Deformations of Algebraic Schemes

Book Description

This account of deformation theory in classical algebraic geometry over an algebraically closed field presents for the first time some results previously scattered in the literature, with proofs that are relatively little known, yet relevant to algebraic geometers. Many examples are provided. Most of the algebraic results needed are proved. The style of exposition is kept at a level amenable to graduate students with an average background in algebraic geometry.

Deformation Theory

Book Description

The basic problem of deformation theory in algebraic geometry involves watching a small deformation of one member of a family of objects, such as varieties, or subschemes in a fixed space, or vector bundles on a fixed scheme. In this new book, Robin Hartshorne studies first what happens over small infinitesimal deformations, and then gradually builds up to more global situations, using methods pioneered by Kodaira and Spencer in the complex analytic case, and adapted and expanded in algebraic geometry by Grothendieck. The author includes numerous exercises, as well as important examples illustrating various aspects of the theory. This text is based on a graduate course taught by the author at the University of California, Berkeley.

A Study in Derived Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

Derived algebraic geometry is a far-reaching generalization of algebraic geometry. It has found numerous applications in other parts of mathematics, most prominently in representation theory. This volume develops deformation theory, Lie theory and the theory of algebroids in the context of derived algebraic geometry. To that end, it introduces the notion of inf-scheme, which is an infinitesimal deformation of a scheme and studies ind-coherent sheaves on such. As an application of the general theory, the six-functor formalism for D-modules in derived geometry is obtained. This volume consists of two parts. The first part introduces the notion of ind-scheme and extends the theory of ind-coherent sheaves to inf-schemes, obtaining the theory of D-modules as an application. The second part establishes the equivalence between formal Lie group(oids) and Lie algebr(oids) in the category of ind-coherent sheaves. This equivalence gives a vast generalization of the equivalence between Lie algebras and formal moduli problems. This theory is applied to study natural filtrations in formal derived geometry generalizing the Hodge filtration.

The Geometry of Schemes

Book Description

Grothendieck’s beautiful theory of schemes permeates modern algebraic geometry and underlies its applications to number theory, physics, and applied mathematics. This simple account of that theory emphasizes and explains the universal geometric concepts behind the definitions. In the book, concepts are illustrated with fundamental examples, and explicit calculations show how the constructions of scheme theory are carried out in practice.

Deformation Theory of Algebras and Structures and Applications

Book Description

This volume is a result of a meeting which took place in June 1986 at 'll Ciocco" in Italy entitled 'Deformation theory of algebras and structures and applications'. It appears somewhat later than is perhaps desirable for a volume resulting from a summer school. In return it contains a good many results which were not yet available at the time of the meeting. In particular it is now abundantly clear that the Deformation theory of algebras is indeed central to the whole philosophy of deformations/perturbations/stability. This is one of the main results of the 254 page paper below (practically a book in itself) by Gerstenhaber and Shack entitled "Algebraic cohomology and defor mation theory". Two of the main philosphical-methodological pillars on which deformation theory rests are the fol lowing • (Pure) To study a highly complicated object, it is fruitful to study the ways in which it can arise as a limit of a family of simpler objects: "the unraveling of complicated structures" . • (Applied) If a mathematical model is to be applied to the real world there will usually be such things as coefficients which are imperfectly known. Thus it is important to know how the behaviour of a model changes as it is perturbed (deformed).

Noncommutative Deformation Theory

Book Description

Noncommutative Deformation Theory is aimed at mathematicians and physicists studying the local structure of moduli spaces in algebraic geometry. This book introduces a general theory of noncommutative deformations, with applications to the study of moduli spaces of representations of associative algebras and to quantum theory in physics. An essential part of this theory is the study of obstructions of liftings of representations using generalised (matric) Massey products. Suitable for researchers in algebraic geometry and mathematical physics interested in the workings of noncommutative algebraic geometry, it may also be useful for advanced graduate students in these fields.

Lectures on Logarithmic Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

A self-contained introduction to logarithmic geometry, a key tool for analyzing compactification and degeneration in algebraic geometry.

Representations of Algebraic Groups

Book Description

Gives an introduction to the general theory of representations of algebraic group schemes. This title deals with representation theory of reductive algebraic groups and includes topics such as the description of simple modules, vanishing theorems, Borel-Bott-Weil theorem and Weyl's character formula, and Schubert schemes and lne bundles on them.

Fundamental Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

Presents an outline of Alexander Grothendieck's theories. This book discusses four main themes - descent theory, Hilbert and Quot schemes, the formal existence theorem, and the Picard scheme. It is suitable for those working in algebraic geometry.

Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles

Book Description

A novel feature of the book is its integrated approach to algebraic surface theory and the study of vector bundle theory on both curves and surfaces. While the two subjects remain separate through the first few chapters, they become much more tightly interconnected as the book progresses. Thus vector bundles over curves are studied to understand ruled surfaces, and then reappear in the proof of Bogomolov's inequality for stable bundles, which is itself applied to study canonical embeddings of surfaces via Reider's method. Similarly, ruled and elliptic surfaces are discussed in detail, before the geometry of vector bundles over such surfaces is analysed. Many of the results on vector bundles appear for the first time in book form, backed by many examples, both of surfaces and vector bundles, and over 100 exercises forming an integral part of the text. Aimed at graduates with a thorough first-year course in algebraic geometry, as well as more advanced students and researchers in the areas of algebraic geometry, gauge theory, or 4-manifold topology, many of the results on vector bundles will also be of interest to physicists studying string theory.