Cosmic Blueprint

Book Description

Melding a variety of ideas and disciplines from biology, fundamental physics, computer science, mathematics, genetics, and neurology, Davies presents his provocative theory on the source of the universe's creative potency. He explores the new paradigm (replacing the centuries-old Newtonian view of the universe) that recognizes the collective and holistic properties of physical systems and the power of self-organization. He casts the laws in physics in the role of a "blueprint," embodying a grand cosmic scheme that progressively unfolds as the universe develops.

Womanity's Cosmic Blueprint

Book Description

Womanity's Cosmic Blueprint is unique and farsighted, bringing to light a mounting societal ailment that is weakening the feminine force on the planet. This global ailment is "lost woman's syndrome", a disconnection from her profound, internal essence or cosmic self. In this book, properties of the female cosmic blueprint are revealed pointing out how these qualities play a paramount role in maintaining humanity's well-being. As modern women lose sight of their TRUE identities they unknowingly accelerate the decline of humankind and Mother Earth. ,

The Cosmic Blueprint

Book Description

Wouldn't it be nice if we (all humans) came with directions? If we all had an instruction manual that came in with us when we were born, that we could refer to when we had a problem or when life was in a muddle? Actually we do. It is our Natal Chart or our Cosmic Blueprint. It contains all of the instructions and directions we need to live a full, happy life. (Well, most of the time.) YOUR COSMIC BLUEPRINT begins with your choices before you incarnated or were born into this lifetime. You decided the exact time and place of your birth, which determined your NATAL CHART. You also accepted the alignment of the planets as these were the higher spiritual lessons you would be asked to work on or to complete. The life experiences that you needed to complete would be determined by your Sign and the Houses where those Signs fell.

The Cosmic Blueprint

Book Description

Examines theories about the creation of the universe, argues that matter and energy have the ability to self-organize, and suggests that the universe is developing along a predestined plan

The Cosmic Blueprint

Book Description

Cosmic Blueprint

Book Description

The Cosmic Blueprint

Book Description

Scientists have just begun to understand how complexity and organization can emerge from featurelessness and chaos. Is the way the universe is now in some sense predetermined? Is there, in other words, a cosmic blueprint? This book argues in favour of the idea of the creative universe, which recognizes the innovative character of physical processes, and suggests that the universe as a whole possesses a tendency to develop towards progressively higher levels of complex organization. Investigating some scientific discoveries, the author shows how the study of complexity reveals certain common holistic principles.


Book Description

In the vast expanse of the universe, there exists an intricate dance of celestial bodies that has captivated humanity for millennia. This dance, known as astrology, offers a profound lens through which we can perceive the interconnectedness between the cosmos and our own lives. At its core, astrology is a symbolic language that enables us to decode the mysteries of existence, understand our place in the cosmos, and align with the rhythms of the universe. The concept of astrology traces back to ancient civilizations who gazed upon the night sky with wonder and awe, seeking to discern patterns and meaning in the movements of the stars and planets. Over time, this intuitive exploration evolved into a sophisticated system of knowledge, encompassing diverse traditions and philosophies from cultures around the world. At the heart of astrology lies the idea that the positions and alignments of celestial bodies at the moment of our birth influence our personalities, behaviors, and life experiences. By mapping the positions of the planets in relation to the zodiac signs and houses, astrologers create a unique cosmic snapshot known as a birth chart or natal chart. This chart serves as a personalized guide, revealing the inherent qualities, potentials, and challenges encoded within our individual destinies.

Mystical Realities

Book Description

Mystical Realities is about spiritual, etheric experiences based on inner visions, realizations and enlightenment about the physical and higher, etheric planes. Avana witnessed an etheric, crystal river, an etheric, purple, pyramid temple, a crystal cavern, a mystic mountain, a mystical rainbow and an underwater city. Avana met her twin flame, Valerian. She was reunited with Valerian in the Holy City Foursquare. Extrasensory perception awakens etheric visions. We all have a spiritual calling and purpose for our lives. Invisible helpers are always helping to protect and guide us. Cosmic beings serve the Cosmos. Enjoy this mystical experience with an open mind. Learn about the astral and etheric planes. Experience mystical realities as you read this book.


Book Description

Scharfstein describes the extraordinary powers that have been attributed to language everywhere, and then looks at ineffability as it has appeared in the thought of the great philosophical cultures: India, China, Japan, and the West. He argues that there is something of our prosaic, everyday difficulty with words in the ineffable reality of the philosophers and theologians, just as there is something unformulable, and finally mysterious in the prosaic, everyday successes and failures of words.