Debating Democracy's Discontent

Book Description

In this timely and provocative volume, some of the world's leading political and constitutional theorists come together to debate Michael Sandel's celebrated thesis that the United States is in the the grip of a flawed public philosophy - "procedural liberalism". Beginning with an original stage-setting introduction by Ronald Beiner, and ending with a reply by Michael Sandel, Sandel's liberal and feminist critics square off with his communitarian and civic republican sympathizers in a lively and wide-ranging discussion spanning constitutional law, culture, and political economy. Practical, topical issues of immigration, gay marriage, federalism, adoption, abortion, corporate speech, militias, and economic disparity are debated alongside theories of civic virtue, citizenship, identity, and community. Not only does this volume provide the most comprehensive and insightful critique of Sandel's Democracy's Discontent to date - it also makes a very significant, substantive contribution to contemporary political and legal philosophy in its own right. It will prove essential reading for all those interested in the future of American politics, law, and public philosophy.

Democracy’s Discontent

Book Description

On American democracy

Democracy's Discontent

Book Description

Twenty-five years after his prescient Democracy's Discontent, Michael Sandel updates his classic work for our more fractious age. He shows how, since the 1990s, Democrats and Republicans embraced a market faith that led to the toxic politics of our time. To rescue democracy, he argues, we must reimagine the economy and revitalize the civic project.

Democracy's Discontent

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Debating Democracy

Book Description

"Around the world, faith in democracy is falling. Partisanship and mutual distrust are increasing. What, if anything, should we do about these problems? In this accessible work, leading philosophers Jason Brennan and Hélène Landemore debate whether the solution lies in having less democracy or more. Brennan argues that democracy has systematic flaws, and that democracy does not and cannot work the way most of us commonly assume. He argues the best solution is to limit democracy's scope and to experiment with certain voting systems that can overcome democracy's problems. Landemore argues that democracy's virtues, which stem, at an ideal level, from its inclusiveness and egalitarian distribution of power, are not properly manifested in the historical regime form that we call "representative democracy." Whereas "representative democracy" centers an oligarchic form of representation by elected officials, Landemore defends s a more authentic paradigm of popular rule-open democracy--in which legislative power is open to all on an equal basis, including via lottery-based mechanisms"--

Debating Democracy

Book Description

This reader offers two readings per chapter organised in a debate-style format, representing opposing viewpoints. The straightforward, thought-provoking presentation facilitates classroom discussion. Highlights of this fourth edition include: - New! Chapter 4, Civil Society, contains essays by Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse of American Community, and William A. Galston and Peter Levine, America's Civic Condition: A Glance at the Evidence. - New! Chapter 8, Public Opinion: The American People After September 11, includes two new essays: Age of Conflict, by David Brooks and Which America Will We Be Now? by Bill Moyers. - New! Chapter 10, Political Parties and Elections: What Was the 2000 Presidential Contest About? includes articles by David Brooks, One Nation, Slightly Divisible, and Lani Gunier, What We Must Overcome. - New! Chapter 12, Local Democracy, contains essays for and against suburban sprawl and governance by Gregg Easterbrook and Todd Swanstrom. - New! Chapter 14, The Presidency: How Much Difference Does the Individual Make? features new essays by Fred Greenstein, Lessons from the Modern Presidency, and Stephen Skowronek, The Changing Political Structures of Presidential Leadership. - New! Chapter 18, U.S. Foreign Policy: What Should It Be After September 11?, includes articles by Charles Krauthammer, The Real New World Order, and Benjamin R. Barber, On Terrorism and the New Democratic Realism.

Citizenship and Its Discontents

Book Description

Breaking new ground in scholarship, Niraja Jayal writes the first history of citizenship in the largest democracy in the world—India. Unlike the mature democracies of the west, India began as a true republic of equals with a complex architecture of citizenship rights that was sensitive to the many hierarchies of Indian society. In this provocative biography of the defining aspiration of modern India, Jayal shows how the progressive civic ideals embodied in the constitution have been challenged by exclusions based on social and economic inequality, and sometimes also, paradoxically, undermined by its own policies of inclusion. Citizenship and Its Discontents explores a century of contestations over citizenship from the colonial period to the present, analyzing evolving conceptions of citizenship as legal status, as rights, and as identity. The early optimism that a new India could be fashioned out of an unequal and diverse society led to a formally inclusive legal membership, an impulse to social and economic rights, and group-differentiated citizenship. Today, these policies to create a civic community of equals are losing support in a climate of social intolerance and weak solidarity. Once seen by Western political scientists as an anomaly, India today is a site where every major theoretical debate about citizenship is being enacted in practice, and one that no global discussion of the subject can afford to ignore.

Democracy's Dangers & Discontents

Book Description

By democracy we usually mean a government comprising popular rule, individual human rights and freedom, and a free-market economy. Yet the flaws in traditional Athenian democracy can instruct us on the weaknesses of that first element of modern democracies shared with Athens: rule by all citizens equally. In Democracy's Dangers & Discontents, Bruce Thornton discusses those criticisms first aired by ancient critics of Athenian democracy, then traces the historical process by which the Republic of the founders has evolved into something similar to ancient democracy, and finally argues for the relevance of those critiques to contemporary U.S. policy. He asserts that many of the problems we face today are the consequences of the increasing democratization of our government and that the flaws of democracy are unlikely to be corrected. He argues that these dangers and discontents do not have to end in soft despotism—that American democracy's aptitude and strength can be recovered by restoring the limited government of the founders.

The Politics of American Discontent

Book Description

Americans' dissatisfaction with government is at an all-time high. Drawing on an inside track on Washington, leading political pollster Gordon Black paints a compelling portrait of a government out of control and provides persuasive evidence that a new party could get it back on track. 50-60 charts/graphs/tables.

Liberalism and Its Discontents

Book Description

A short book about the challenges to liberalism from the right and the left by the bestselling author of The Origins of Political Order. Classical liberalism is in a state of crisis. Developed in the wake of Europe’s wars over religion and nationalism, liberalism is a system for governing diverse societies, which is grounded in fundamental principles of equality and the rule of law. It emphasizes the rights of individuals to pursue their own forms of happiness free from encroachment by government. It's no secret that liberalism didn't always live up to its own ideals. In America, many people were denied equality before the law. Who counted as full human beings worthy of universal rights was contested for centuries, and only recently has this circle expanded to include women, African Americans, LGBTQ+ people, and others. Conservatives complain that liberalism empties the common life of meaning. As the renowned political philosopher Francis Fukuyama shows in Liberalism and Its Discontents, the principles of liberalism have also, in recent decades, been pushed to new extremes by both the right and the left: neoliberals made a cult of economic freedom, and progressives focused on identity over human universality as central to their political vision. The result, Fukuyama argues, has been a fracturing of our civil society and an increasing peril to our democracy. In this short, clear account of our current political discontents, Fukuyama offers an essential defense of a revitalized liberalism for the twenty-first century.