Disrupción tecnológica, transformación y sociedad

Book Description

La tercera edición de la colección "Así habla el Externado" examina el impacto que las tecnologías disruptivas y la transformación digital están teniendo sobre el conjunto de la sociedad, bajo una lente humanista e interdisciplinar, propia de nuestra institución. La Cuarta Revolución Industrial (4RI), que ha permeado todos los campos de la actividad humana y la sociedad, ofrece la inmensa oportunidad de reducir las brechas de conocimiento e ingreso económico y generar progreso social y democrático, pero puede también tener el efecto contrario. El lector y la lectora encontrarán en estos cuatro tomos reflexiones valiosas, en sus 74escritos, para comprender en todo su alcance estas innovaciones y poder contribuir así a la construcción de realidades cada vez más incluyentes y participativas. Este tomo III, titulado "Derecho, innovación y tecnología: fundamentos para una Lex Informático", tiene por objeto responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿de qué manera las nuevas tecnologías y la economía colaborativa están transformando el derecho, sus principios e instituciones? Para ello, el presente volumen estudia en detalle las promesas, retos y problemas jurídicos suscitados por la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial, el Big Data, el Blockchain y el loT en distintos ámbitos del derecho público y privado. Los diferentes capítulos presentan debates en torno a la forma en que dichas tecnologías vienen afectando profundamente al mundo del derecho, con el fin de construir un marco conceptual que no solo sirva de base para sostener una discusión académica sólidamente fundamentada sobre estos temas, sino también para despejar las dudas jurídicas que pueden existir con el fin de facilitar y acelerar el desarrollo e implementación práctica de estas tecnologías, así como de contribuir a orientar la agenda académica sobre estos asuntos en América Latina.

Transformacion Digital Para Empezar La Disrupcion Corporativa: Contexto, Etapas Y Agentes de Cambio de la Transformación Digital

Book Description

La transformación digital (conocida de forma abreviada como DX) no tiene que ver necesariamente con la tecnología digital, sino con el hecho de que la tecnología, que es digital, permite a las personas resolver sus problemas tradicionales; y, prefieren esta solución digital a la solución anterior. - La etapa de transformación significa que los usos digitales permiten inherentemente nuevos tipos de innovación y creatividad en un dominio particular, en lugar de simplemente mejorar y apoyar los métodos tradicionales. - En un sentido más estrecho, transformación digital; puede referirse al concepto de no tener papeles; o alcanzar una madurez de negocios digital; que afecta tanto a empresas individuales como a segmentos de la sociedad, como el gobierno, las comunicaciones masivas, arte, medicina, y ciencia. Si bien el impacto de esto en las empresas ha sido profundo, muchos luchan por aprovechar todo el potencial de la digitalización y esto también está claramente dividido por las fronteras físicas. Se ha demostrado que, si bien los procesos de negocios están experimentando un gran cambio y progresan mucho en la adopción de la digitalización, incluso las economías avanzadas están luchando para explotar todo el potencial de la digitalización.

Digital Disruption

Book Description

This book goes beyond the hype, delving into real world technologies and applications that are driving our future and examines the possible impact these changes will have on industries, economies and society at large. It details the actions governments and regulators must take in order to ensure these changes bring about positive benefits to the public without stifling innovation that may well be the future source of value creation. It examines how organisations in a world of digital ecosystems, where industry boundaries are blurring, must undertake radical digital transformation to survive and thrive in this new digital world. The reader is taken through a framework that critically examines (i) Digital Connectivity including 5G and IoT; (ii) Data Capture and Distribution which includes smart connected verticals; (iii) Data Integrity, Control and Tokenisation that includes cyber security, digital signatures, blockchain, smart contracts, digital assets and cryptocurrencies; (iv) Data Processing and Artificial Intelligence; and (v) Disruptive Applications which include platforms, virtual and augmented reality, drones, autonomous vehicles, digital twins and digital assistants.

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Digital DNA

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Innovation in information and production technologies is creating benefits and disruption, profoundly altering how firms and markets perform. Digital DNA provides an in depth examination of the opportunities and challenges in the fast-changing global economy and lays out strategies that countries and the international community should embrace to promote robust growth while addressing the risks of this digital upheaval. Wisely guiding the transformation in innovation is a major challenge for global prosperity that affects everyone. Peter Cowhey and Jonathan Aronson demonstrate how the digital revolution is transforming the business models of high tech industries but also of traditional agricultural, manufacturing, and service sector firms. The rapidity of change combines with the uncertainty of winners and losers to create political and economic tensions over how to adapt public policies to new technological and market surprises. The logic of the policy trade-offs confronting society, and the political economy of practical decision-making is explored through three developments: The rise of Cloud Computing and trans-border data flows; international collaboration to reduce cybersecurity risks; and the consequences of different national standards of digital privacy protection. The most appropriate global strategies will recognize that a significant diversity in individual national policies is inevitable. However, because digital technologies operate across national boundaries there is also a need for a common international baseline of policy fundamentals to facilitate "quasi-convergence" of these national policies. Cowhey and Aronson's examination of these dynamic developments lead to a measured proposal for authoritative "soft rules" that requires governments to create policies that achieve certain objectives, but leaves the specific design to national discretion. These rules should embrace mechanisms to work with expert multi-stakeholder organizations to facilitate the implementation of formal agreements, enhance their political legitimacy and technical expertise, and build flexible learning into the governance regime. The result will be greater convergence of national policies and the space for the new innovation system to flourish.

Phantom Ex Machina

Book Description

This book explores the factors that make digital disruption possible and the effects this has on existing business models. It takes a look at the industries that are most susceptible to disruption and highlights what executives can do to take advantage of disruption to re-invent their business model. It also examines the pivotal role that technology plays in creating new dynamics to business operations and forcing business model changes. Adoption of digital technology has caused process disruptions in a number of industries and led to new business models (e.g., Über, AirBnb) and new products. In addition to covering some of the more popular and well known examples, this book targets not so obvious disruptions in the education sector and in services and changing business models. Phantom Ex Machina: Digital Disruption’s Role in Business Model Transformation is divided into six parts. The book begins with an introduction to digital disruption and why it matters. The next part of the book focuses on business strategy which includes case studies on the impact of social media and how digital disruption changes pricing strategies and price models. For part three, the authors observe technology’s role in digital disruptions. Chapters cover how 3D printing is challenging existing business models and how the automotive industry is innovating with new perspectives. Part four covers higher education, recognizing digital disruption’s transformation in graduate management education. Part five centers upon the service industry with a look at virtual teams and the emergence of virtual think tanks. Finally the book concludes with a look to the future, embracing disruptions.

Harnessing Digital Disruption

Book Description

Our world has changed, probably for good. Until now, the shift from brick-and-mortar to the smartphone has been about service, cost, and convenience. Now, it's also a matter of public health. How do we win this uncertain new game? How do we prosper in a digital world? In a cool, readable style Harnessing Digital Disruption: How Companies Win with Design Thinking, Agile, and Lean Startup tells the story of a major multi-national organization facing digital disruption and looming irrelevance. In a compelling novel format, the book demonstrates how to harness the power of digital technology, methods and thinking on the path to revival and prosperity. It illustrates the situations, characters, and blockers you’ll likely face as you progress through your journey. The setting is Singapore and the heady world of international banking, but the prescription, methods and lessons apply equally to manufacturers, utilities, hospitals, insurers, and government agencies. You will learn how to: · Develop your Digital Transformation strategy and Innovation Portfolio · Reform customer journeys, launch new digital offerings, and validate new beta businesses · Develop senior leader digital literacy, and understanding of growth leadership · De-risk your journey using a proven overall approach based on proven principles · Cultivate a network of pragmatic entrepreneurs practicing a structured scalable innovation process

Digital Disruption

Book Description

You always knew digital was going to change things, but you didn't realize how close to home it would hit. In every industry, digital competitors are taking advantage of new platforms, tools, and relationships to undercut competitors, get closer to customers, and disrupt the usual ways of doing business. The only way to compete is to evolve. James McQuivey of Forrester Research has been teaching people how to do this for over a decade. He's gone into the biggest companies, even in traditional industries like insurance and consumer packaged goods, and changed the way they think about innovation. Now he's sharing his approach with you. McQuivey will show you how Dr. Hugh Reinhoff of Ferrokin BioSciences disrupted the pharmaceutical industry, streamlining connections with doctors and regulators to bring molecules to market far faster--and then sold out for $100 million. How Charles Teague and his team of four people created Lose It!, a weight loss application that millions have adopted, achieving rapid success and undermining titans like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig in the process.

The Laws of Disruption

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While digital life races ahead, the rest of our life, from law to business, struggles to keep up. Business strategists, lawyers, judges, regulators, and consumers have all been left behind, scratching their heads, frantically trying to figure out what they can and can't do. Some want to bring innovation to a standstill (or at least to slow it down) through lawsuits and regulation so they can catch their breath. Others forge madly ahead, legal consequences be damned. In The Laws of Disruption, Larry Downes, author of the best-selling Unleashing the Killer App, provides an invaluable guide for these confusing times, exploring nine critical areas in which technology is dramatically rewriting the rules of business and life. The Laws of Disruption will help business owners and managers understand not only how to avoid being blindsided by customer rebellion, but also how to benefit from it. It will teach lawyers, judges, and regulators when to keep their hands off the system and it will show consumers the consequences of their digital actions. In the gap created by the Law of Disruption, golden opportunities await those who move quickly.

What's Your Digital Business Model?

Book Description

Digital transformation is not about technology--it's about change. In the rapidly changing digital economy, you can't succeed by merely tweaking management practices that led to past success. And yet, while many leaders and managers recognize the threat from digital--and the potential opportunity--they lack a common language and compelling framework to help them assess it and guide them in responding. They don't know how to think about their digital business model. In this concise, practical book, MIT digital research leaders Peter Weill and Stephanie Woerner provide a powerful yet straightforward framework that has been field-tested globally with dozens of senior management teams. Based on years of study at the MIT Center for Information Systems Research (CISR), the authors find that digitization is moving companies' business models on two dimensions: from value chains to digital ecosystems, and from a fuzzy understanding of the needs of end customers to a sharper one. Looking at these dimensions in combination results in four distinct business models, each with different capabilities. The book then sets out six driving questions, in separate chapters, that help managers and executives clarify where they are currently in an increasingly digital business landscape and highlight what's needed to move toward a higher-value digital business model. Filled with straightforward self-assessments, motivating examples, and sharp financial analyses of where profits are made, this smart book will help you tackle the threats, leverage the opportunities, and create winning digital strategies.