Covered Up

Book Description

Telling the four year struggle of a young female officer to make it in the dangerous workplace of a jail. Made dangerous not by inmates, but by her own co-workers. From rape and murder, to drugs and drinking on the job, she tells what she witnessed during her employment at the Dallas County Sheriffs Department. This book is presented with very little editing and formatting to be available as soon as possible at the lowest price possible.

Eyes Covered Up

Book Description

Criminality Exposed Colombo Hilton Hotel Construction Perversely `Covered-Up'

Book Description

In this voluminous Book in a series by the Author on corruption, fraud and economic crime, with indepth analysis, transcending forensic accounting, he brilliantly reveals, with incisive diametrics, irrefutable evidence of criminality, in the construction of Colombo Hilton Hotel by Mitsui & Taisei, Japan, with Architects, Kanko Kikaku Sekkeisha Yozo Shibata & Associates successful civil prosecution by Author led to Japanese writing-off US $ 207 Mn. He establishes beyond reasonable doubt, that original Architectural Plans had been suppressed / destroyed by a staged fire, with amended Architectural Plans surreptitiously substituted being cannibalized Sheets, with incongruous elevations, whereby such Plans could not be approved. Meticulously probing into elevations on Floor Sheets and Cross-Sectional Sheets, which crucial aspect had been overlooked by professional architectural investigations, he proves the shortfall of floors, with the elevations on tampered Sheets bearing tell tale evidence of being identical, with elevations in the cross-sections of the Project Plan, upon which Hilton International formulated Profitability Forecasts, to obtain State Guarantees from Sri Lanka Government, to finance this construction, which was a major fraud perpetrated on the people, rendering such guarantees null and void. Shockingly revealed are perverse endeavours, including by Auditors, KPMG Ford, Rhodes, Thornton & Co., to cover-up this massive fraud, involving upper echelons, with socio-political / international ramifications. Appallingly, criminal investigations were significantly abandoned, on advice of Attorney General. Securities Exchange Commission colluded to cover-up, whilst Chartered Accountants Institute endeavoured to whitewash miscreants. This is a revealingly absorbing Book of real experiences of the Author, in exposing and combating, a despicable fraud on the people, which to him was a crime against humanity, and would be invaluable to investigators and prosecutors of commercial frauds and crimes, and civil society urging equal enforcement of the rule of law.

UFO Landing: Was a Crash Covered Up? (XBooks: Strange)

Book Description

Do UFOs exist? Was there a cover up? Discover these questions and more! High-interest topics, real stories, engaging design and astonishing photos are the building blocks of the XBooks, a new series of books designed to engage and motivate reluctant and enthusiastic readers alike. With topics based in science, history, and social studies, these action-packed books will help students unlock the power and pleasure of reading... and always ask for more!Unearthly remains recovered in Roswell! A rancher in New Mexico stumbles on something strange. It's like nothing else on Earth. The U.S. Army says...

Learning from SARS

Book Description

The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in late 2002 and 2003 challenged the global public health community to confront a novel epidemic that spread rapidly from its origins in southern China until it had reached more than 25 other countries within a matter of months. In addition to the number of patients infected with the SARS virus, the disease had profound economic and political repercussions in many of the affected regions. Recent reports of isolated new SARS cases and a fear that the disease could reemerge and spread have put public health officials on high alert for any indications of possible new outbreaks. This report examines the response to SARS by public health systems in individual countries, the biology of the SARS coronavirus and related coronaviruses in animals, the economic and political fallout of the SARS epidemic, quarantine law and other public health measures that apply to combating infectious diseases, and the role of international organizations and scientific cooperation in halting the spread of SARS. The report provides an illuminating survey of findings from the epidemic, along with an assessment of what might be needed in order to contain any future outbreaks of SARS or other emerging infections.


Book Description

A lyrical memoir that identifies the pressure to conform as a hidden threat to our civil rights, drawing on the author’s life as a gay Asian American man and his career as an acclaimed legal scholar. “[Kenji] Yoshino offers his personal search for authenticity as an encouragement for everyone to think deeply about the ways in which all of us have covered our true selves. . . . We really do feel newly inspired.”—The New York Times Book Review Everyone covers. To cover is to downplay a disfavored trait so as to blend into the mainstream. Because all of us possess stigmatized attributes, we all encounter pressure to cover in our daily lives. Racial minorities are pressed to “act white” by changing their names, languages, or cultural practices. Women are told to “play like men” at work. Gays are asked not to engage in public displays of same-sex affection. The devout are instructed to minimize expressions of faith, and individuals with disabilities are urged to conceal the paraphernalia that permit them to function. Given its pervasiveness, we may experience this pressure to be a simple fact of social life. Against conventional understanding, Kenji Yoshino argues that the work of American civil rights law will not be complete until it attends to the harms of coerced conformity. Though we have come to some consensus against penalizing people for differences based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and disability, we still routinely deny equal treatment to people who refuse to downplay differences along these lines. At the same time, Yoshino is responsive to the American exasperation with identity politics, which often seems like an endless parade of groups asking for state and social solicitude. He observes that the ubiquity of covering provides an opportunity to lift civil rights into a higher, more universal register. Since we all experience the covering demand, we can all make common cause around a new civil rights paradigm based on our desire for authenticity—a desire that brings us together rather than driving us apart. Praise for Covering “Yoshino argues convincingly in this book, part luminous, moving memoir, part cogent, level-headed treatise, that covering is going to become more and more a civil rights issue as the nation (and the nation’s courts) struggle with an increasingly multiethnic America.”—San Francisco Chronicle “[A] remarkable debut . . . [Yoshino’s] sense of justice is pragmatic and infectious.”—Time Out New York


Book Description

The conventional wisdom of Watergate is turned on its head by Postgate, revealing that the Post did not uncover Watergate as much as it covered it up. The Nixon Administration, itself involved in a coverup, was the victim of a journalistic smoke-screen that prevented mitigation of its criminal guilt. As a result of the paper’s successful misdirection, today’s strikingly deceptive partisan journalism can be laid at the doorstep of the Washington Post. After Deep Throat’s lawyer, author John O’Connor, discovered that the Post had betrayed his client while covering up the truth about Watergate, his indefatigable research resulted in Postgate, a profoundly shocking tale of journalistic deceit. In an era when numerous modern media outlets rail about the guilt of their political enemies for speaking untruths, Postgate proves that the media can often credibly be viewed as the party actually guilty of deception. Americans today mistrust the major media more than ever. Postgate will prove that this distrust is richly deserved.

Industrial Management

Book Description

Reading Like a Writer

Book Description

In her entertaining and edifying New York Times bestseller, acclaimed author Francine Prose invites you to sit by her side and take a guided tour of the tools and tricks of the masters to discover why their work has endured. Written with passion, humour and wisdom, Reading Like a Writer will inspire readers to return to literature with a fresh eye and an eager heart – to take pleasure in the long and magnificent sentences of Philip Roth and the breathtaking paragraphs of Isaac Babel; to look to John le Carré for a lesson in how to advance plot through dialogue and to Flannery O’ Connor for the cunning use of the telling detail; to be inspired by Emily Brontë ’ s structural nuance and Charles Dickens’ s deceptively simple narrative techniques. Most importantly, Prose cautions readers to slow down and pay attention to words, the raw material out of which all literature is crafted, and reminds us that good writing comes out of good reading.