Demise of a Self-Centered Playboy

Book Description

You might be wondering how you’ll know when your playboy ways are coming to an end. For some it might be an unexpected pregnancy (ahem… you know who), for others it might be finally landing the one woman you’ve always wanted (cough… I won’t mention any names). For me, it was the death of my mentor and the subsequent reading of his will. The signs were there, they always are. But I didn’t notice them until it was too late, and my demise was complete. Demise Sign #1 – You find yourself thrust into the land of responsibility and you don’t immediately hightail it out of town. Demise Sign #2 – Despite being stuck with the world’s biggest Jekyll & Hyde, some sadistic part of you actually enjoys spending time with her. Demise Sign #3 – Your family suddenly stops wanting to weigh in on every decision in your life. Demise Sign #4 – Somehow you end up being the voice of reason in your tumultuous partnership. Demise Sign #5 – You start thinking of other people before yourself. Demise Sign #6 – You agree to put yourself in the middle of an Alaskan reality TV show that has both of you sleeping in the same tent. Demise Complete.

Demise of a Self-centered Playboy

Book Description

You might be wondering how you'll know when your playboy ways are coming to an end. For some it might be an unexpected pregnancy (ahem... you know who), for others it might be finally landing the one woman you've always wanted (cough... I won't mention any names). For me, it was the death of my mentor and the subsequent reading of his will.The signs were there, they always are. But I didn't notice them until it was too late, and my demise was complete.Demise Sign #1Demise Sign #4Demise Sign #6 - You agree to put yourself in the middle of an Alaskan reality TV show that has both of you sleeping in the same tent.Demise Complete.

Lessons from a One-Night Stand

Book Description

"Funny. Swoon worthy. Heartwarming. An unforgettable story and an incredible start to the series! A new favorite!" - Devney Perry, USA Today Bestselling Author If you’re a guy like me, and you find yourself having banged your sexy new boss—the school principal—in the back of your Jeep one drunken night, here’s a few takeaways based on my experience... Lesson One: Always get her FULL name. Lesson Two: Consider asking what she does for a living. Lesson Three: Find out why she’s moved to town. Get details. Details are crucial. Lesson Four: Don’t alter her bio in front of an auditorium of high school students unless you know she has a sense of humor for that sort of thing. Lesson Five: If you ignore Lesson Four, apologize instead of flirt when you’re sent to the principal’s office. Lesson Six: NEVER sleep with her again. Lesson Seven: Pay attention to this one—it’s the most important of them all. Don’t fall for your one-night stand. Class dismissed. "These characters were funny, relatable, and real, making it an addictive page turner I couldn't get enough of!" - Kennedy Fox, USA Today Bestselling Author ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Birth of a Baby Daddy

Book Description

"Best small town romance series I've ever read and every book just gets better and better!" - Angie, Angie's Dreamy Reads ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ If you’re having fun living your bachelor life in your Alaskan hometown and out of nowhere a woman shows up holding a baby she insists is yours, you need a plan—a birth plan. BP Step #1 – Lift your jaw off the floor. BP Step #2 – Figure out the baby’s age—do the math. BP Step #3 – Try to remember the woman and with any luck, her name. BP Step #4 – Double check that she’s not confusing you with your twin brother. BP Step #5 – Ignore your five sister’s scowls as your entire family watches the drama unfold. There’s only one thing you shouldn’t do. BP Step #6 – Don’t assume she’s there because she wants your daughter to call you Daddy. You’ll only end up disappointed. Time to figure out a new plan—one that changes her mind.

Falling for my Brother's Best Friend

Book Description

Let’s say you’re an independent, self-sufficient woman who runs the family company and you find yourself falling for your little brother’s best friend. Now, more than ever, you need to count all the reasons why you need to abandon falling. Abandon Falling #1 – He’s a womanizer. Hasn’t had a serious relationship a day in his life and changes women more often than he changes his sheets. Abandon Falling #2 – He’s never serious. He cracks one-liners, mostly at your expense. Abandon Falling #3 – When things go wrong, he seems unfazed and always remains in control. It’s so annoying. Abandon Falling #4 – He has tattoos. Lots of them. Everywhere. Not to mention, he owns a tattoo parlor. (Damn it! Why doesn’t that sound like a bad thing anymore?) Abandon Falling #5 – There’s a growing list of how different you two are. You can’t get along for fifteen minutes—a lifetime together would land one of you in prison. Keep repeating those reasons and drown yourself in work. Pretend you don’t notice his good qualities or how enticing he looks without a shirt, and do not, I repeat, do not agree to live with the man while your place is being repaired from flood damage. Trust me, even the strongest of us can only forego temptation for so long.

Operation Bailey Wedding (Bailey Series Novella)

Book Description

No one would have guessed a marriage could sprout from a one-night stand, but Holly Radcliffe and Austin Bailey appear to be written in the stars. From the backseat of Austin's Jeep to the altar they come. The town of Lake Starlight along with the Bailey's are prepping for the event of the year, but as usual things never go smoothly with these nine siblings and let's not forget Grandma Dori! This is a novella in the Bailey series!

A Royal Mistake

Book Description

He’s not your average Joe from the corner bar. He’s the heir to the crown. I should know, I’ve followed him for years. Not in a stalkerish way. Magazines and online gossip blogs are fair game when you’re royalty. But I do know every detail about him, down to the brand of boxer briefs he wears. All my studying of the man who plays a starring role in my dreams pays off when I win a dinner with him. As if that wasn’t enough, he barters a deal with me that has him moving into my spare guest room. I forgot that fairy tales don’t exist though because just as I’m about to get everything I want, including the prince, I find out there’s someone in Prince Adrian Marx’s life I don’t know—his fiancée.

My Unexpected Surprise

Book Description

I never thought of myself as dad material. Until my one-night stand showed up in my small Alaskan town five months pregnant. But I don’t shy away from responsibility. First, because I’m a Greene and not to boast but we’re kind of a big deal in Sunrise Bay. Second, I’m the Sheriff. I couldn’t have predicted how protective I’d become for the safety of her and my unborn baby to the point of asking her to move in with me and be my roommate. Just when I think I have the situation under control, another surprise knocks me over, but it only spurs me to double down. I’ll be the first to admit, I didn’t think it through. Somewhere between the dinners, the TV show binging, the doctor appointments, and me walking in on her naked, lines blurred. In what feels like warp speed, my bachelor for life status is in jeopardy and I’m fighting for the most important thing of all—my family.