Diccionario de Ciencia E Ingeniera Ambiental

Book Description

The English/Spanish & Spanish/English Dictionary of Environmental Science and Engineering is aimed at the professional practitioner in the areas of business, consultancy, government, regulation or academia. It is particularly useful for environmental scientists, ecologists, geologists, hydrologists, water and wastewater engineers, landfill and contaminated land specialists and administrators. The diverse specialisms of the two authors and their knowledge of environmental assessment, hydrogeology and environmental engineering ensures that the book has thorough coverage. With nearly 30,000 entries, the book combines a traditional dictionary approach with a modern and up-to-date style of presentation. The authors have used their wealth of technical knowledge and their understanding of Spanish to produce a book of true value and timeliness. In addition, the external advisors, Manuel Regueiro y González-Barros from Spain and Alberto Bustani Adem from Mexico bring their distinct cultural backgrounds to bear to ensure that the dictionary reflects modern usage and terminology in both Spain and Latin America.

Vocabulario ambiental práctico

Book Description

Esta obra facilitar la comprensi¢n de t‚rminos jur¡dicos y t‚cnicos que son frecuentemente utilizados por quienes trabajan en variable ambiental o quieren acercarse a las ciencias ambientales partiendo del conjunto de t‚rminos m s afines a ‚stas. Cada vocablo est precedido de su etimolog¡a, y va acompa¤ado de un ejercicio pr ctico para la aplicaci¢n del t‚rmino estudiado. Este ensayo favorece el aprendizaje de los conceptos y permite un acercamiento m s inmediato a las distintas realidades ambientales. Para mayor comprensi¢n se ha asignado un tipo de letra diferente para los t‚rminos jur¡dicos (cursiva), para los t‚rminos m s t‚cnicos (regular). El texto esta separado en tres partes indicadas con diferentes colores de papel: el vocabulario, los ejercicios y los ejemplos.

The Practice of Court Interpreting

Book Description

The Practice of Court Interpreting describes how the interpreter works in the court room and other legal settings. The book discusses what is involved in court interpreting: case preparation, ethics and procedure, the creation and avoidance of error, translation and legal documents, tape transcription and translation, testifying as an expert witness, and continuing education outside the classroom. The purpose of the book is to provide the interpreter with a map of the terrain and to suggest methods that will help insure an accurate result. The author, herself a practicing court interpreter, says: “The structure of the book follows the structure of the work as we do it.” The book is intended as a basic course book, as background reading for practicing court interpreters and for court officials who deal with interpreters.

Subject Catalog

Book Description