Direct Western Investment in East Europe

Book Description

Monograph on the role of Europe and role of USA public investment and private investment in Eastern Europe - traces the origin and development of western investment in joint ventures since 1918 and East West trade development since world war ii, and deals with the macroeconomics (planning and management) and microeconomics (cost accounting, pricing, budgeting, taxation, etc.) of joint corporations. References and statistical tables.

Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

This title was first published in 2003. Covering a diverse range of countries such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Russia, as well as referring to the characteristics of the region as a whole, this book examines the inflow and outflow of foreign direct investment from both home and host company and country perspectives. By analyzing foreign direct investment in terms of process, content and context, the book provides a holist approach towards direct foreign investment in the transitional context of Central and Eastern Europe, embracing both macro- and micro-economic perspectives of the process.

Cross-Border Investing

Book Description

Cross-Border Investing: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe offers a view that reflects two main hypotheses: -You cannot understand foreign direct investment (FDI) trends and developments unless you understand the company's motives to invest, -You cannot understand a company's cross-border investment decision-making unless you understand what the investment area offers. This is the reason why this text builds up a relationship between the world of companies' decision-makers and that of the policy makers in the public sector. It does so by linking the business processes to the factors that together constitute the location profile of a country or a region. Based on more than 15 years of practical experience as well as research in the field of FDI, Dr Julia Djarova offers a Cross-Border Investment Model to describe the logic behind the decision-making process concerning foreign investments made by companies. The model is illustrated by a number of case studies of multinationals.

Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

This book examines how foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to Central and Eastern Europe have changed after the Great Recession. It argues that beyond their cyclical effects, the economic crisis and the changing competitiveness of Central and Eastern European countries have had structural impacts on FDI in the region. FDI has traditionally been viewed as the key driver of national development, but the apparent structural shift means that focusing on cheap labour as a competitive advantage is no longer a viable strategy for the countries in the region. The authors argue that these countries need to move beyond the narrative of upgrading (attracting FDI inflows with increasingly higher value added), and focus on ensuring greater value capture instead. A potential way for doing this is by developing the conditions in which innovative national companies can emerge, thrive and eventually develop into lead firms of global value chains. The book provides readers with a highly informative account of the reasons why this shift is necessary, as well as diverse perspectives and extensive discussions on the dynamics and structural impacts of FDI in post-crisis Central and Eastern Europe.

Closing The Eu East-west Productivity Gap: Foreign Direct Investment, Competitiveness And Public Policy

Book Description

A product of the Framework V research project, this book addresses one of the key problems facing the EU today: Why is the ‘new’ EU so much poorer than the ‘old’, and how will EU enlargement help to solve the problem? Focusing on the productivity problems underlying the East-West gap, it looks in particular at the role that foreign investment and R&D can play in closing it. Against that background, the book assesses what role proactive development policy might play in attacking the roots of low social productivity. Concluding that there will be a clear-cut process of convergence between East and West, albeit an incomplete one, it finishes with an assessment of the patterns of competitiveness, East and West, that are likely to emerge from this process of incomplete convergence.The material is based on a rich archive of empirical material which no competing title can match, and combines in-depth interviews with standard quantitative approaches and critical policy analysis.

Foreign Investment and Privatization in Eastern Europe

Book Description

'Written in a clear and straightforward style, and well grounded in succinct and pertinent analysis...It will prove a boon to students and practitioners alike as moves proceed towards European integration.' - British Book News This volume identifies and analyses the extent to which the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are likely to attract inward foreign direct investment (FDI) to the turn of the century. Although these countries have been growing recipients of FDI, Western multinationals remain cautious and are slow to commit large investment sums. The book covers the contextual and thematic aspects of FDI as well as empirical country studies (including the Commonwealth of Independent States, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia) which address the legal environment for FDI, its magnitude and motives and industrial breakdown. The final section discusses the potential for closer economic and political integration in Europe.

Foreign investment in eastern and southern Europe after 2008.

Book Description

This book investigates the role that foreign direct investment (FDI) in central-eastern and southern Europe has played in the post-crisis period, comparing patterns across countries and sectors. An overarching objective of this publication is to assess the extent to which FDI can still be seen as a key driver of economic development, modernisation and convergence for Europe’s low- and middle-income economies, taking into account also the risks and limiting factors associated with FDI.

Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Development in East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union

Book Description

With the achievement of further EU and NATO enlargement, a critical political and economic lens is now focused on East Central Europe and, to a lesser extent, the other former communist states. Economic growth in each transition state - and more broadly the region - pivots around the prospects for foreign direct investment (FDI), with decisions on where foreign investors will locate their projects now vitally important. This book - the first one devoted to a geographical survey concentrating specifically on FDI in the region - brings together a wide range of prominent authors from the US and Europe, including the late Frank Carter, to provide a timely and critical examination of the importance of foreign investment. It presents a detailed analysis of location patterns and their significance for regional development, with particular emphasis given to the important socioeconomic and political consequences of uneven distribution of FDI across the region and its constituent countries. Divided into two parts, the book first deals with general overarching themes and issues before applying these to more specific country case studies. The second part deals with regional studies, focusing broadly on the Western Balkans and Bulgaria, before looking at specific economic sectors in individual countries.

Foreign Direct Investment and Environment in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

World Bank Discussion Paper No. 306. Describes ways in which the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, which has attracted worldwide attention by providing small loans to the rural poor and recording high repayment rates, can achieve sustainability, expansion, and replicability. The Grameen Bank has more than 2 million members, of which 94 percent are women, spread across 35,000 villages