Don't Let Me Die!

Book Description

After a serious traffic accident, Lucy faces a series of painful surgeries and must adjust to life in a wheelchair.

Don't Let Me Die!

Book Description

Lucy awakes after an automobile accident to find that she can't walk. After a series of painful surgeries she finds that her problems don't end when she leaves the hospital in a wheelchair.

Please Don't Let Me Die

Book Description

A 16 year old girl dies while out with friends. Follow a father's journey through his grief and the justice he seeks for those responsible.

Don't Die with Your Music Still in You

Book Description

In 2001, Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a book called 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, based on the most important principles he wanted his children to live by. Serena Dyer, one of those children, has contemplated these ideas throughout her life. "Don’t die with your music still in you" has been the most important principle for Serena: to her, it means that you don’t allow yourself to live any life other than the one you were born to live. In this book, Serena sets out to explain what it was like to grow up with spiritual parents. She touches upon all ten of her dad’s original secrets, imparting her own experiences with them and detailing how they have affected the way she approaches various situations in life. She shares stories, struggles, and triumphs—and Wayne, in turn, contributes his own perspective. This unique father-daughter collaboration will warm the hearts of all parents . . . and inspire anyone who is looking to find the "music" inside themselves.

Don't let me die in economy class

Book Description

We all hope to upgrade our lives, careers, relationships, finance, fitness and more. But until now, there has been no blueprint, no guide to how people transform from ordinary to extraordinary. Welcome to Don’t Let Me Die in Economy Class, a book about the unique and specific thought processes and motivations shared by those who have achieved what many consider impossible. In this inspiring, approachable and entertaining narrative, performance psychologist and executive coach Gavin Freeman and journalist and 16-year Guinness World Records veteran Chris Sheedy reveal the vital ingredients in the recipe for hard-core personal success.

Let Me Die: Do Not Resuscitate

Book Description

Let Me Die combines crime, romance and health and recounts the nightmare Elsie went through as she remembered the painful struggles her parents, mother especially, had to endure in the hands of caregivers and still died. Her hard work to the top paid off. However, two of her three strayed children turned their lives around towards her, while the oldest lived his life in crime against her. His payment was jail time and little inheritance from Elsie's will. Rubby Nwonye combined his skills in fiction writing with knowledge and experience from healthcare industry to create a masterpiece of a story revolving around present day issues. He's been a columnist for as Detroit finance examiner. His articles have been published in Nigerian newspapers. Let Me Die is his debut novel. Sex Slavers is on its way soon.

God Won't Let Me Die

Book Description

Alaska’s Kenai court system is corrupt. I read that the hardest walk is the walk alone, but it also makes you the strongest. Be careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15–16) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10) The fear of the Lord prolongs days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. (Proverbs 10:27) I’ve never feared death. I understand death. Death has no hold on me, and death is not the end. My blade is for the King. My heart belongs to Monica and my children. These are my friends. These are my family. These are all I have. These are all I need. Show me your circle of friends, and I will tell you who you really are. There is a person who lied about me. You know who you are, and you lied about the number of years you spent in prison. The public can access your record. You are a fake! Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. (Proverbs 17:28) Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. (Ephesians 4:25) Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. (Romans 8:33) This world is under demonic power, a massive psychosis that’s overpowering the minds of the enslaved. Think you are free? Think again. People are dependent on government and religion. They will also use climate change to endorse the one world order, and this is Satan’s (Morning Star) world. Humans are being gathered into flocks and slowly led to the slaughter. Wolf in sheep’s clothing? Have you ever thought that maybe you need the wolf to protect the sheep against the false shepherds who are leading them to slaughter to take the heads of those who do not bow and worship the one who gives power to the beast? The beheaded will reign with the King… Which of your churches belong to the 501(c)(3), and do you know what that means? It’s written that the number of the beast is the number of a man, 666, in the book of Revelation. And do you really understand what that is? Many of us already took it without knowing, and I’m not talking about the vaccine that they are trying to enforce on us through new laws and regulations. Now you can be forcefully removed from your home—man, woman or child—and quarantined against your own will if they even suspect you have a virus like COVID-19, and they’re allowed to use experimental drug testing on you. I believe that virus was fabricated in a lab to be used as some type of biological weapon to add to depopulating the world. By abuse of authority and power, our freedoms are slowly being taken away, and the Holocaust will repeat itself. Make America Great Again! (President Donald Trump) (Kid Rock, “We The People”) I believe the United States will soon no longer be united with these invaders coming into our country. It was strategically planned to destroy our country from within; and civil war will happen, most likely followed by martial law or vice versa, if we haven’t gone into a full-blown World War III by then. So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand). (Mathew 24:15)

Let Me Die in His Footsteps

Book Description

In the spellbinding and suspenseful Let Me Die in His Footsteps, Edgar Award winner for Best Novel, author Lori Roy wrests from a Southern town the secrets of two families touched by an evil that has passed between generations. On a dark Kentucky night in 1952, exactly halfway between her fifteenth and sixteenth birthdays, Annie Holleran crosses into forbidden territory. Everyone knows Hollerans don't go near Baines, not since Joseph Carl was buried two decades before, but Annie runs through her family's lavender fields toward the well on the Baines’ place, hoping to see her future in the water. Instead, she finds a body, and Annie's future becomes inextricably tied with her family's dark past. In 1936, the year Annie's aunt, Juna Crowley, came of age, there were seven Baine boys. Before Juna, Joseph Carl had been the best of all the Baine brothers. But then he looked into Juna's black eyes and they made him do things that cost innocent people their lives. With the pall of a young child’s death and the dark appetites of men working the sleepy town into a frenzy, Sheriff Irlene Fulkerson saw justice served—or did she? As the investigation continues and she comes of age as Aunt Juna did in her own time, Annie's dread mounts. Juna will come home now, to finish what she started. If Annie is to save herself, her family, and this small Kentucky town, she must prepare for Juna's return, and the revelation of what really happened all those years ago.

Crazy Love

Book Description

Revised & Updated Edition! God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we're missing it? It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor—loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Whether you've verbalized it yet or not, we all know something's wrong. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts—it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything. Learn more about Crazy Love at

God why won't you just let me die?

Book Description

As young boy of eight years old raised in an abusive home where there was no love naturally, I was in search of something else. I had heard in church how God was all about love and that He could help me if I would be saved. Sounded good to me! Therefore, I came to God, SO I THOUGHT, I had the wrong idea of God and how He was going to work in my life. As time went on things seemed to start getting worse instead of better there was more abuse and I started spending time in the street instead of home. At the age of fifteen, I was an alcoholic and a chain smoker I had already tried to commit suicide once by this time and by the time I was seventeen I was a full-fledged junkie. I hated God for abandoning me, I thought to myself if this is how it is with God then I am better off without Him, and lived my life accordingly. Later on in my life, I would become a member of a satanic occult and again try to commit suicide. Constantly trying to end my life because I felt I was no good to myself, anyone else and especially God but it just seemed like the more I tried the less I would succeed. God kept interfering, He just would not let me die, I did not know why, and I asked Him God why won't you just let me die? Moreover, that question would change my life forever. I thought it was because He was trying to get back at me but on the contrary, He was going to use me to help those like me. There are those who think that their life is just too far-gone and that they are just "too bad" to be used by God. This simply is not true no matter how young, old, or bad you think you are it is never too late for God. I hope to show you this through this testimony that there is still hope and that it is not about whom we are but who Jesus is. It is not about what we have done but it is about what Jesus has done. Honestly, we will never be good enough but because what Jesus has done, we have been made good enough through Him. Nevertheless, like me as a young person, there are those who have the wrong idea of God and His grace because of lack of knowledge and going off other peoples' relationships with God. It is not until we have a true understanding of God and the character of God and actually start applying His principles and precepts does it start to make a difference in our lives.