Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band VII (Oktober 1531 - März 1532)

Book Description

Unlike most theologians of his age, Martin Bucer proved to be farsighted with respect to European affairs: In addition to his contacts within Alsace and Germany he established relations with almost every European country. It was his ecumenical attitude that always led him to mediate between the parties in the religious battles of his time. His deep commitment to the goal of reaching agreement can be traced in all his activities, works and letters. Since the first editor, Jean Rott (Strasbourg), died in 1998, Bucer's correspondence has been edited in Erlangen. This academic edition of source material provides future research with a broad basis for significant aspects of Reformation history about which very little is known. Volume VII covers the period from October 1531 to March 1532.

Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band IX (September 1532 - Juni 1533)

Book Description

Wegen des großen Anteils an Einzelkorrespondenten in Bucers Briefwechsel von September 1532 bis Juni 1533 versammelt dieser Band eine Vielzahl von Anliegen. Bucer soll etwa bei Stellenbesetzungen vermitteln, für säumige Schuldner eintreten, seine exegetischen Werke zusenden, einen Trostbrief schreiben, zur Visitation kommen, mittellosen Autoren zum Druck ihrer Bücher verhelfen oder schlicht Fürbitte einlegen. Trotz dieser vielfältigen Inanspruchnahmen verliert Bucer die Hauptthemen der vorausgehenden Korrespondenz nicht aus den Augen: die Auseinandersetzung mit den Dissenters und die Vermittlung im Abendmahlsstreit. Nachdem sein Werben um eine Verständigung mit Luther bei den Schweizern Irritationen hervorgerufen hat, bereist Bucer von Anfang April bis Mitte/Ende Mai 1533 die Schweiz, um im persönlichen Gespräch mit den Baslern, Zürichern und Bernern die Wogen zu glätten. Wenn er sie auch nicht davon überzeugen kann, dass sie in der Sache mit Luther übereinstimmen, so gelingt es Bucer doch, ein Einvernehmen der Schweizer mit seiner Position herzustellen.

Corpus Schwenckfeldianorum

Book Description

Luther, Conflict, and Christendom

Book Description

Martin Luther was the subject of a religious controversy that never really came to an end. The Reformation was a controversy about him.

The Negotiated Reformation

Book Description

This book offers a new explanation for the spread of urban reform during the sixteenth century, arguing that systems of communication between cities proved crucial for the Reformation's development. This hypothesis explains not only how the Reformation spread to almost every imperial city in southern Germany, but also how it survived attempts to repress religious reform.

Corpus Schwenckfeldianorum

Book Description

Between Lay Piety and Academic Theology

Book Description

For centuries, the relation between lay piety and academic theology has determined the faith of lay people as well as developments in theology, and influenced daily life as well as scholarly discussions. In this book an international and multidisciplinary panel of specialists, covering the fields of church history, history of literature, music history, book history, and art history reflects on a broad range of research topics, providing a fascinating and refreshing view on what this relation has been throughout the centuries. Christoph Burger has given a major impulse to the research into the history of theology, notably the issue of adapting academic theology for lay people. The contributions to this Festschrift reflect this broad spectrum of correlations between learned theology and lay piety from the Early Church period until modern times. The book contains contributions to the research on lay piety as well as academic theology in the Middle Ages, Reformation, and the modern period, as well as their representations in such media as printed books and woodcuts. The result is a truly epoch-transcending and interdisciplinary volume.