Elderly People and the Environment

Book Description

The present volume in our series follows the format of the immediately in dealing with a topical theme of considerable impor preceding ones tance in the environment and behavior field. In view of current and projected demographic trends, it is a certainty that a broad-ranging set of issues concerned with the elderly and the physical environment will continue to be of focal pertinence-if not of increasing importance--in the remaining decades of this century. The present volume also follows in the tradition of earlier volumes in the series in being eclectic with respect to content, theory, and meth odology and in including contributions from a variety of disciplines, such as anthropology, economics, psychology, geography, and urban and regional planning. To have encompassed the whole array of disci plines and topics in this emerging field in a single volume would have been impossible. We trust that the sample of contributions that we have selected is provocative and that it will illustrate the range of problems and topics and point to promising areas of study and analysis. We are pleased to have M. Powell Lawton as a guest co-editor for this volume. His broad-ranging expertise, perceptive judgment, and fine editorial talents have contributed enormously to the volume.

Aging in the Designed Environment

Book Description

Aging in the Designed Environment is the key sourcebook for physical and occupational therapists developing and implementing environmental designs for the aging. The physical environment remains one of the most overlooked areas in environmental design. In order to move beyond this status quo, persons responsible for planning elderly environments must develop a new understanding of ways in which their influence can improve the older adult’s physical and mental functioning. Occupational and physical therapists, as well as other health care professionals, will benefit tremendously from the information presented in this unique volume. Designers, developers, and others with minimal health care background will also find a wealth of possibilities within Aging in the Designed Environment. Many concerns are dealt with in the book’s five sections. The first section describes the implications that occur when there are changes in vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, and the kinesthetic systems. Recommendations for environmental adaptation and modifications which may compensate for the changes in each of these systems are suggested. The second section stresses the relationship between behavior and environment. A variety of environmental attributes--comfort, privacy, accessibility, control, security, dignity--and their impacts are discussed, along with information on ways that attributes can be incorporated into the living settings of older people. In section three the focus is on the older person living independently in his or her own home, and section four covers exclusively the design and selection of chairs for older adults. New ways to assess and evaluate the home to promote independence beyond the traditional activities of daily living are addressed. The last section deals with redesigning the existing long-term care facility. The author examines some of the environmental conditions existing in specific facilities and provides recommendations to compensate for these circumstances.

Environment and Aging

Book Description

Aging and Milieu

Book Description

Aging and Milieu: Environmental Perspectives on Growing Old is a collection of essays that presents insight into the area of aging-environment research. The book focuses primarily on the physical, phenomenological, cultural, social, and clinical environmental context of an old person. Part I explores alternative conceptions of aging and milieu. The second part discusses the old-person-environment transaction. Part III covers the social context of milieu or the notion of how social relationships mediate and condition the symbiotic relationships between the old person and the physical environment. Gerontologists, sociologists, psychologists, architects, and urban planners will find this book interesting.

The Role of Human Factors in Home Health Care

Book Description

The rapid growth of home health care has raised many unsolved issues and will have consequences that are far too broad for any one group to analyze in their entirety. Yet a major influence on the safety, quality, and effectiveness of home health care will be the set of issues encompassed by the field of human factors research-the discipline of applying what is known about human capabilities and limitations to the design of products, processes, systems, and work environments. To address these challenges, the National Research Council began a multidisciplinary study to examine a diverse range of behavioral and human factors issues resulting from the increasing migration of medical devices, technologies, and care practices into the home. Its goal is to lay the groundwork for a thorough integration of human factors research with the design and implementation of home health care devices, technologies, and practices. On October 1 and 2, 2009, a group of human factors and other experts met to consider a diverse range of behavioral and human factors issues associated with the increasing migration of medical devices, technologies, and care practices into the home. This book is a summary of that workshop, representing the culmination of the first phase of the study.

Environmental Gerontology

Book Description

In this volume, international experts across diverse areas in this important field reflect on the current progress of their respective disciplines, illustrate research-grounded benefits emerging from their work, and suggest new agenda that can guide progress in the near future.This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Housing for the Elderly.

The Environment for Aging

Book Description

The nature and consequences of aging depend on its environmental context, and the literature does not treat the various environmental dimensions in an integrated fashion. The authors introduce a general approach to the human ecosystem, highlighting theoretical and empirical issues necessary to an understanding of person-environment interaction related to aging. They then investigate in detail three aspects of the environment of older persons: residential and neighborhood, interpersonal support networks, and age-related attitudes. They give specific attention to the impact of the age composition of neighborhoods and interpersonal networks. The authors present findings from their interview survey of 1,185 community residents aged 60 and over. Major findings from the interviews include: Despite objective neighborhood problems, older persons express high neighborhood satisfaction. This partly reflects limited residential options, as well as a passive and vicarious spatial experience. The environment is experienced in diverse ways; however, urbanism and personal competence shape the nature and outcomes of person-environment interaction. Older persons have relatively robust interpersonal support networks. Perceived sufficiency of contact and support are more salient to morale than are more objective measures of interpersonal support. Although attitudes toward other older people are generally favorable, patterns of age identity reflect a detrimental view of aging. There is little evidence that socialization for aging or age-group solidarity make aging “easier” in this regard. Older persons exhibit moderate age homogeneity within their interpersonal networks, partly reflecting neighborhood age concentration. Contrary to the apparent benefits of planned age-segregated housing, age homogeneity in neighborhoods and networks does not contribute to well-being. The authors examine three major themes in their concluding chapter; age itself does not “loom large” in the lives of these community residents, though age becomes salient under certain conditions; there is diversity in the implications of the environmental context for aging, in particular reflecting an “environmental docility” hypothesis; and aging must be viewed in interactional or transactional terms—older people “construct” the environment as a subjective entity.

Physical Environments and Aging

Book Description

A tribute and guide to M. Powell Lawton's groundbreaking work! Dr. M. Powell Lawton, who died in January 2001, was arguably the most significant thinker, researcher, and practitioner in environment-behavior studies within the field of gerontology. The authors of Physical Environments and Aging represent three generations of internationally recognized researchers whose lives and work were greatly influenced by both Lawton the professional and Lawton the man. This book presents their assessment of his contributions to environmental theory, purpose-built housing, community study, long-term care settings, and other related topics. Many of the contributors also share personal anecdotes that illustrate how Lawton's professional visions were shaped by his remarkable intellect and personality. Physical Environments and Aging examines many aspects of environmental gerontology, including: housing policy reform and home modification place therapy philosophic foundations of environment-aging studies the future of theory, practice, and policy in the field the role of neighborhoods More than just an homage, Physical Environments and Aging is also a practical guide to the field, offering you tractable theory, useful methods and measures, and functional research overviews in the realms of everyday experience of older adults.

Aging and the Environment

Book Description