Debating Civil-Military Relations in Latin America

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The study of civil-military relations in Latin America produced a rich debate and research agenda prior to 2000. But this agenda was largely abandoned during the past decade as the spectre of military dictatorship has virtually disappeared, with the political role of the military in many countries dramatically diminished. Indeed, in no country that has initiated a process of holding the military accountable to civilian control has the military openly rebelled. Yet, the institutions and public attitudes that guarantee democratic civilian control of the military exist in a general context of political polarisation, citizen insecurity and in many countries a sense of developing ungovernability. The military coup in Honduras (2009), the military response to the police rebellion in Ecuador (2010), and the speculation concerning the Venezuelan military's behaviour in the event that Hugo Chavez is incapacitated or dies (2013), demonstrates the relevance and importance of the civil-military relationship today. In this volume leading scholars from Latin America, the U.S. and Spain debate the ability of contemporary Latin American civil-military relationships to weather these challenges. The authors examine new types of regimes (the rise of participatory democracy), new political orientations (the renaissance of the Left in Latin America), and new missions for the military. Debate centres on the indicators to evaluate the level of consolidation of civilian control, the manner in which these indicators are measured, and the empirical ambiguities that arise. These challenges must be confronted in order to effectively address the question of how much progress has been made in the region in subordinating the military to civilian control, which countries are lagging behind, and why. Published in association with CILAS, University of California, San Diego.

Iberian Military Politics

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By applying the nodality, authority, treasure and organisation public policy framework and neo-institutional theory to the dictatorship of Salazar and Franco respectively, this study explores the instruments that governments used to control the military and explains the divergent paths of civil-military relations in 20th Century Portugal and Spain.

The Constitution

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Democracy in Mexico

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Construyendo la democracia en sociedades posconflicto

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En los aos 90, Guatemala y El Salvador firmaron acuerdos de paz integrales que pusieron fin a d(r)cadas de un sangriento conflicto interno. Ambos acuerdos de paz OCoas como el proceso de construccin de paz que le siguiOCo han tenido un impacto en el concepto tradicional de paz, ya que fueron pioneros en lo que son consideradas operaciones de paz de segunda generacin, multidisciplinarias (que van mis alli del cese al fuego). Uno de los objetivos principales de los acuerdos de paz y el proceso de construccin de paz, era fortalecer los incipientes procesos democriticos en el per odo del posconflicto. Mis de una d(r)cada ha transcurrido desde que los acuerdos fueron suscritos. En ambos casos la democracia electoral o pol tica ha logrado mantenerse vigente y el sistema pol tico ha tenido una apertura. Los combatientes armados en ambos pa ses han ahora formado sus propios partidos pol ticos, han participado en elecciones y han obtenido puestos en el Congreso. Sin embargo, muchos problemas persisten y la democracia dista de estar consolidada. La democratizacin en ambas sociedades, se ve confrontada con muchos problemas antiguos y por nuevos desaf os. Sin duda alguna la paz ha tenido un impacto en la democratizacin, pero algunas ireas han avanzado mis que otras y algunas pueden haberse incluso estancado. Existen diversos estudios individuales acerca de los procesos de negociacin e implementacin de la paz en Guatemala y El Salvador. Sin embargo, se ha escrito muy poco desde una perspectiva comparada. Ademis, se han llevado a cabo pocos anilisis integrales acerca del desarrollo democritico reciente en esos pa ses. En este libro, dos equipos de investigacin utilizan nueva informacin y t(r)cnicas mltiples de investigacin comparada para presentar un perfil actualizado del proceso de democratizacin en ambos pa ses y una evaluacin de la interaccin existente entre la paz y la democratizacin."

IFDA Dossier

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