Creating Job Security. Resource Guide. 2nd Edition

Book Description

You Don't Need More Advice! Creating Job Security Resource Guide is not another advice book. It's an easy-to-use resource guide that gives you what you need in the quickest way possible. It's perfect for new grads and experienced professionals alike. You could spend hours searching for the job leads and resources you need -- or worse risk falling victim to a scam website that leaves you with harmful cookies or malware. Your time is worth more! The 2nd edition of the Creating Job Security Resource Guide is your key to finding what you need right away. Save yourself the hassle, time and risk by ordering your copy today. --- This conveniently-sized guide includes 130+ hot job resources, categorized by industry and featuring executive, general, freelance and stay-at-home Web sites. It includes the exclusive scoring model for turning experience, education, talents, and tools into viable career and business opportunities. The "Green Light Scoring Model" (TM) enables readers to evaluate career opportunities based on seven pre-determined elements for success: Income, Opportunity, Creativity, Feasibility, Flexibility, Stability, and Longevity. This simple but powerful resource guide empowers readers to create a short list of ideal jobs for them right now, along with the critical Web resources matching hiring companies with skilled and talented job seekers. --- In addition to the "Creating Job Security" series, Debra Yergen is the author of "Real Life 101" and a lecturer with Kaplan University. She is a recognized subject matter expert on the jobs market and has been published in more than 25 magazines worldwide, and interviewed by USA Today, The New York Times, Reader's Digest,,, Yahoo! Hot Jobs,,, and others about creating job security.

Creating Job Security

Book Description

"income, longevity, stability, flexibility, income, opportunity, creativity"--Title page.

A Village Romeo and Juliet (Swiss-German Classics)

Book Description

Love is necessarily an important element in all imaginative literature, but with Gottfried Keller it does not overshadow all other aspects of life. Great passion we do not find in his works. In "A Village Romeo and Juliet", it is not ill-consuming love that makes the two young people seek death, but the bitter realization of life's law, as they understood it, which made it impossible for them ever to be united. The story is a fine illustration of what a great artist may make out of his raw material. Keller had read in a newspaper a report of the suicide of two young people, the sort of tragedy that we may read almost daily in newspapers; he seized upon the possibilities of the situation and the result was this story, perhaps the best he ever wrote. --- Gottfried Keller (1819-1890) was one of the foremost Swiss novelists and one of the most original figures of German literature since Goethe, a master of style worthy to be classed with the great names of all ages. (John Albrecht Walz)

The Downfall (La Debacle. The Rougon-Macquart)

Book Description

In "The Downfall" Zola tells the story of a terrific land-slide which overwhelmed the French Second Empire: It is a story of war, grim and terrible; of a struggle to the death between two great nations. In it the author has put much of his finest work, and the result is one of the masterpieces of literature. The hero is Jean Macquart, son of Antoine Macquart and brother of Gervaise. After the terrible death of his wife, as told in "La Terre" ("The Soil"), Jean enlisted for the second time in the army, and went through the campaign up to the battle of Sedan. After the capitulation he was made prisoner, and in escaping was wounded. When he returned to active service he took part in crushing the excesses of the Commune in Paris... The Downfall has been described as "a prose epic of modern war," and vast though the subject be, it is treated in a manner that is powerful, painful, and pathetic.

Ursula (Swiss-German Classics)

Book Description

From the cycle "Zurich Novellas" by Gottfried Keller: In 1877 Gottfried Keller published his "Zurich Novellas" (Züricher Novellen), a series of short novels dealing with the history of Zurich and Switzerland. "Ursula" is a love story between a Swiss soldier and the daughter of a farmer during the time of the Swiss Reformation lead by Ulrich Zwingli and at the beginning of the Anabaptist movement in Europe in the 16th century. --- "Gottfried Keller was one of the foremost Swiss novelists and one of the most original figures of German literature since Goethe, a master of style worthy to be classed with the great names of all ages." (John Albrecht Walz)

Germinie Lacerteux (French Classics)

Book Description

In his will, Edmond de Goncourt (1822-1896) left a bequest in honor of his brother Jules de Goncourt (1830-1870) to establish and support a French literary salon, the Academie Goncourt, and later the famous Prix Goncourt, an award that to this day remains France's most significant literary prize. --- The Goncourt brothers, who co-authored a series of novels on social themes, were among the founders of literary "Naturalism" in France. Emile Zola would emerge as this movement's most important representative in his cycle of novels "Les Rougon- Macquart". --- Among the novels co-written by the Goncourt brothers, "Germinie Lacerteux" (1865) is especially noteworthy. The double-live of the novel's Parisian domestic servant, who is ground down and destroyed by the conditions she lives in, but who for decades keeps these conditions hidden from her employer, continues to captivate book-lovers in France and the rest of the world to this day.

The Hunger Pastor (German Classics)

Book Description

Wilhelm Raabe's novel entitled Der Hungerpastor (1864) is a classic example of the so-called "poetic realism" to which many - primarily bourgeois - German writers were devoted between 1850 and 1890. --- Wilhelm Raabe (1831 - 1910) became famous following the publication of his first novel, Die Chronik der Sperlingsgasse (The Sparrow Lane Chronicle), in 1856. His late works are known for their social criticism, while earlier novels, such as The Hunger Pastor, were intended to be primarily educational. --- With the figure of Hans Unwirrsch in The Hunger Pastor, Raabe completely lives up to his motto - "Look up to the stars. Pay attention to the streets." The budding pastor, who was born into poverty, "hungers" for knowledge and a respected place in society, but he constantly stumbles over obstacles that his own life, as well as the lives of his family and friends, place before him. --- Raabe's rambling style makes his works difficult reading for many contemporary readers. In this version of The Hunger Pastor, several chapters have therefore been summarized by the translator, while the most important ones are published in their original length. --- Despite some anti-Semitic elements, which were commonly found in the works of some 19th century bourgeois writers in Germany, The Hunger Pastor is and remains a German literature classic.

The DevOps Handbook

Book Description

Increase profitability, elevate work culture, and exceed productivity goals through DevOps practices. More than ever, the effective management of technology is critical for business competitiveness. For decades, technology leaders have struggled to balance agility, reliability, and security. The consequences of failure have never been greater―whether it's the debacle, cardholder data breaches, or missing the boat with Big Data in the cloud. And yet, high performers using DevOps principles, such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Etsy, and Netflix, are routinely and reliably deploying code into production hundreds, or even thousands, of times per day. Following in the footsteps of The Phoenix Project, The DevOps Handbook shows leaders how to replicate these incredible outcomes, by showing how to integrate Product Management, Development, QA, IT Operations, and Information Security to elevate your company and win in the marketplace.

The Honesties of Love

Book Description

In this comedy of bad manners, the ill-matched parents of too-young newly-weds Billy and Ann Richardson politely collide in a series of encounters guaranteed to insure catastrophe, when a wry college professor, a glamorous real estate agent, a randy plumber, and a frustrated housewife politely face off on some social and sexual battlefields. The confrontations may begin politely, but they are guaranteed to end in chaos when a husband and a wife - not each other's - find themselves embroiled in an affair that proves to be equally passionate and ridiculous. What begins as a test between social classes ends in a series of sexual confrontations. Billy and Ann find themselves forced to grow up in a hurry to begin to accept their parents as people who are just as vulnerable as everybody else. -- Far from the pastoral romance of "Winter Ridge" (published by Mon-dial in 2008) and the grim landscape of "The Prettiest Girls in Euphoria, Kansas" (Mondial, 2010), Bruce Kellner's novel "The Honesties of Love" turns a baleful eye on the minefield of marriage.