De Nouveaux Défis Pour L'administration Du XXIème Siècle

Book Description

This work contains reports of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences. The scientific programme emphasizes a comparative approach and incorporates significant theoretical and conceptual developments. Six workshops are reported upon including the reconstruction of government functions, decentralization, redesigning for responsiveness, accountability and risk-taking, special interests and client relationships, reaffirmation of values, and mobilizing learning. A panel on administrative reform in China forms a unique contribution. Readers include professionals, scholars and students of public administration.

IIAS/IISA Administration & Service 1930-2005-

Book Description

Consisting of six essays, this book gives an account of the history of the Institute. It describes the evolution of the governance, the membership, and the activities of the IIAS and reconstructs the international dimension of the Institute's life from its earlier stage to WWII. It focuses on the special relationship between the IIAS and Brussels.

Governance in a Changing Environment

Book Description

Fiscal cutbacks, the public's declining confidence in government, and new ideologies are forcing the public sector in industrialized democracies to undertake major reforms. In these essays contributing authors examine changes to the political and economic environment and the ways in which governments have responded. The essays explain what is happening in government in the late twentieth century and suggest changes that can be expected in the future.

Law, Norms and Freedoms in Cyberspace / Droit, normes et libertés dans le cybermonde

Book Description

Professeur, chercheur, directeur de centre, doyen et recteur, Yves Poullet s’est illustré dans toutes les étapes et fonctions d’une carrière universitaire bien remplie, marquant des générations d’étudiants, de chercheurs, de collègues et de pairs. Spécialiste éminent et incontournable du droit de l’internet et des technologies de l’information et de la communication, il en est aussi l'un des précurseurs en fondant dès 1979 un des premiers centres de recherche européens en la matière. Par cet ouvrage, collègues, amis, anciens doctorants rendent hommage à l’une des plus belles plumes de la discipline, en lui offrant leurs réflexions sur l’influence réciproque du droit et de la technologie. Leurs contributions démontrent l’étendue de l’expertise et des réseaux européens et internationaux d’Yves Poullet. Elles s’articulent autour de trois axes qui furent autant de perspectives dans lesquelles il a inscrit sa recherche : le droit, les normes et les libertés. La richesse de ce volume témoigne de son attention à l’humain, des amitiés qu’il a nouées, mais aussi des sillons qu’il a tracés en droit des technologies de l’information et de la communication, sillons dans lesquels a poussé une forêt luxuriante, toujours fertile. C’est l’héritage d’un grand penseur, d’un véritable universitaire. =========== Yves Poullet has not merely served but excelled in all functions of the University world. Whether as professor, researcher, director of a research centre or as dean and rector, he has left a lasting impression in the minds of generations of students, researchers, colleagues and peers. He is a preeminent expert on the law of Internet and Information and Communications Technologies who, already in 1979, pioneered one of the first European research centres in the field. This volume is a tribute to Yves Poullet from colleagues, friends, former PhD researchers, offering their reflections on the reciprocal influence of law and technology. These contributions highlight both the range of expertise and the extent of the European and international networks he has nourished. They address the three main research axes Yves Poullet has developed through the years: law, norms and freedoms. The authors of this volume pay homage to a mentor, a friend, but above all to an exceptional researcher who has sown countless seeds in the field, enabling a luxurious landscape to grow and become a source of inspiration for many scholars. This is the heritage of a genuine thinker, a real academic.

Annuaire Europeen 1999/European Yearbook 1999

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions.

Labour Administration in Uncertain Times

Book Description

This book will prove a thought-provoking read for academics, researchers and students of economics _ particularly labour economics, social policy and public administration. Policy-makers and practitioners involved with labour administration at any leve

The Call for Innovative and Open Government An Overview of Country Initiatives

Book Description

This report presents an overview of country initiatives concerning efficient, effective public services and open and innovative government. It focuses on four core issues: delivery of public services in times of fiscal consolidation; a more ...

National Approaches to the Governance of Historical Heritage Over Time

Book Description

The five elements - governmental authorities, public discourse, corporate and market interests, citizens' associations and international agencies - may help in figuring out the complex and challenging purpose of the research work presented in this volume which is nothing less than the history of the governance of cultural and natural heritage in eleven countries, from its outset to the present. Speaking about governance is challenging. The term has been vastly used and misused. But today, when the feverish popularity of the concept is probably in decline, we rest with one solid conviction at least: that social, economic, cultural and institutional processes are governed not only through government (be it national or local) with its legislative, administrative and jurisdictional mechanisms, but through a larger array of different actors and factors. These include schools and universities, citizens' associations, public opinion, economic corporations, non-governmental organizations, learned societies, unions, media, international agencies, clubs, consultants etc. In fact, the reader is going to meet quite a few of these actors in this publication; they are the unavoidable characters involved in the story the authors have set out to tell.