Controlling Knowledge

Book Description

Digital communications technology has immeasurably enhanced our capacity to store, retrieve, and exchange information. But who controls our access to information, and who decides what others have a right to know about us? In Controlling Knowledge, author Lorna Stefanick offers a thought-provoking and eminently user-friendly overview of current legislation governing freedom of information and the protection of privacy. Aiming to clarify rather than mystify, Stefanick outlines the history and application of FOIP legislation, with special focus on how these laws affect the individual. To illustrate the impact of FOIP, she examines the notion of informed consent, looks at concerns about surveillance in the digital age, and explores the sometimes insidious influence of Facebook. Specialists in public policy and public administration, information technology, communications, law, criminal justice, sociology, and health care will find much here that bears directly on their work, while students and general readers will welcome the book's down-to-earth language and accessible style. Intended to serve as a "citizen's guide," Controlling Knowledge is a vital resource for anyone seeking to understand how freedom of information and privacy protection are legally defined and how this legislation is shaping our individual rights as citizens of the information age.

Controlling Knowledge

Book Description

"I know of no one who has taken such an ambitious swath of time and done such a good job of showing the continuity and change across those one hundred years. . . . a splendid achievement, the result of decades of research and reflection." —David Robinson Controlling Knowledge examines the history of West African Muslim society in the Republic of Mali, formerly the Soudan Français, in the 20th century. Focusing on the transformation of Muslim institutions—especially modernized Muslim schools (médersas) and voluntary organizations—over the past hundred years, Louis Brenner uncovers the social and political processes that have produced new forms, definitions, and expressions of Islam that are patently different from those that prevailed a century earlier. Brenner's study shows that Muslim society in Mali is religiously pluralistic and that it has developed different ways of relating religious obligations to prevailing social and political conditions. Although they were heavily influenced by French and Middle Eastern models, Brenner demonstrates that it was in opposition to French colonial authority that the first médersas and voluntary associations appeared. The complex array of power relations within which these institutions evolved, under French colonial rule and in the postcolonial secularist state, is revealed in this thoughtful book. Controlling Knowledge makes a major contribution to our understanding of Muslim history in Mali and West Africa, both in recent decades and over the long term.

Controlling Voices

Book Description

TyAnna K. Herrington explains current intellectual property law and examines the effect of the Internet and ideological power on its interpretation. Promoting a balanced development of our national culture, she advocates educators' informed participation in ensuring egalitarian public access to information. She discusses the control of information and the creation of knowledge in terms of the way control functions under current property law.

Competence Development in Controlling and Management Accounting

Book Description

The book is considered a guideline for systemic personnel development in controlling of nationally and internationally active companies on the basis of a targeted development of competencies. In particular, the challenges posed by digitalization and globalization are considered and substantiated with the help of empirical studies. Employees and managers in controlling as well as HR managers in companies gain a deeper understanding of the necessity and the components of systematic personnel development. The goals are the formation of high-performance teams in controlling as well as the identification of personal career paths on the way to top management tasks as CFO. The focus of the personnel development model is on the transfer of the competence-oriented development approach, which, in addition to the traditionally considered technical and methodological competencies, also takes into account social and personal competencies as well as additional digital and intercultural competencies. The book is rounded off by a survey of the current situation, the definition of a target situation to be aimed at, the discussion of suitable further training measures and the monitoring of the level of competency achieved, and illustrates concrete career concepts.

Higher Education in South Africa

Book Description

Higher Education in South Africa should be of considerable interest to higher education researchers outside of South Africa, as well as within, for the general and comparative assessments it makes. The South African higher education researchers included within its covers have clearly engaged with research and writing from many parts of the world, which they have then applied to make sense of their own condition. - Malcolm Tight Lancaster University, UK

Draining development?

Book Description

A growing concern among those interested in economic development is the realization that hundreds of billions of dollars are illicitly flowing out of developing countries to tax havens and other financial centers in the developed world. This volume assesses the dynamics of these flows, much of which is from corruption and tax evasion.

Understanding and Controlling Crime

Book Description

In 1982 the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation created a small committee-the Justice Program Study Group (whose membership is listed at the end ofthis preface)-and posed to it what can hardly be regarded as an easy ques tion: "What ideas, what concepts, what basic intellectual frameworks are lack ing" to understand and to more effectively deal with crime in our society? Those who are acquainted with the work of the members of the Study Group will appreciate how many divergent views were expressed-divergent to the degree that some of us came to the conclusion that we were not a Study Group at all but rather a group being studied, an odd collection of ancient experimental animals serving some dark purpose of the Foundation. Eventually, however, a surprisingly strong concurrence emerged. We found we were impressed by the extent to which in our discussions we placed heavy reliance on the products of two types of research: first, those few longitudinal studies related to juvenile delinquency and crime that had been pursued in this country and, second, a few experimental studies that had sought to measure the consequences of different official interventions in criminal careers. These two research strategies had taught us much about crime and its control. Other strategies-case studies, cross-sectional surveys, participant observations, and similar techniques-had indeed been productive, but it was the longitudinal and experimental designs that firmed up the knowledge that the others helped to discover.

Advances in Building Technology

Book Description

This set of proceedings is based on the International Conference on Advances in Building Technology in Hong Kong on 4-6 December 2002. The two volumes of proceedings contain 9 invited keynote papers, 72 papers delivered by 11 teams , and 133 contributed papers from over 20 countries around the world. The papers cover a wide spectrum of topics across the three technology sub-themes of structures and construction, environment, and information technology. The variety within these categories spans a width of topics, and these proceedings provide readers with a good general overview of recent advances in building research.


Book Description

This book is a book of some questions to ponder; some answers to ponder; some propositions; some controversial materials. It will inform some and possibly outrage some who have a different point of view about your world around us. If you have a closed mind it may not be the book for you. It is a book with a large background of Bible implications. It suggests future events as well as the world situation around you now. You will see things that are worth your notice and attention. Unlike other more common literature; it can be begun at nearly any page. It is a volume, not to promote one basic ideal, but many. You should find something pertaining to your own world within these pages; something you would like to know or should know. It is a book of the discovery of the over-looked apparent. Some thinking is required. If you like to think, it should be reading for pleasure. You will discover you live in a world of many worlds. One of the main ideas of this book is to stimulate one's own thinking facility (the brain) to more active participation in the world around us. The future is better to the thinkers. One is not likely to read this book in one setting because it is a thinking book; a book to ponder. You will see more if you walk so to speak, rather than fly through this book; as it says in the book, "Open your eyes and see the darkness; close your eyes and see the light".