Conflict, Culture and Identity in GP Training

Book Description

This book explores the identity work and conflicted perspectives of general practitioner (GP) trainees working in hospitals in the UK. Drawing on empirical and theoretical scholarship, and privileging the analysis of social language-in-use, Johnston describes primary care medicine as a separate paradigm with its own philosophy, identity and practice. Casting primary and secondary care in historical conflict, the perceived lower status of primary care in the world of medicine is explored. Significant identity challenges ensue for GP trainees positioned at the coalface of conflict. Problematising structures of GP training and highlighting how complex historical power dynamics play out in medical training, the author advocates for radical change in how GPs are trained in order to manage the current primary care recruitment and retention crisis.

Communicating Ethnic and Cultural Identity

Book Description

This intercultural communication text reader brings together the many dimensions of ethnic and cultural identity and shows how they are communicated in everyday life. Introducing and applying key concepts, theories, and approaches--from empirical to ethnographic--a wide variety of essays look at the experiences of African Americans, Asians, Asian Americans, Latino/as, and Native Americans, as well as many cultural groups. The authors also explore issues such as gender, race, class, spirituality, alternative lifestyles, and inter- and intra-ethnic identity. Sites of analysis range from movies and photo albums to beauty salons and Deadhead concerts. Visit our website for sample chapters!

Cultural Conflict in Hong Kong

Book Description

This book examines how in navigating Hong Kong’s colonial history alongside its ever-present Chinese identity, the city has come to manifest a conflicting socio-cultural plurality. Drawing together scholars, critics, commentators, and creators on the vanguard of the emerging field of Hong Kong Studies, the essay volume presents a gyroscopic perspective that discerns what is made in from what is made into Hong Kong while weaving a patchwork of the territory’s contested local imaginary. This collection celebrates as it critiques the current state of Hong Kong society on the 20th anniversary of its handover to China. The gyroscopic outlook of the volume makes it a true area studies book-length treatment of Hong Kong, and a key and interdisciplinary read for students and scholars wishing to explore the territory’s complexities.

The Essential Handbook for GP Training and Education

Book Description

The much anticipated practical educational manual for General Practice (GP) trainers, programme directors, and other teachers and educators in primary care has finally arrived. This extensive, full-colour guide is written by a select group of hands-on educators who are passionate and knowledgeable. The book captures their wisdom and vast experience in an accessible and practical way. Although it’s aimed at GP training, there are many chapters in this book that are relevant and transferrable to teachers and educators in areas outside of General Practice (and worldwide). We are sure that GP appraisers, Foundation Year trainers and other medical/nursing student educators will find the detailed comprehensive explorations inspirational. Beautifully presented, the chapters cover a wide educational framework employing a variety of presentational methods such as flowcharts, diagrams, conversational pieces, scenarios and anecdotes. Each chapter has a corresponding webpage containing over 300 additional resources - providing practical tools as well as additional reading material. This book was awarded the Royal College of GP’s ‘Paul Freeling Prize’ in 2013 for merititious work in the field of General Practice education. It is also used as the foundation textbook for the Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education (PGCE) in at least seven UK universities. The Essential Handbook for GP Training and Education adopts a relaxed, personable approach to primary care education that won't leave you with a headache.

Intercultural Public Relations

Book Description

Intercultural Public Relations: Theories for Managing Relationships and Conflicts with Strategic Publics develops a coherent framework to unify the theories of public relations and intercultural communication, and, within the framework, examines empirical studies of intercultural interactions. This book follows an intercultural approach, which considers how individuals and entities with dissimilar cultural identities interact and negotiate to solve problems and reach mutually satisfying outcomes. This work provides a theory-driven, empirically supported framework that will inform and guide the research and practices of intercultural public relations. Furthermore, it provides numerous levels of analysis and incorporates the use and challenges of social media. The book examines theories and issues in three integrated processes: Identification of publics Relationship management Conflict resolution These areas represent the most critical functions that public relations contributes to organizational effectiveness: scanning the environment, identifying strategic publics, and building long-term, quality relationships with these publics to reduce costs, gain support, and empower the publics themselves. In doing so, the book adopts simultaneously public-centered and organization-centered perspectives. This unique work will serve as an essential reference for students, practitioners, and scholars in today’s global public relations environment.

Hablando de violencia

Book Description

Este libro constituye una valiosa aportación para la investigación y la práctica sobre análisis y resolución de conflictos desde una perspectiva narrativa. Se basa en tres ideas fundamentales: la teoría narrativa crítica, la teoría de la transformación narrativa y la ética estética. El objetivo que la autora propone, en un proceso de la resolución de conflictos, es el paso desde una narrativa conflictiva (conflict story) hacia una historia mejor construida (better-formed story), a través de la consecución de momentos críticos (critical moments) y giros (turning points), tomando en cuenta la propia subjetividad y el testimonio de sufrimiento del Otro, así como dándoles voz y teniendo en cuenta el espacio donde se haga el proceso. Por lo tanto, el libro de Sara Cobb proporciona bases filosóficas sólidas para la resolución de conflictos a nivel local, nacional e internacional. Retoma autores como: Arendt, Levinas, Rancière, Foucault, Ricoeur, Lyotard y Derrida, entre otros.

The Psychology of Culture Shock

Book Description

Incorporates over a decade of new research and material on coping with the causes and consequencs that instigate culture shock, this can occur when a person is transported from a familiar to an alien culture.

The Psychology of Culture Shock

Book Description

This thoroghly revised and updated edition of the classic Culture Shock examines the psychological and social processes involved in intercultural contact, including learning new culture specific skills, and managing stress.