Advanced Discipleship 301

Book Description

There is nothing we can do to coerce the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself in power. All we can do is humbly yield our lives to Him and ask that He manifest His power within us. A spiritual man knows that the Holy Spirit can do far more than he can ask or imagine. Since he believes in the power of the Holy Spirit, he acts on God's promises as reality and walk in expectation of their fulfillment.

Discipleship 301

Book Description

Discipleship 301 a follow-up to Discipleship 101 and 201 which provides a deeper level of discipleship through helping you find joy in fulfilling God's mission. In Matthew, Jesus told his disciples to, "Go disciple the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." These words of our Savior are known as the Great Commission.Over the next eight weeks you will be encouraged to continue the MISSION that those twelve disciples began 2,000 years ago through a divine mandate, incarnational ministry, inspired storytelling, Christ-like service, total investment, inclusive outreach and a strategy to disciple the nations. May God be with you as we journey together to fulfill his mission! In Christ's love, Pastor A.J.

Conversion and Discipleship

Book Description

Discipleship occurs when someone answers the call to learn from Jesus how to live his or her life as though Jesus were living it. The end result is that the disciple becomes the kind of person who naturally does what Jesus did. How the church understands salvation and the gospel is the key to recovering a biblical theology of discipleship. Our doctrines of grace and salvation, in some cases, actually prevent us from creating an expectation that we are to be disciples of Jesus. A person can profess to be a Christian and yet still live under the impression that they don’t need to actually follow Jesus. Being a follower is seen as an optional add-on, not a requirement. It is a choice, not a demand. Being a Christian today has no connection with the biblical idea that we are formed into the image of Christ. In this ground-breaking new book, pastor and author Bill Hull shows why our existing models of evangelism and discipleship fail to actually produce followers of Jesus. He looks at the importance of recovering a robust view of the gospel and taking seriously the connection between conversion—answering the call to follow Jesus—and discipleship—living like the one we claim to follow.


Book Description

"Cheap grace is the mortal enemy of our church. Our struggle today is for costly grace." And with that sharp warning to his own church, which was engaged in bitter conflict with the official nazified state church, Dietrich Bonhoeffer began his book Discipleship (formerly entitled The Cost of Discipleship). Originally published in 1937, it soon became a classic exposition of what it means to follow Christ in a modern world beset by a dangerous and criminal government. At its center stands an interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount: what Jesus demanded of his followers-and how the life of discipleship is to be continued in all ages of the post- resurrection church. "Every call of Jesus is a call to death," Bonhoeffer wrote. His own life ended in martyrdom on April 9, 1945. Freshly translated from the German critical edition, Discipleship provides a more accurate rendering of the text and extensive aids and commentary to clarify the meaning, context, and reception of this work and its attempt to resist the Nazi ideology then infecting German Christian churches.

Into Thy Word

Book Description

This book is about how to read and study the Bible. This book is about getting the non-Christian to learn how to study the Bible, and this book is for the Pastor and theologian who needs to have their "refresh" button pressed. This book is in fact for anybody desiring to know the Book of ages. If you are new to the Word or are a seasoned teacher. If you do not know where to begin, or you have tried countless times and feel overwhelmed and frustrated, this is the book for you!

A Feast for Hungry Souls

Book Description

Winner of a first-place award in spirituality from the Catholic Media Association. Renowned scholar Susan Muto presents her spiritual legacy with a rich introduction to thirty Christian masters. These voices from the ancient, medieval, and modern Church have been the focus of Muto’s work for more than forty years and the trusted guides of her own spiritual life. Masters such as Benedict of Nursia, Clare of Assisi, Thomas Merton, and Teresa of Avila will help answer your most pressing spiritual questions and satisfy the deepest cravings of your heart. From the simplicity and solitude of the desert mystics and other ancient masters to the practicality and prayerfulness of medieval saints such as Julian of Norwich and Catherine of Siena to the relatable sensibilities of modern masters such as Evelyn Underhill and Thomas Merton, Susan Muto—executive director of the Epiphany Association and dean of the Epiphany Academy of Formative Spirituality—draws deeply from the well of the Christian spiritual tradition to address some of our most pressing spiritual hungers: The Desert Fathers teach us how to hear God above the noise of everyday life. Augustine of Hippo acknowledges the restlessness that precedes spiritual growth. Julian of Norwich reflects on the universality and purpose of suffering. Jean-Pierre de Caussade explores what it means to have a heart fully surrendered to God. Thérѐse of Lisieux shares her little way of spiritual childhood. In each chapter, Muto introduces a spiritual master who she finds helpful in meeting a particular condition or challenge commonly faced in the Christian life and places that master within the historical and spiritual contexts of their time. Muto then introduces a classic work associated with that master, identifying key themes or principles to apply to your own life. Each chapter concludes with reflection questions to ponder individually or discuss in a group setting. Rich yet accessible, this book will fortify your soul with time-tested spiritual insight and practical wisdom so you can enter more deeply into the mystery of spiritual union with God.

Growth by Accident, Death by Planning

Book Description

It is a familiar experience. A congregation that had been growing in numbers and spiritual vitality reaches a plateau and then begins to decline. Most of the time, the plateau occurs long before the church arrives at the optimum number of members it hoped to attract. What has happened here? Why does growth slow down, stop, and then decline? The real question to ask, says Bob Whitesel, is why the church grew in the first place. Most of the time young, growing churches make a series of decisions based not upon careful planning and analysis, but rather upon necessity and intuition. Thus these decisions are not planned strategies, but strategies that often occur by accident, owing their genesis to circumstance. These unplanned strategic decisions are driven not by knowledge, but often simply by the church's environment. When that growth slows, these same churches begin to engage in more careful planning. The problem is that this planning so often ignores the considerations and decisions that led to the church's growth to begin with. The result is stagnation and eventual decline. In the plain, direct style that is his hallmark, Whitesel lays out where churches go wrong in their planning for growth and how they can correct themselves. He does so by looking at three related phenomena: first, the factors that cause initial growth; second, the erroneous decisions that lead to getting stuck on the plateau; and finally, corrective steps that churches can take to regain growth and vitality.

The Real War on Terror

Book Description

Do you ever find yourself confused about the war and violence that pervade our post-9/11 world? On the one hand, the Bible and Christ speak of loving enemies and self-sacrifice. On the other hand, the world around us teaches, and most Christians seem to simply accept, that violence is necessary in a world wrecked with sin. Are Christians a people of peace? Does that peace have to be won through war? Should we fight for our convictions? Or die for them? Jonathan and Derek invite you to come along with them as they explore the biblical teachings on war and violence and attempt to construct a solidly biblical and uniquely Christian view of war and violence.

The Christian Man

Book Description

In The Christian Man, Patrick Morley--bestselling author of The Man in the Mirror--offers men practical ways to deal with life's problems and become the men of God they aspire to be. No man fails on purpose. Quite the opposite. When our feet hit the floor every morning, we're looking for a win. But these are turbulent times to be a man. In gathering material for this book, Morley interviewed many men. Their input was powerful. And transparent. They agreed that it's increasingly difficult to juggle all their responsibilities as men, husbands, fathers, friends, workers, churchmen, and citizens. No one understands what you're going through more than men's expert Patrick Morley, author of the landmark bestseller The Man in the Mirror, which has sold over 4 million copies. And now, Morley has put together a game plan so you can get that win you're looking for. The Christian Man is filled with powerful stories and refreshingly practical answers to questions like: How can I lead a more balanced life? How can I have a deeper walk with God? What makes a great husband? How can I become a dad who makes a difference? How should I think about my work? What's the right way to deal with lust? By the end of this must-read book, you will know how to intentionally release the power of God on the issues that matter most to you. You'll be able to walk with confidence in the one identity that matters most: The Christian Man.

Nourishment for the Spiritual Pilgrimage

Book Description

"In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed" (Mark 1:35). Jesus taught by his words and actions. He went by himself to pray when he was tired, when faced with upcoming trying events, or when he just wanted to be alone in the presence of his Lord. He gave us guidance about what to pray, how to pray, and why to pray, and was very familiar with the Hebrew Scriptures. Thus, if we want to become Jesus' disciple we should follow his model and invest time and emotional energy into prayer, Bible study, and reflection. <>Nourishment For The Spiritual Pilgrimage provides an aid for those who want to participate in the spiritual pilgrimage of becoming a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ. It offers insight and support for those who daily want to turn their hearts, souls, and minds to God's will in their lives, as they strive to help in bringing about God's kingdom in this present time. There are countless other devotionals, but hopefully this can offer something that many of the others may not, a specific focus on the concept of discipleship.