Discover Your Inner Treasure?

Book Description

Discover Your Inner Treasure is the accompaniment to and was inspired by our book, Courage in our Hearts A Family's Love Story. We encourage you to read the story of our journey from Trinidad to the United States in search of a bright future for our son and, ultimately, for our entire family. Once you read Courage in our Hearts, please read through this book's ten modules, which correspond with the chapters in Courage, and complete the exercises. By implementing the strategies, lessons and steps we offer, you are sure to see transformation in various areas of your life.

Find Your Inner Treasure

Book Description

The Isle of Monte Cristo

Book Description

This book of spiritual reflections is grounded in the life and work of Robert Lax, poet, seeker, and friend and contemporary monk of Thomas Merton. These meditations continue to explore his understanding of the divine Presence in everyday life. Drawing from a wide range of scholastic and creative experiences that highlight his faith journey Georgiou imparts how life is an inner pilgrimage that ultimately leads to the treasure of the Christ, hidden in our hearts. Georgiou's interior trek began on Patmos where St. John experienced the Revelation. There Georgiou serendipitously met Lax, (1915-2000), the much-beloved poet and hermit, who became his mentor. In this book a circle of love completes itself. As Br. Patrick Hart, last secretary to Thomas Merton, makes evident: "Like his mentor, Georgiou is now a teacher whose lesson-plan focuses on agape--the highest and purest form of love."

Prayers to Discover your Treasure

Book Description

Discover Your Treasure You have in you some things that God deposited in you that are priceless treasures. That is, you are an unexplored goldmine. This applies to every human being on earth. If you agree that you are untapped mobile goldmine, this book is the shovel to remove the layer of the soil covering the treasure deposited in you.

Finding Your Hidden Treasure

Book Description

Finding Your Hidden Treasure by Benignus O'Rourke is a contemplative path inwards, to the depths of your own being. Through silent prayer and meditation, and by discovering this ancient way of finding God, O'Rourke provides insight and guidance for your spiritual journey. He then outlines a practical approach, moving from silence to action, and explains how to take God's love to others in everyday life.

The Master's Sacred Knowledge

Book Description

The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus - A KEY TO YOUR INNER TREASURE The book "The Master's Sacred Knowledge" is full of simple philosophy molded into a story for easy reading and easy understanding. Yet when you take each bit of philosophy individually and work with it, it becomes a very powerful tool to help in transforming one's life. This story is about a wise old Sage who passes on his sacred teachings to an insecure young man and takes him on a inner journey explaining the Art of Living, the Art of Living in the Now and the Art of Dying, and helps him find out who he really is and teaches him about the power of Unconditional Love. Synopsis: - This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living. This the young man does and by doing so the wise old Master passes on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he can open the doors to Divine Living. This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love. The Master also talks about the chakric system as well as the universal Laws in which we should get to know and work with-in, which will again help enhance one's life. As the Master Kuthumi says "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got!" This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making and is for OPEN MINDED SOULS, or for those who want to open their minds. - "Your inner strength is your outer foundation" Allan Rufus

Hidden Treasure

Book Description

2018 Readers' Favorites Book Awards Bronze Medal in Non-Fiction—Motivational National Indie Excellence Awards Winner - Personal Growth Body, Mind and Spirit Awards Finalist - Spiritual Psychology and Self-help categories Are you looking for more personal growth or feel like you want something more from life, but you’re not sure where to start? In this award-winning book, author Alice McDowell, PhD, reveals how powerful, deeply embedded behavior patterns—often the result of wounds suffered early in life—can influence every aspect of your life and identity, and hide your true self. Hidden Treasure offers tools you will use again and again to help soften and heal these patterns, make sense of your life and relationships, and begin to live a full and radiant life.

In Search of the Inner Treasure ( English Version)

Book Description

Embark on an epic personal growth adventure with "On the Trail of the Inner Treasure"! This captivating and uplifting book is designed especially for children ages 8-12, and combines exciting stories with valuable life lessons. Discover the power of love, resilience, true friendship, authenticity, and gratitude as you follow our intrepid protagonists on their quest for hidden treasures within themselves. Through colorful illustrations and endearing characters, this book offers an immersive reading experience that teaches children to embrace their uniqueness and be the best version of themselves. Each chapter immerses you in a world of possibilities and values, from the joy in the small things to the power of pursuing your dreams. Children will learn valuable lessons about resilience in the face of challenges and the importance of cultivating authentic friendships. "On the Trail of the Inner Treasure" is an inspiring guide for young people on their journey to self-discovery and understanding what truly matters in life. Get ready for an adventure full of excitement and discovery that will leave a lasting impression on the hearts of young readers! This book is ideal for parents, educators, and children who are looking for an enriching and positive narrative that promotes essential values in a constantly changing world. Join the search for the inner treasure today and discover a world of wonder within you!

Discovering Your Inner Abilities

Book Description

God has given every human being tremendous abilities, but many times we fail to utilize them because we don’t recognize them as such. The main reasons for not recognizing our abilities are because sometimes they can come too naturally and too easily to be real and other times because of lack of self-esteem. Abilities that are not discovered, cultivated, and nurtured remain dormant, untapped and wasted. Many people have plodded along all their lives and sometimes gone to their graves without discovering and utilizing their abilities. Consequently, they have not really been of benefit to themselves and to their own generation. This book provides the keys to discovering your inner abilities. The book will help you to break free from low self-esteem, inadequacies, rejection and to appreciate that you have what it takes to accomplish your purpose in life. Your abilities are like gold; you have to dig for them in order to bring them out!