Eastern Arctic Kayaks

Book Description

Eastern Arctic Kayaks is the product of years of kayak study by two of the world's experts. Combining analyses of form and function with historical background and illustrations of kayaking techniques, this volume will appeal to recreational kayakers and scholarly readers alike. An excerpt from John Brand's Little Kayak Book series makes this British publication available to American readers for the first time.

Inuit kayaks in Canada

Book Description

Across the vast expanse of northern lands from eastern Siberia to Greenland, Aboriginal peoples created fifty to sixty different models of kayaks. This book treats Canada’s share of this spectrum, which is broken down into three kayak groups: Mackenzie, Central Canadian and East Canadian. This is an initial survey of the history and construction of kayaks in the Canadian Arctic.


Book Description

He shows how vessels' design varied in response to the demands of climate and the availability of resources as well as the needs of the hunters using them; he considers associated equipment, from paddles to paddlers' clothing. The result is a succinct but authoritative introduction to the kayaks of Alaska and Siberia."--BOOK JACKET.

Inuit Kayaks in Canada

Book Description

Across the vast expanse of northern lands from eastern Siberia to Greenland a great variety of native kayaks were created by the Koryak, Chukchi, Aleut, Yuit and Inuit. Some fifty or sixty different models can be distinguished, and further subvarieties as well, which scholars group into about a dozen major lots or families. Canada's share of this spectrum is the subject of this essay which deals with three kayak groups, labelled for convenience "Mackenzie", "Central Canadian", and "East Canadian". Each is treated mainly in terms of historical records and construction. Variation within each grouping is discussed, but without more study a definitive statement is not possible. This essay is just an initial survey of Canada's kayaks. A score of scale lines drawings, mostly of kayaks in the Canadian Museum of Civilization, are included along with some photographs.

Contributions to kayak studies

Book Description

The first two papers describe King Island and North Baffin kayaks, their construction and their equipment. Other articles are on kayak design variation, Greenland kayaks, “kayak fear”, Canadian revival and the fascinating Aleut designs. All papers are illustrated and reflect the Canadian Museum of Civilization’s collection.

Arctic Kayaks

Book Description

Hooper Bay Kayak Construction

Book Description

The author has also included detailed measurements of the kayak, a glossary of Yupik terms, and descriptions and drawings of kayak accessories."--BOOK JACKET.

Kabloona in the Yellow Kayak

Book Description

"During the summer of 1991 Victoria Jason embarked on a journey together with Don Starkell (author of the bestselling Paddle to the Amazon) and Fred Reffler to kayak the Northwest Passage, starting at Churchill, Manitoba and aiming to reach Tuktoyaktuk on the Beaufort Sea. When she set out in 1991, Victoria, already a grandmother of two, had only been kayaking for a year and was still recovering from the second of two strokes." "Her 7,500 kilometre journey lasted four years. In the first year, Fred Reffler dropped out due to an injury, and Victoria suffered serious internal bleeding from ulcers. The second year Victoria and Don reached Gjoa Haven together, hauling their kayaks by sled, but Victoria was forced to drop out there, suffering from edema (muscle breakdown) caused by excessive fatigue. Don Starkell continued alone, reaching the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, where he was rescued by authorities suffering from severe frostbite which resulted in the loss of all his fingers and parts of four toes." "Their first two summers together were also a time of tension and conflict between Victoria and Don." "Not content with failure, Victoria returned North the following two years and completed her triumphant journey alone from west to east, paddling from Fort Providence on the Mackenzie River to Paulatuk in 1993, and from Paulatuk to Gjoa Haven in 1994. Among the Inuit people she became known as the Kabloona (the Inuktituk word for stranger) in the Yellow Kayak."--Jacket

Kayaks of Greenland

Book Description

Skinboats of Greenland

Book Description

Skinboat culture of the Inuits in Greenland. Part I- the kayak. Part II- the umiak. Covers construction, gear, types and use.