Darkness at the Dawning

Book Description

"This book is about the variegated and convoluted reform phenomenon known as "progressivism." Southern reform's scope was broad; change was rich and multidirectional. Reformers sought many goals desired elsewhere in the United States and frequently joined in national movements for better government, improved economic opportunity, and sundry "moral" reforms. However, in several senses, southern reform was different: the race issue was intimately involved with southern movements; and fundamentally, the desire for reform ran deeper and broader in the South than in other regions."--Book jacket.

Shadow of Darkness, Dawning of Light

Book Description

As far as consciousness is concerned we are still living in the Dark Ages. At some future time we will look back and be stunned at the blindness of our actions and limited views. Getting to this future point safely is our challenge. We have much to look forward to if we can avoid destroying ourselves or the environment in which we live. An awakening may be on the horizon - but only if we take action and make an effort to embrace it. Some enlightened masters have given us a glimpse as to what this awakened state would be like. Should more of us experience this, a better world could result. This book outlines ways that could move us toward a new consciousness and eventually shatter this old, outdated paradigm. Covers education, enlightenment, holistic awareness, alternative energy, international banks, mindless television, global warming, the future of religion, vegetarianism, community-based economies, and your own personal awakening. If you want to wake up and help others do the same, then read this book.

Dark Night Dawning

Book Description

Dawning of Clear Light

Book Description

Retreats in darkness have been used by all the great spiritual traditions for thousands of years as a method for tapping deep clarity, accessing sacred wisdom, connecting with the Divine, and training to transform the mind/body system into a manifestation of wisdom. In dark retreat, the practitioner lives in complete darkness--eating, sleeping, meditating, and simply existing in a world without external light. Traditionally, in Tibet, dark retreats were performed by monks as part of their training with the support of their monastery and their fellow monks. But dark retreats are of value to people from all walks of life, from the monastic to the busy householder--those with jobs, families, and all-too-many responsibilities. Martin Lowenthal has taken a practice little-known in the West and made it accessible by incorporating methods based in western psychology with traditional Tibetan Buddhism. There are many advantages of a retreat in the dark, one of which is rest for our eyes, weary from overstimulation in our visually oriented world, that then promotes overall relaxation of body and mind. This relaxation helps us cut through old mental and emotional habits, harmonizes the elements in the body, works with visions, and rests in the "Natural State." Retreats in the dark also improve the quality of our daily life. We can develop greater clarity and awareness in every aspect of living. When we improve the conditions of our lives, we provide an atmosphere more conducive to continued meditation practices. Dark retreat is also a powerful setting for practicing tantra. Tantra uses imagination, senses, and creativity to transform experience into food for the spirit. Dawning of Clear Light is a celebration, a joyous invitation to find the treasures that are hidden within your world and the world around you.


Book Description

First in a stunning new post-apocalyptic paranormal romance trilogy. Growing up with an unstable, often absent father who preached about the end of the world, Jenna never thought in her wildest nightmares that his predictions would come true. Or that he would have a plan in place to save her--one that includes the strong, stoic man who kidnaps and takes her to a remote cabin in the Pacific Northwest. The mysterious ex-soldier named Mason owes a life-debt to Jenna's father. Skilled and steadfast, he's ready for the prophesied Change, but Jenna proves tough to convince. Until the power grid collapses and mutant dogs attack--vicious things that reek of nature gone wrong. When five strangers appear, desperate to escape the bloodthirsty packs, Jenna defies her protector and rescues them. As technology fails and the old world falls away, Jenna changes too, forever altered by supernatural forces. To fight for their future, she and Mason must learn to trust their instinctive passion--a flame that will see them through the bitter winter, the endless nights, and the violence of a new Dark Age.

Night of Tragedy

Book Description

On September 15, 1999, a lone gunman entered a church youth rally, shot several rounds of ammunition, and killed seven people before killing himself. This book is the official record of the tragedies and victories of that night and the days that followed - a story of how the One who is the Light turned tragedy into triumph.

Lucid Dreaming

Book Description


Book Description

In the year 2030 a great earthquake strikes the Mid-East nations. A ground fault forms under the oil fields. 85% of the world's oil supply is lost. The price of gasoline fires up to $500 a gallon. The automobile industry collapses. Millions are thrown out of work. Bloody riots shake the nation. Martial law is declared, and from the ashes rises a dictator named ALIB DEEDS. He forms a gestapo-like police force called, FLEDGLING ONE. Privately owned vehicles are banned. People are moved into living quads where power is strictly controlled. Cities are surrounded by electric fences. The penalty is death for anyone who tries to leave the city. Freedom fighters Brick Sanders and Tyra McCord, steal a jeep from the federal motor pool. They have a gun battle with the guards at Fuel Dispersal Center No.2, and head for the fence. A bullet hits the gas tank. The speeding jeep sputters and rolls to a stop. The Fledglings are right behind them. Brick looks at the gauge in front of him. They are out of gas...

Devil's Night Dawning

Book Description

For centuries, the monastic Order of St Argo has stood between the mortal vale and the dark forces of the Other Side. Now a mystery warlock seeks an ancient power to rule realms, and only two of its witch hunters can stop him - if they can stay alive long enough to identify him... When young novice Adelko is assigned to legendary adept Horskram, he rejoices at the chance to lead an adventurous life. An adventurous death isn't what he had in mind - but it comes calling when they learn of a sorcerous theft, one that could bring ruin on the Known World. They suspect a demonologist at work, but don't know anything for sure. Whoever it is knows who they are and wants to silence them - permanently. As they flee from one danger to another, their homeland erupts into civil war - the rebellious southern barons have reunited and want to dethrone the King of Northalde. The world they know teeters on the brink of a momentous struggle that will reshape it forever... High fantasy meets gothic horror in this gripping tale of suspense, conflict, faith and magic - the first part in an epic saga of sweeping proportions.

The Dawning of Power

Book Description

Echoes of the ancients' power are distant memories, tattered and faded by the passage of eons, but that is about to change. A new dawn has arrived. Latent abilities, harbored in mankind's deepest fibers, wait to be unleashed. Ancient evils awaken, and old fears ignite the fires of war.