The Divine Sayings of Elijah Muhammad Volumes 1, 2 And 3

Book Description

This books is a compilation of Elijah Muhammad's table talk questions and answers. The subject content includes the Black Woman's role at home and abroad, the responsibilities of the Blackman, Children, justification of posts, duty, the planets, ministry, and lots more. It was initially transcribed by Sister Anna Karriem and Captain Portia Pasha.

The True History of Elijah Muhammad - The Black Stone

Book Description

Messenger Elijah Muhammad was considered, by the national as well as the international press, as one of the most inaccessible men in America; if the press, white or Negro, wanted to see Elijah Muhammad, they had to come to him: a degree of significance earned by Messenger Muhammad, and commanded by integrity. In an effort to ensure the clarity and sanctity of his message and history, this book draws from his own words to explain and elaborate on sensitive subjects like his mission, domestic life, family, and his relationship with his teacher, Master Fard Muhammad. It also delves into his relationship to other prophets, the paralleled work accomplished to substantiate his fulfilment, and important unpublished writings from his desk surrounding controversial matters perpetuated in today's public media.

The Honored One: Thoughts and Sayings of the Messenger of Allah

Book Description

"I am very insignificant in your eyes, my people, but I have the Keys of God to your (so-called Negroes') problems, and you should not fear, for the day has come that you will have to seek refuge in the "New World" (of Allah), which is something far better and more enduring than the white race's Christianity." Mr. Elijah Muhammad-Messenger of Allah Quotes and Thoughts from the Messenger of Allah

The Future Master Fard

Book Description

In the Name of Allah and Muhammad. As Salaam-Alaikum. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that, The Holy Qur'an refers to it (Mecca) and the Bible refers to it, but these are signs of the coming of a nation that was hidden and lost, which God himself would go after in the last days. After finding that nation, choose that nation for Himself and take it and use it as a builder would in selecting stones or a foundation for a substantial building that he, intends to build. Also, He said, The sun is going down in the West. This teaching will raise a powerful sun of truth and the spirit of truth from this part of our planet by us whom God has raised up among us, no more will you look toward the East after this for a light of truth which the scientist of the East was not able to give you, it will come from the West. That will change the disposition of worship, you won't look to the West nor to the East nor North and South for the wisdom everywhere you go you will find it. -The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Messenger Elijah Muhammad Issues..."a Warning to the Hypocrites"

Book Description

The most powerful defense of God in Person, His Messenger Elijah Muhammad and the Divine Truth revealed by them, making manifest those who masquarade as followers and empowering the true believers. This transcription leaves no doubt that God will back up his own words to defend his Messenger as Elijah Muhammad sends a stern warning to the hypocrites. This powerful and stern lecture should be required reading all muslims, especially those who claim membership in The Nation of Islam!

A Hypocrite Rising Among Us

Book Description

Not long after the death of Malcolm X, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, made this startling and profound statement to his followers:"There is a hypocrite RISING among us, who will make what Malcolm did look like child's play. He will be a master of the English language."In the Nation of Islam, at that time, there were a lot speculations and whispers from the top laborers, ministers, captains, lieutenants on down the rank and file--as to who could the Messenger of Allah (God) have been referring to in such Divine Prophecy!There are (4) major components to this most powerful prophetic quote by The Messenger of Allah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad:1. He is a hypocrite.2. He would RISE among us.3. He will make what Malcolm DID look like child's play!4. He will be "a master" of the English language.Therefore, who is he?The author wastes NO TIME like most books, stringing you along until the middle or end of the book. Not here! The author reveals this RISING Hypocrite, Master of the English language in the very first chapter--then he "qualifies" his answer in the subsequent chapters. Therefore, you're spending too much time reading this text on the outside--when your eyes need to be deeply immersed in the powerfully compelling "research" which awaits you on the INSIDE!

The Genesis Years of Elijah Muhammad

Book Description

This book represents the early writings of Elijah Muhammad when he submitted hundreds of articles to news organs like the Herald Dispatch, Amsterdam News, The Chicago Crusader and the Pittsburgh Courier. These newspapers were circulated primarily throughout thethe black community. Schools of thought developed with notables like Elijah Muhammad, a staunch advocate of racial separation on one side, and Martin Luther King, a government sponsored poster boy for racial integration on the other. Elijah Muhammad writing challenged many white preachers openly and refuted their claim of divinity. He address what had come to be known as open conspiracy to destroy the black man and woman through Catholic sponsored birth control.

365 Sayings Of Prophet Muhammad

Book Description

This selection of 365 Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) offers an overview of Islamic faith and practices. These profound and lifeenriching sayings of the Prophet have served as one of the main sources of divine guidance and law for Muslims through the ages. This selection helps readers gain or renew their acquaintance with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in history and who serves as a role model for more than one billion Muslims across the world. His sayings represent the Islamic code of conduct governing every Muslim’s family, social, political, economic and spiritual life. His instructions have relevance for both individual and collective life. This selection thus stands out as a helpful introduction to both the Prophet and to Islamic beliefs and code of conduct.