An Economic Analysis of Taxicab Regulation

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A guide to reading and writing critically, to produce a book report.

Economic Regulation in the Taxicab Industry

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This thesis further highlights how regulations arise in the policy-making process; and to what extend they stem from either anti-competitive interests between established firms, a lack of information among policymakers, or simply planners' failure to integrate taxis into a more comprehensive regional transportation system. Ultimately this thesis argues that some of Iowa City's taxicab regulations, particularly the liability insurance minimums for drivers, the terms of operation for dispatching, and the profiling of immigrant and small firm cabbies by ICPD are burdensome and unnecessary. Loosening of these restrictions would benefit small firm and drivers, the general consumer of taxi services, and compliment larger city planning goals in Iowa City, Iowa. Despite the costs and burdens, this thesis does not justify complete deregulation for Iowa City's transportation policy, particularly when case studies of such efforts have not always yielded positive benefits. Instead, this thesis advocates for "better regulation", to be enforced on a regional level, rather than at a municipal level.

ECMT Round Tables (De)Regulation of the Taxi Industry

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This Round Table examines the basic case for liberalisation of the taxi industry, and reviews experiences with taxi (de-)regulation in OECD and ECMT member countries.

Taxi! Urban Economies and the Social and Transport Impacts of the Taxicab

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The taxicab makes a significant contribution to the accessibility of a city, and provides a wide range of services across many different social groups and urban environments. This study considers the roles and functions of the taxi from its origins as the first licensed form of public transport, to the current variations of vehicle type and operation, to predictions for its future development. Also addressed here is the impact which this ubiquitous form of transport has on contemporary urban life, and the analytical tools being used and developed for its licensing and control.