ECMT Round Tables Transport of Waste Products

Book Description

This Round Table examines various aspects concerning the transport of waste products in Europe.

ECMT Round Tables Transport of Waste Products

Book Description

With the treatment of waste set to increase -- since the volume of waste is closely related to economic growth -- waste transport will be a major challenge in the future. This raises several issues. Should transport regulations be made more ...

ECMT Round Tables Transport and Leisure

Book Description

This book describes and analyses leisure-related transport in terms of flow size, points of concentration, modes of transport, temporal trends and structural changes.

ECMT Round Tables Transport and Economic Development

Book Description

The linkage between transport and economic development is a highly contentious issue which has generated considerable debate. This Round Table set out to clarify this issue by analysing the arguments for and against the presumed linkage between "transport infrastructure" and "economic development".

ECMT Round Tables Transport and Exceptional Public Events

Book Description

The Round Table examined large-scale sporting, cultural and festive events in Europe and the rest of the world, and noted that setting ambitious targets contributes to the quality of the event.

ECMT Round Tables Tolls on Interurban Road Infrastructure: An Economic Evaluation

Book Description

This Round Table provides a broad view of both the theoretical aspects of tolling and the practical problems posed by its introduction. It takes a scientific look at what is a burning issue, at a time when a number of countries are envisaging the widespread adoption of electronic tolls.

ECMT Round Tables What Role for the Railways in Eastern Europe?

Book Description

Based on a review of the strengths and weaknesses of the railways in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and in the Commonwealth of Independent States, this Round Table comes to a series of inescapable conclusions.