Synchronous data acquisition with wireless sensor networks

Book Description

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are predicted to play a key role in future technological developments like the internet of things. Already they are beginning to be used in many applications not only in the scientific and industrial domains. One of the biggest challenges, when using WSN, is to fuse and evaluate data from different sensor nodes. Synchronizing the data acquisition of the nodes is a key enabling factor for this. So far research has been focused on synchronizing the clocks of the nodes, largely neglecting the implications for the actual measurement results. This thesis investigates the relation between synchronization accuracy and quality of measurement results. Two different classes of time synchronous data acquisition are investigated: event detection and waveform sampling. A model is developed that describes a WSN as a generic multi-channel data acquisition system, thus enabling direct comparison to other existing systems. With the help of this model it is shown, that synchronization accuracy should best be expressed as uncertainty of the acquired timing information. This way, not only the contribution of the synchronization to the overall measurement uncertainty can be assessed, but also the synchronization accuracy required for an application can be estimated. The insights from the uncertainty analysis are used to develop two distinct approaches to synchronous data acquisition: a proactive and a reactive one. It is shown that the reactive approach can also be used to efficiently implement synchronous angular sampling, i.e. data acquisition synchronous to the rotation of a machine's shaft. Furthermore, testing methods are suggested, that evaluate the synchronized data acquisition of an existing WSN as a whole. These methods can be applied to other data acquisition systems without changes, thus enabling direct comparisons. The practical realization of a WSN is described, on which the developed data acquisition methods have been implemented. All implementations were thoroughly tested in experiments, using the suggested testing methods. This way it was revealed, that a system's interrupt handling procedures may have a strong influence on the data acquisition. Furthermore, it was shown that the effective use of fixed-point arithmetic enables synchronous angular sampling in real-time during a streaming measurement. Finally, two application examples are used to illustrate the utility of the implemented data acquisition: the acoustic localization of two sensor nodes on a straight line and a simple order tracking at an induction motor test bench. Diese Dissertation untersucht die Zusammenhänge zwischen Synchronisationsgenauigkeit und Qualität der Messergebnisse. Zwei Klassen von zeitsynchroner Datenerfassung werden dabei betrachtet: die Detektion von Ereignissen und die Aufnahme von Kurvenformen. Es wird ein Modell entwickelt, welches ein WSN als ein allgemeines mehrkanaliges Datenerfassungssystem beschreibt. Dies ermöglicht den direkten Vergleich zwischen WSN und anderen Messsystemen. Weiter wird mit Hilfe des Modells gezeigt, dass die Synchronisationsgenauigkeit vorzugsweise als Unsicherheit der Zeitinformation angegeben werden sollte. Hierdurch kann nicht nur der Beitrag der Synchronisation zur gesamten Messunsicherheit bestimmt sondern auch die von einer Anwendung tatsächlich benötigte Synchronisationsgenauigkeit abgeschätzt werden. Ausgehend von den durch die Unsicherheitsbetrachtung gewonnenen Erkenntnissen werden ein proaktiver und ein reaktiver Ansatz zur synchronen Datenaufnahme entwickelt. Mit dem reaktiven Ansatz können Messdaten auch effizient drehwinkelsynchron, d. h. synchron zur Drehbewegung einer Maschinenwelle, aufgenommen werden. Es werden Testverfahren vorgeschlagen, mit denen sich die Synchronizität der Datenerfassung für ein WSN als Ganzes überprüfen lässt. Diese Verfahren lassen sich unverändert auf andere Messsysteme anwenden und ermöglichen somit direkte Vergleiche. Es wird die praktische Umsetzung eines WSN beschrieben, auf dem die entwickelten Methoden zur Datenerfassung implementiert wurden. Alle Implementierungen wurden mit den vorgeschlagenen Testverfahren untersucht. Hierdurch konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Interrupt-Bearbeitung der Sensorknoten entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Messdatenerfassung hat. Weiter konnte durch den Einsatz von Fixed-Punkt-Arithmetik die drehwinkelsynchrone Datenerfassung in Echtzeit realisiert werden. Schließlich wird die Nützlichkeit der implementierten Datenerfassung an zwei Anwendungen gezeigt: der akustischen Ortung zweier Sensorknoten sowie einer einfachen Ordnungsanalyse.

Data Acquisition for Sensor Systems

Book Description

'Data acquisition' is concerned with taking one or more analogue signals and converting them to digital form with sufficient accu racy and speed to be ready for processing by a computer. The increasing use of computers makes this an expanding field, and it is important that the conversion process is done correctly because information lost at this stage can never be regained, no matter how good the computation. The old saying - garbage in, garbage out - is very relevant to data acquisition, and so every part of the book contains a discussion of errors: where do they come from, how large are they, and what can be done to reduce them? The book aims to treat the data acquisition process in depth with less detailed chapters on the fundamental principles of measure ment, sensors and signal conditioning. There is also a chapter on software packages, which are becoming increasingly popular. This is such a rapidly changing topic that any review of available pro grams is bound to be out of date before the book reaches the read ers. For this reason, I have described the data handling which is available in various types of program and left it to the reader to select from whatever is on the market at the time.

Data Acquisition from HD Vehicles Using J1939 CAN Bus

Book Description

Modern vehicles have electronic control units (ECUs) to control various subsystems such as the engine, brakes, steering, air conditioning, and infotainment. These ECUs (or simply ‘controllers’) are networked together to share information, and output directly measured and calculated data to each other. This in-vehicle network is a data goldmine for improved maintenance, measuring vehicle performance and its subsystems, fleet management, warranty and legal issues, reliability, durability, and accident reconstruction. The focus of Data Acquisition from HD Vehicles Using J1939 CAN Bus is to guide the reader on how to acquire and correctly interpret data from the in-vehicle network of heavy-duty (HD) vehicles. The reader will learn how to convert messages to scaled engineering parameters, and how to determine the available parameters on HD vehicles, along with their accuracy and update rate. Written by two specialists in this field, Richard (Rick) P. Walter and Eric P. Walter, principals at HEM Data, located in the United States, the book provides a unique road map for the data acquisition user. The authors give a clear and concise description of the CAN protocol plus a review of all 19 parts of the SAE International J1939 standard family. Pertinent standards are illuminated with tables, graphs and examples. Practical applications covered are calculating fuel economy, duty cycle analysis, and capturing intermittent faults. A comparison is made of various diagnostic approaches including OBD-II, HD-OBD and World Wide Harmonized (WWH) OBD. Data Acquisition from HD Vehicles Using J1939 CAN Bus is a must-have reference for those interested to acquire data effectively from the SAE J1939 equipped vehicles.

Sensors for Automotive and Aerospace Applications

Book Description

This volume covers the various sensors related to automotive and aerospace sectors, discussing their properties as well as how they are realized, calibrated and deployed. Written by experts in the field, it provides a ready reference to product developers, researchers and students working on sensor design and fabrication, and provides perspective on both current and future research.

Data Acquisition and Signal Processing for Smart Sensors

Book Description

From simple thermistors to intelligent silicon microdevices with powerful capabilities to communicate information across networks, sensors play an important role in such diverse fields as biomedical and chemical engineering to wireless communications. Introducing a new dependent count method for frequency signal processing, this book presents a practical approach to the design of signal processing sensors. Modern advanced microsensors technologies require new and equally advanced methods of frequency signal processing in order to function at inreasingly high speeds. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of data acquisition and signal processing methods for the new generation of smart and quasi-smart sensors. The practical approach of the text includes coverage of the design of signal processing methods for digital, frequency, period, duty-cycle and time interval sensors. * Contains numerous practical examples illustrating the design of unique signal processing sensors and transducers * Details traditional, novel, and state of the art methods for frequency signal processing * Coverage of the physical characteristics of smart sensors, development methods and applications potential * Outlines the concept, principles and nature of the method of dependent count (MDC) ; a unique method for frequency signal processing, developed by the authors This text is a leading edge resource for measurement engineers, researchers and developers working in microsensors, MEMS and microsystems, as well as advanced undergraduates and graduates in electrical and mechanical engineering.

Data Acquisition Systems

Book Description

This book describes the fundamentals of data acquisition systems, how they enable users to sample signals that measure real physical conditions and convert the resulting samples into digital, numeric values that can be analyzed by a computer. The author takes a problem-solving approach to data acquisition, providing the tools engineers need to use the concepts introduced. Coverage includes sensors that convert physical parameters to electrical signals, signal conditioning circuitry to convert sensor signals into a form that can be converted to digital values and analog-to-digital converters, which convert conditioned sensor signals to digital values. Readers will benefit from the hands-on approach, culminating with data acquisition projects, including hardware and software needed to build data acquisition systems.

Handbook of Sensor Networks

Book Description

As the field of communications networks continues to evolve, the challenging area of wireless sensor networks is rapidly coming of age. Recent advances have made it possible to make sensor components more compact, robust, and energy efficient than ever, earning the idiosyncratic alias ofSmart Dust. Production has also improved, yielding larger,