Crop Residue Based Densified Total Mixed Ration

Book Description

Crop residues are valuable resources since they form a bulk of ruminant feed in many tropical countries. Due to lack of effective management of these resources, unfortunately they are being burnt in some countries, causing environmental pollution. The present paper discusses a technology based on the formation of a complete diet in the form of densified feed blocks or pellets from straws mixed with minerals, oil seed cakes and other agroindustrial by-products. The methods for preparation of such total mixed rations, their use and impact have been presented. It is hoped that this technology will enhance income of farmers, decrease environmental pollution and help alleviate shortage of good quality feeds in tropical countries.

Densification of Crop Residues Based Complete Feed for Livestock

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In developing countries, where there is a severe shortage of feed and fodder, the complete feed system would help in utilizing locally available crop residues and in supplying of readymade, balanced complete feed for ruminants. In these countries, every year millions of tones of crop residues are transported from the area of surplus to deficit region and may increase too many fold under draught years. Transportation, handling and storage of these roughages are uneconomical due to their low bulk density. Under such circumstances, augmentation of feed and fodder utilization through complete feed system and suitable mechanical processing or densification of biomaterial is the need of hour to provide adequate balance feed to animals and to raise animal production. Complete Feed Block technology can be used as an effective tool for drought proofing in arid area. The complete feed block technology is a noble way to increase the efficiency of nutrient utilization from poor quality crop residues and to provide the adequate balanced ration to the animal at the time of scarcity. The concept of complete feed block could be a useful and dependable strategy for sustainable livestock production.

Breeding Sorghum for Diverse End Uses

Book Description

Breeding Sorghum for Diverse End Uses is a comprehensive overview of all significant global efforts for the genetic improvement of sorghum, a major crop of many semi-arid nations that is suitable for a huge range of uses, from human food, to biofuels. Split into two main sections, the book initially reviews the genetic suitability of sorghum for breeding, also providing the history of the genetic improvement of the grain. Finally, other sections look at specific breeding programs that could be improved in a number of areas, including human food, animal feed and industrial usage. Readers in academics, research, plant genetics and sorghum development will find this resource of great value. In addition, it is essential reading for engineers who utilize sorghum for food, feed and industrial materials in industry. Provides information on key advances in the genetic makeup of sorghum Allows plant breeders to apply this research to effectively breed new strains of sorghum that are dependent on final usage goals Includes the latest findings in each section to orient researchers to plans for future genetic enhancement

Animal nutrition strategies and options to reduce the use of antimicrobials in animal production

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Antimicrobial resistance is a global and increasing threat. Stewardship campaigns have been established, and policies implemented, to safeguard the appropriate use of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and plants. Restrictions on their use in animal production are on the agenda worldwide. Producers are investing in measures, involving biosecurity, genetics, health care, farm management, animal welfare, and nutrition, to prevent diseases and minimize the use of antimicrobials. Functional animal nutrition to promote animal health is one of the tools available to decrease the need for antimicrobials in animal production. Nutrition affects the critical functions required for host defence and disease resistance. Animal nutrition strategies should therefore aim to support these host defence systems and reduce the risk of the presence in feed and water of potentially harmful substances, such as mycotoxins, anti-nutritional factors and pathogenic bacteria and other microbes. General dietary measures to promote gastrointestinal tract health include the selective use of a combination of feed additives and feed ingredients to stabilize the intestinal microbiota and support mucosal barrier function. This knowledge, used to establish best practices in animal nutrition, could allow the adoption of strategies to reduce the need for antimicrobials and contain antimicrobial resistance.

Pastoralism – Making variability work

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Pastoral systems have evolved to function with the natural environment and therefore with variability. By identifying variability as an entry point, this paper aims at (i) engaging FAO in the mainstreaming of pastoralism by establishing the understanding of pastoralism, and its systematic inclusion in the normal operations of FAO, and at (ii) presenting an evidence based narrative on pastoralism to a specialists’ audience. Two main points are made in this document: First, pastoral systems are emblematic of farming with nature. Second, pastoral systems make use of variability in inputs (the environment) by matching it with variability in their own operational processes (flexibility in movements, animal breeds, labour force, etc.) in such a way as to reduce the variability in outputs (animal production and health, household’s food security, etc). Since 2015, the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub (PKH) has helped creating an institutional space for connecting and coordinating work on pastoralism within FAO. An Inter-Departmental Working Group on Pastoralism has been formed. The conceptual framework of this paper and early versions have benefited from comments and guidance of FAO staff as well as of specialists of pastoralism worldwide.

Animal Husbandry Research, Education and Development

Book Description

Livestock industry is vital in providing nutritive food rich in animal protein, supplementing family incomes and generating gainful employment for rural India, particularly among the small, marginal farmers, landless laborers and women. With the livestock and its allied sub-sectors assuming an important role in the national economy, there is a requirement to improve the present knowledge and information dissemination to students, teachers, planners and farmers. Prominent features of this book include vast coverage of the events from pre-independence to post -independence period in the areas of policy planning, research and development activities in veterinary, animal husbandry and animal sciences leading to 'white revolution', 'green revolution', 'egg revolution', 'pink revolution' and taking India at number one position in milk production, third in egg production, and fifth in meat production globally, with a mix of public-private partnership, technology adoption, policy support and political will. The book is easily understandable with factual information making it an excellent reference book. Animal Husbandry is directed to veterinary and agricultural students under the same faculties in Forestry and Horticulture. The book is recommended for teachers, research scientists, PG and UG students in disciplines including animal health, reproduction and production, encompassing animal nutrition, livestock products technology, animal genetics and breeding, and veterinary medicine. The faculties in Animal Husbandry and related disciplines must be necessarily updated for transforming the science in rural India. The book will cater to the needs of scholars in the streams of veterinary science, animal sciences, animal husbandry and agriculture undergoing BVSc & AH, BSc & AH, MVSc, MSc and Doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees.

Global assessment of soil carbon in grasslands

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Soils contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through carbon sequestration. By enhancing soil health and fertility, soils can play a crucial role in climate action, land degradation neutrality, and alleviating hunger. The present study provides a spatially explicit report on the state of grassland soils and can be used as a baseline for future work to explore the impacts of livestock management on soil carbon at regional, country and farm levels. Assessing the current state of grassland systems and their potential to sequester carbon in the soil is of key importance to understand the trade-offs between grassland services on food security, biodiversity conservation and climate mitigation.

Crop Residues in Sustainable Mixed Crop/livestock Farming Systems

Book Description

Technological constraints and opportunities in relation to class of livestock and production objectives; Trhe influence of socioeconomic factors on the availability and utilization of crop residues as animal feeds; Crop residues in Tropical Africa: trends in supply, demand and use; Cowpea and its improvement: key to sustainable mixed crop/livestock farming systems in West Africa; Dynamics of feed resources in mixed farming systems in Southeast, South Asia; West/Central Asia-North Africaand Latin America; Crop residues as a strategic resource in mixed farming systems; Alternatives to crop residues as feed resource in mixed farming systems; Alternatives to crop residues for soil amendment; Crop residues for feeding animals in Asia: technology development and adoption in crop/livestock systems; The national perspective: a synthesis of country reports presented at the Workshop.

Abiotic Stress Management for Resilient Agriculture

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This book offers a state-of-the-art overview of on abiotic stresses in terms of the challenges; scope and opportunities; copping strategies for adaptation and mitigation using novel tools for building resilience in agricultural crops and livestock; as well as for policy implementation. Divided into four major parts: advances and prospects for understanding stress environments; adaptation and mitigation options; crop-based mitigation strategies; and mitigation options in animal husbandry, the book focuses on problem-solving approaches and techniques that are essential for the medium to long-term sustainability of agricultural production systems The synthesis and integration of knowledge and experiences of specialists from different disciplines offers new perspectives in the versatile field of abiotic stress management, and as such is useful for various stakeholders, including agricultural students, scientists, environmentalists, policymakers, and social scientists.