienté les travaux du XIIIème Congrès de l'AIFREF.

Child Friendly Schools Manual

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This Child-Friendly Schools (CFS) Manual was developed during three-and-a-half years of continuous work, involving the United Nations Children's Fund education staff and specialists from partner agencies working on quality education. It benefits from fieldwork in 155 countries and territories, evaluations carried out by the Regional Offices and desk reviews conducted by headquarters in New York. The manual is a part of a total resource package that includes an e-learning package for capacity-building in the use of CFS models and a collection of field case studies to illustrate the state of the art in child-friendly schools in a variety of settings.

All Our Children Learning

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A scientifically groundbreaking, eloquent look at how we benefit -- psychologically, physically, and interpersonally -- when we practice gratitude. In Thanks!, Robert Emmons draws on the first major study of the subject of gratitude, of “wanting what we have,” and shows that a systematic cultivation of this underexamined emotion can measurably change people’s lives."--

School, Family, and Community Partnerships

Book Description

School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Preparing Educators and Improving Schools addresses a fundamental question in education today: How will colleges and universities prepare future teachers, administrators, counselors, and other education professionals to conduct effective programs of family and community involvement that contribute to students' success in school? The work of Joyce L. Epstein has advanced theories, research, policies, and practices of family and community involvement in elementary, middle, and high schools, districts, and states nationwide. In this second edition, she shows that there are new and better ways to organize programs of family and community involvement as essential components of district leadership and school improvement. THE SECOND EDITION OFFERS EDUCATORS AND RESEARCHERS: A framework for helping rising educators to develop comprehensive, goal-linked programs of school, family, andcommunity partnerships. A clear discussion of the theory of overlapping spheres of influence, which asserts that schools, families, and communitiesshare responsibility for student success in school. A historic overview and exploration of research on the nature and effects of parent involvement. Methods for applying the theory, framework, and research on partnerships in college course assignments, classdiscussions, projects and activities, and fi eld experiences. Examples that show how research-based approaches improve policies on partnerships, district leadership, andschool programs of family and community involvement. Definitive and engaging, School, Family, and Community Partnerships can be used as a main or supplementary text in courses on foundations of education methods of teaching, educational administration, family and community relations, contemporary issues in education, sociology of education, sociology of the family, school psychology, social work, education policy, and other courses that prepare professionals to work in schools and with families and students.

Behavior, Health, and Environmental Stress

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Eight years ago, four psychologists with varying backgrounds but a common in terest in the impact of environmental stress on behavior and health met to plan a study of the effects of aircraft noise on children. The impetus for the study was an article in the Los Angeles Times about architectural interventions that were planned for several noise-impacted schools under the air corridor of Los Angeles Interna tional Airport. These interventions created an opportunity to study the same chil dren during noise exposure and then later after the exposure had been attenuated. The study was designed to test the generality of several noise effects that had been well established in laboratory experimental studies. It focused on three areas: the relationship between noise and personal control, noise and attention, and noise and cardiovascular response. Two years later, a second study, designed to replicate and extend findings from the first, was conducted.