Draft Wild and Scenic River Study, Porcupine River, Alaska

Book Description

Study of the 212 mile segment of the Porcupine River from the Canadian-US border to its mouth on the Yukon River. The whole segment is eligible for inclusion in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. It meets the criteria as wild from the border to the confluence with the Sucker River and as scenic from that point downstream to its mouth.

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Book Description

Analyzes environmental consequences of proposal for Congressional designation of approximately 3.5 million acres of federal lands on the Alaska Peninsula as a National Wildlife Refuge. Purpose of proposal would be protection of wildlife populations and habitats.

Final Environmental Impact Supplement

Book Description

Updates 1974 Iliamna National Resource Range environmental impact statement and evaluates environmental impacts of protecting natural resources of this area of Alaska through Executive Branch actions. Purpose would be protection and preservation of fish and wildlife populations and habitats.

Alternative administration actions

Book Description