Bank Secrecy Act/anti-money Laundering

Book Description

The Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act, also known as the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), and its implementing regulation, 31 CFR 103, is a tool the U.S. government uses to fight drug trafficking, money laundering, and other crimes. Congress enacted the BSA to prevent banks and other financial service providers from being used as intermediaries for, or to hide the transfer or deposit of money derived from, criminal activity. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) monitors national bank compliance with the BSA and 31 CFR 103. Since its passage, Congress has amended the BSA a number of times to enhance law enforcement effectiveness. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, which included the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 (MLCA), strengthened the government's ability to fight money laundering by making it a criminal activity. The Money Laundering Suppression Act of 1994 (Title IV of the Riegle-Neal Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994) required regulators to develop enhanced examination procedures and increase examiner training to improve the identification of money laundering schemes in financial institutions.

Bank Secrecy Act Compliance

Book Description

The Bank Secrecy Act consists of a number of record keeping and reporting requirements designed to overcome foreign bank secrecy laws and to deter money laundering. This Fifth Edition, give the indispensable combination of the most current regulatory information possible, a comprehensive reference guide and practical advice on handling one of banking's most complex regulations. It contains all the information needed on the BSA in one convenient volume. From the core regulations of the Act to the latest ruling of the Treasury Department, this book includes full coverage of the changes currently underway in Washington, including: the new Form 4789, complete with all regulations; minimum BSA compliance standards; the death penalty'' for non-complying banks; enhanced wire transfer record-keeping requirements; new cash reporting guidelines; updated information on the $3000 Rule.''

Federal Money Laundering Regulation

Book Description

Federal Money Laundering Regulation: Banking, Corporate and Securities Compliance is a comprehensive guide to understanding and complying with all U.S. legislation and regulatory requirements governing money laundering. Carefully written and well-organized, this book is the most authoritative but practical publication available in this subject area. Users of the book include banks, credit unions, securities broker-dealers, casinos, money services businesses, futures commission merchants, mutual funds, insurance companies and other financial institutions and their legal counsel, As well as regulatory and law enforcement agencies, The criminal bar, public accountants, and federal and state courts. The easy-to-use looseleaf format allows the reader to keep the volume up to date as annual supplements are issued. The current volume has approximately 1100 pages, organized in 27 chapters. Read the highlights in the latest supplement for Federal Money Laundering Regulation: Banking, Corporate and Securities Compliance .

Federal Money Laundering Regulation

Book Description

Federal Money Laundering Regulation: Banking, Corporate and Securities Compliance is your complete guide to understanding and complying with all U.S. statutes, regulations and court decisions governing money laundering activity. This valuable desk reference provides in-depth analysis and guidance on recordkeeping and reporting requirements, anti- money laundering compliance programs, money laundering crimes, asset forfeitures, and state and international measures against money laundering and terrorist financing. This guide is especially aimed at law firms and corporate counsel representing banks, insurance companies, securities broker-dealers, and other financial institutions, as well as the criminal bar, public accountants, and compliance officers. The Second Edition of Federal Money Laundering Regulation reflects a substantial reorganization and expansion of the previous edition, and adds three new chapters covering: terrorist financing (Chapter 5); OFAC compliance (Chapter 10); and special measures against foreign jurisdictions or financial institutions deemed to be and“of primary money laundering concernand” (Chapter 30). The remaining chapters have been extensively rewritten and reorganized to reflect major regulatory developments. Highlights include: Techniques used by federal, state, and local politicians to launder money. The new role of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to ensure anti-money laundering compliance by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks. Designing an adequate Customer Identification Program (CIP) for verifying the identity of persons seeking to open an account and checking customer names against terrorist lists. Responding to an information request under Section 314(a) of the Patriot Act. Exercising due diligence when opening and managing correspondent accounts for foreign banks and enhanced due diligence for certain correspondent accounts. Blocking (freezing) assets and property of OFAC-designated countries, entities or individuals, and reporting the blocked transactions. Using automated systems to facilitate BSA reporting, including flagging suspicious activity and large currency transactions.