Doing Holy Business

Book Description

Vestry Papers is an award winning newsletter published by the Episcopal Church Foundation and is designed to provide vestries with information that is spiritually grounding, yet offers practical illustrations and resources to assist them in their job as the elected lay leadership in their congregations. It has over 1,900 congregational subscribers and 28,500 readers. This collection of the "Best of Vestry Papers" offers church leaders a convenient reference filled with expert advice -- a gathering in one place -- of useful tips on church management. The topics in this collection include: Spiritual Leadership Christian Formation Hospitality/Church Growth Church Finances Parish Dynamics Vestry Responsibilities Buildings and Grounds

Doing God's Business

Book Description

Stevens explores the potential of business as both a location for practicing everyday spiritual disciplines and a source of creativity and deeper relationship with God. This volume should encourage and challenge businesspersons in all segments of the marketplace to more faithfully integrate their faith and work lives.

Doing God's Business God's Way

Book Description

This book calls all genuine disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, both vocational ministers and lay people, to serve our Savior by carrying out His marching orders His way. This demands that the doctrines of man, sin, salvation, the Word, and the Spirit have full sway in all that we do in the name of Christ. Whatever we are engaged in, whether witnessing to the lost or carrying out our various other responsibilities (e.g., preaching, teaching, counselling, and encouraging), we must be divinely directed by the practical implications of God's grace. Then we, as faithful channels, may joyously come to understand that it is God who causes any and all growth (1 Corinthians 3:6).

Doing Business by the Spirit of God (Kingdom Business Transformation)

Book Description

When it comes to understanding how to run your business for the Lord, what source of guidance do you seek most? There is an amazing power in God to achieve more than we could imagine, especially for our businesses and serving others for the kingdom. The Lampstand of God, as described in both the Old and New Testaments, holds God's most powerful traits for running kingdom-focused businesses that allows people to combine biblical knowledge with modern-day business practices. Isaiah 11:1-3 embodies the key to us being filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit as we operate our businesses. Wisdom and understanding, counsel and strength, knowledge and the fear of the Lord encompass the six traits of the Holy Spirit that offer godly truths as you work with customers, handle daily business operations, and make encouraging contributions toward God's kingdom. As Jesus said in John 3:34, "He gives the Spirit without measure," so, buckle up and get ready to learn how to ask for and apply all aspects of the Spirit to your life, particularly for your business!

Doing Business God's Way

Book Description

DOING BUSINESS GOD'S WAY is a study of how God manages His resources so we can manage ours in a similar fashion. Dennis Peacocke draws out twelve principles of management, growth, and productivity that can bring lasting change into the life and culture of all who apply them.

Baptizing Business

Book Description

"Historically confined to the disadvantaged ranks of the stratification system, evangelical Christians have increasingly joined the corporate elite, eliciting concern from some and sanguinity from others. Quantitative studies of the effects of religion on executive behavior have thus far shown mixed and inconclusive effects, and those few qualitative analyses that have focused on evangelical business leaders have generally emphasized conflict between religion and business but failed adequately to explore areas of consonance. While evangelical executives do, in fact, experience conflict associated with their professional contexts, this tension arises not because business and religion are inherently opposed, as some have argued, but because evangelical business leaders are made to feel like second-class citizens by members of their own faith communities. Indeed, in cases of apparent conflict between faith and business, evangelical executives insist that it is faith, not business, that must be reconceived. Equipped with an array of strategies for demonstrating that business is a sacred institution and a worthy occupation, evangelical business leaders hope to restore faith in business as they apply their faith in business. In these evangelical executives and their accounts, the "spirit of capitalism," defined by Max Weber as a positive attitude toward both work and wealth, finds ongoing embrace and new expression, with implications for understanding the so-called faith at work movement, evangelicalism, and the role of religion among elites"--

Doing Business By The Spirit

Book Description

Gary has an MBA and 35+ years of entrepreneurial business experience. He blends practical, best practice business principles with the practical reality of God's spirit working in and through you so you can fulfill your destiny in business. Just as your business is a legal entity, it is also a spiritual entity. It can be chartered by God for a specific purpose in the marketplace. It will take on the characteristics and qualities and assignment of its owners, leaders, members. This book is for men and women who have had that inner knowing/desire that their business activities could advance the kingdom of God and become a force in the community, marketplace and even the world. Therefore it is important to know how To operate your business from a spiritual perspective and by the power and anointing of The Holy Spirit in its daily affairs including PROFIT MAKING. This book will give you some spiritual and practical principles and guidelines for how to achieve all this. It will open your understanding and help you become more aware of your relationship to God and how your purpose fits into your business and how your business fits into God's ultimate plan and what He wants to do for you and through you. It is written for and from the perspective of owners, leaders and managers of business, but its principles work well in all the dimensions of our life. It is filled with everyday examples, written by an entrepreneur with experience in a variety of businesses of 5 employees to one with almost 350 employees. If you were ever wondering about God doing miracles in business, the appendix has twelve miracle stories that will build your faith for the supernatural in business. and there are many other stories within the book demonstrating the practical experiences we can have as we let the supernatural be a part of our business life too.Most of us spend The vast majority of our Day in The marketplace operating and working in the businesses with which we are connected. Therefore, shouldn't this be The most rewarding, fun-filled, Kingdom purposed, profitable part of our life. You Will find in this book the opportunity To develop your business both personally, financially, and for Kingdom of God, in ways that you may not have considered before. Business is ultimately about financial profitability, and you will discover that God wants this for you, and for Him. Experience Doing Business by the Spirit.The reference materials provided in Recommended reading and Video/Audio links, Provide depth and further study in The topics covered in the book - Including, financial success, leadership, time management, Employee relations, personal development in being able to commune and communicate with The Holy Spirit to achieve direction, peace, and wisdom in all these qualities on a daily basis. Your business may never be the same.

Business As a Holy Calling

Book Description

Many people appreciate business as a means to other ends (work, money, fulfillment) but few understand it's bigger purposes in the purposes of God. Few would affirm business as a full-time Christian vocation, good in itself--and not as a mean to other "Christian" ends: providing money to Christian causes, witnessing to Christ, enhancing the credibility of the church. This workbook explores the intrinsic value and purpose of business in the plan of God. It is designed to be used by business persons and their church leaders so that together they can embrace business as a full-time Christian calling.

Dare to Succeed

Book Description

People thought Fortune 500 Company CEO Joe Greene was crazy when he said he wanted to quit his job and start a business that operated solely on Christian principles. But that is just what he did, and Joe’s vision to honor God with his business catapulted him to a level of corporate and financial success few can match. Dare to Succeed shares Joe’s story and the wealth of scriptural wisdom he believes is critical to any company’s success.

Devotionals For Business

Book Description

The author is a faculty member of Indiana Wesleyan University and is a lay minister at the Wesleyan Church in Shelbyville, Kentucky. The book includes sixty devotionals on business topics you would find in an MBA degree. The subject areas are general business, accounting, economics, finance, and statistics. Dr. Snider is a professor and has worked in information technology for four decades. His passion is to share experience and how business and scripture relate to each other. The book is perfect for an educational setting, Bible study, or general reading for any person in business today. May it bless you. In business, we use many tools and theoretical concepts to increase the wisdom of our decision-making. In our personal lives as well. In Devotionals for Business: Business Devotionals for Managing Business, the ultimate source of that wisdom is disclosed. It is God who has given His holy word and Holy Spirit to guide and direct us. Through simple prose, each devotional correlates business concepts with biblical principles--encouraging greater introspection and enrichment of spiritual life to deepen our relationship with God, others, and self, and to prompt our action--as exampled in the devotional titled "Utility". - Debbie Philpott, DBA Associate Professor Dr. Snider's new book is a rare combination of basic business lessons combined with solid lessons for the Christian business person. If you enjoy business and believe in God, this book should have a home on your bookshelf. - Professor Andy Singer