Development of a New Monte Carlo Reactor Physics Code

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Monte Carlo neutron transport codes are widely used in various reactor physics applications, traditionally related to criticality safety analyses, radiation shielding problems, detector modelling and validation of deterministic transport codes. The main advantage of the method is the capability to model geometry and interaction physics without major approximations. The disadvantage is that the modelling of complicated systems is very computing-intensive, which restricts the applications to some extent. The importance of Monte Carlo calculation is likely to increase in the future, along with the development in computer capacities and parallel calculation. An interesting near-future application for the Monte Carlo method is the generation of input parameters for deterministic reactor simulator codes. These codes are used in coupled LWR full-core analyses and typically based on fewgroup nodal diffusion methods. The input data consists of homogenised fewgroup constants, presently generated using deterministic lattice transport codes. The task is becoming increasingly challenging, along with the development in nuclear technology. Calculations involving high-burnup fuels, advanced MOX technology and next-generation reactor systems are likely to cause problems in the future, if code development cannot keep up with the applications. A potential solution is the use of Monte Carlo based lattice transport codes, which brings all the advantages of the calculation method. So far there has been only a handful of studies on group constant generation using the Monte Carlo method, although the interest has clearly increased during the past few years. The homogenisation of reaction cross sections is simple and straightforward, and it can be carried out using any Monte Carlo code. Some of the parameters, however, require the use of special techniques that are usually not available in general-purpose codes. The main problem is the calculation of neutron diffusion coefficients, which have no continuous-energy counterparts in the Monte Carlo calculation. This study is focused on the development of an entirely new Monte Carlo neutron transport code, specifically intended for reactor physics calculations at the fuel assembly level. The PSG code is developed at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and one of the main applications is the generation of homogenised group constants for deterministic reactor simulator codes. The theoretical background on general transport theory, nodal diffusion calculation and the Monte Carlo method are discussed. The basic methodology used in the PSG code is introduced and previous studies related to the topic are briefly reviewed. PSG is validated by comparison to reference results produced by MCNP4C and CASMO-4E in infinite two-dimensional LWR lattice calculations. Group constants generated by PSG are used in ARES reactor simulator calculations and the results compared to reference calculations using CASMO-4E data.

Applied Reactor Physics

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The MC21 Monte Carlo Transport Code

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MC21 is a new Monte Carlo neutron and photon transport code currently under joint development at the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory and the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory. MC21 is the Monte Carlo transport kernel of the broader Common Monte Carlo Design Tool (CMCDT), which is also currently under development. The vision for CMCDT is to provide an automated, computer-aided modeling and post-processing environment integrated with a Monte Carlo solver that is optimized for reactor analysis. CMCDT represents a strategy to push the Monte Carlo method beyond its traditional role as a benchmarking tool or ''tool of last resort'' and into a dominant design role. This paper describes various aspects of the code, including the neutron physics and nuclear data treatments, the geometry representation, and the tally and depletion capabilities.

Nuclear Power Plant Design and Analysis Codes

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Nuclear Power Plant Design and Analysis Codes: Development, Validation, and Application presents the latest research on the most widely used nuclear codes and the wealth of successful accomplishments which have been achieved over the past decades by experts in the field. Editors Wang, Li,Allison, and Hohorst and their team of authors provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of nuclear code development and how to apply it to their work and research to make their energy production more flexible, economical, reliable and safe.Written in an accessible and practical way, each chapter considers strengths and limitations, data availability needs, verification and validation methodologies and quality assurance guidelines to develop thorough and robust models and simulation tools both inside and outside a nuclear setting. This book benefits those working in nuclear reactor physics and thermal-hydraulics, as well as those involved in nuclear reactor licensing. It also provides early career researchers with a solid understanding of fundamental knowledge of mainstream nuclear modelling codes, as well as the more experienced engineers seeking advanced information on the best solutions to suit their needs. Captures important research conducted over last few decades by experts and allows new researchers and professionals to learn from the work of their predecessors Presents the most recent updates and developments, including the capabilities, limitations, and future development needs of all codes Incudes applications for each code to ensure readers have complete knowledge to apply to their own setting

HTGR Reactor Physics and Burnup Calculations Using the Serpent Monte Carlo Code

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One of the main advantages of the continuous-energy Monte Carlo method is its versatility and the capability to model any fuel or reactor configuration without major approximations. This capability becomes particularly valuable in studies involving innovative reactor designs and next-generation systems, which often lie beyond the capabilities of deterministic LWR transport codes. In this study, a conceptual prismatic HTGR fuel assembly was modeled using the Serpent Monte Carlo reactor physics burnup calculation code, under development at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland since 2004. A new explicit particle fuel model was developed to account for the heterogeneity effects. The results are compared to other Monte Carlo and deterministic transport codes and the study also serves as a test case for the modules and methods in SCALE 6.

Basic Physical and Chemical Information Needed for Development of Monte Carlo Codes

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It is important to view track structure analysis as an application of a branch of theoretical physics (i.e., statistical physics and physical kinetics in the language of the Landau school). Monte Carlo methods and transport equation methods represent two major approaches. In either approach, it is of paramount importance to use as input the cross section data that best represent the elementary microscopic processes. Transport analysis based on unrealistic input data must be viewed with caution, because results can be misleading. Work toward establishing the cross section data, which demands a wide scope of knowledge and expertise, is being carried out through extensive international collaborations. In track structure analysis for radiation biology, the need for cross sections for the interactions of electrons with DNA and neighboring protein molecules seems to be especially urgent. Finally, it is important to interpret results of Monte Carlo calculations fully and adequately. To this end, workers should document input data as thoroughly as possible and report their results in detail in many ways. Workers in analytic transport theory are then likely to contribute to the interpretation of the results.