Converting the Soul - Study Edition

Book Description

This book is an inspirational study guide to the Book of Deuteronomy. Why Deuteronomy? It is one of the most significant books of the law written in the Bible. Jesus Christ often quoted from this book. The final record of Moses'instructions to Israel (God's people) is recorded in it. The Blessings and Curses, even the promise of the Christ is clearly outlined in Deuteronomy.This book attempts to discuss the truths to be found in Deuteronomy and throughout the Bible. It is organized to glean relevancy for Christians today who have a hope and expectation of going to Heaven, the ultimate Promised Land.It is not God's desire that any turn back and this book, 'Converting the Soul: Deuteronomy - Making Peace with God's Law', was written to that end. This study is not intended to bring you closer to God but to show you how close God wants to be with you so that you will desire to be with him and desire to turn away from sin, self and the world.King David desired what all Christians should, a more perfect understanding and appreciation of God's Law, and he wrote: "The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul...the commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes... moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward. Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults. Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: Then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression..." Psalms 19:7-14

Converting the Soul: Deuteronmy ~ Making Peace with God's Law

Book Description

Paperback 180 B&W pages: This book is an inspirational study guide to the Book of Deuteronomy. Why Deuteronomy? It is one of the most significant books of the law written in the Bible. Jesus Christ quoted from this book. Moses' final communications with the people of God is recorded prior to them entering the Promised Land as they stood at the border. This book attempts to discuss the truths and is organized to glean relevancy for Christians today who often struggle with their knowledge of Grace and the significance and application of the Law of God.

The Majesty of God's Law: Its Coming to America

Book Description

The Majesty of God’s Law is a study of the history and development of the only system of law which was revealed by God, himself. That is why it is called “God’s Law.” The Psalmist described the supreme excellence of God’s law when he said: “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.” (Psalms 19:7-8) The entire code of God’s law is carefully enunciated in the five chapters of this book. Under this judicial system there are only about a hundred statutes required to govern a community, state, a nation, and the world. But this is only possible when these laws are in the hands of the wise and virtuous judges. In order to make the system work, the people must be taught the law and then they must enter into a solemn covenant to honor and sustain the precepts. When Moses gave this law to the ancient Israelites, he said it could make them most peaceful, prosperous and powerful people in the World. However it was revealed to Moses that the people of the age would violate its precepts. He then learned that it would not be until the latter days that this law would be lived the way it was originally designed. The American Founding Fathers picked up on that promise because it appeared to them that it would be in this choice land where this great promise would one day be fulfilled. Nevertheless, they recognized that the Constitution was the indispensable foundation for such an inspired system of prosperity, justice, and peace. When they saw the Constitution would gradually unravel, they knew that this character of liberty would have to be restored in all its pristine power by some future generation. And they knew this would have to occur before God’s law could be inaugurated. Someday, God’s law is coming to America. It could come rapidly after a period of cleansing and reform, even in our day. And since Moses said it would eventually transpire, there needs to be a generation of Americans trained and motivated to put it into effect. Dr. Skousen has prepared this present study in hopes that it might be of assistance.

Sunday School Times

Book Description

Essence of the Kingdom

Book Description

Essence of the Kingdom is a book that was governed, delivered, & inspired by the Holy Spirit of God; & will change the dynamics of you & your loves ones lives! This book was written to impregnate you with skillful wisdom and tools needed to do the Heavenly Father's Will. People all over the globe are travailing with silent moans that have driven them over the edge. Daily rather it is witnessed or not; many are experiencing preventable setbacks, obstacles, and suicide, all because of the lack of understanding in life, that floods the soul, burdens the heart and mind, and that hibernates in fear. This is precisely the reasons why Victoria Carter is dedicated to informing many that a spiritual awakening is awaiting to transform them through the power and liberty that abides within Understanding. Understanding will give you a universal peace within that proclaims, I can, I will, and I must! Revealed in these pages are fundamentals that will summons you to allow God to re-build your life from within! It will challenge your heart and soul to go more in depth concerning the life that God intended it to be for you. Victoria Carter uncovers essential truths that reveal hidden issues of women, disregarded errors of men, and why our children are losing their innocence; and how we get it back.

Converting the Soul

Book Description

Paperback: This is an inpirational study of the book of Deuteronomy in the context of the Christians relationship with God and the importance of the Law of God and its impact upon the success of the believer's life. Jesus Christ quoted from this book. Moses' final communications with the people of God before they were to pass over into the Promised Land without him are recorded in Deuteronomy. The blessing and the curses, the pronmise of the Christ is all clearly outlined in Deuteronomy. This book a discussion of these truths and organized in such a way as to glean the relevancy of the Christian's hope and expectation to go to Heaven, the ultimate Promised Land.

The Annotated Luther, Volume 5

Book Description

This volume (volume 5) features Luther's writings that intesect church and state, faith and life lived as a follower of Christ. His insights regarding marriage, trade, public education, war and are articulated. His theological and biblical insights also colored the way he spoke of the "Jews" and Turks, as well his admonition to the German peasants in their uprisings against the established powers.

Four Legs and a Stretcher

Book Description

The five components of a chair base, that of four legs and a stretcher, represent five areas of spiritual formation that godly faith requires. The four legs symbolize truth, love, fellowship, and what the author calls faith disciplines—and the stretcher that connects them characterizes the practice of being spiritually minded about them. God intended each of the components to play a vibrant role in the way we construct our lives. Like a chair with a dependable base, a life supported by these five components can be secure, rewarding, and purposeful. This devotional explores each component in detail, including their interrelationship and connection to each other. As you read, you’ll consider questions such as: • How can you build a base of godly faith that securely and dependably supports a fulfilling life? • What purposeful steps must you take to grow and mature in faith? • How can you apply the concepts of purposeful design and engineering to your life? Throughout the book, you’ll find anecdotes and highlights from the author’s life that will make your journey of faith relevant and achievable. Take a fresh approach to understanding, applying, and growing in faith and spirituality with the wisdom in Four Legs and a Stretcher.

The Annotated Luther, Volume 4

Book Description

Volume 4 of The Annotated Luther series presents an array of Luther’s writings related to pastoral work. Luther’s famous Invocavit Sermons and other selected sermons show a forthright and lively preacher. Hymn texts reveal Luther’s grasp of hymnody as a tool for conveying and expressing faith. His Small Catechism as well as several pieces on prayer, including his Personal Prayer Book and A Simple Way to Pray, show his engagement in the basic task of teaching the faith. Luther’s prefaces to his own writings contain personal reflections on his reforming work. Also in this volume are his commentary on The Magnificat, selected letters, and shorter pieces that display his pastoral responses to particular situations: Sermon on Preparing to Die, Whether One May Flee from a Deadly Plague, and Comfort for Women Who Have Had a Miscarriage. Each volume in The Annotated Luther series contains new introductions, annotations, illustrations, and notes to help shed light on Luther’s context and interpret his writings for today. The translations of Luther’s writings include updates of Luther’s Works, American Edition or entirely new translations of Luther’s German or Latin writings.

Prayers of the New Testament

Book Description

Are your prayers stuck in a rut? In these eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study from Lynne M. Baab you'll find new words and new ways to pray through the prayers of Mary, Simeon and Anna, Peter, Paul, John and Jesus himself. Their words and patterns serve as rich models for us in our own conversations with God, helping us get onto fresh new paths of prayer.