Electron Correlation in Molecules

Book Description

Electron correlation effects are of vital significance to the calculation of potential energy curves and surfaces, the study of molecular excitation processes, and in the theory of electron-molecule scattering. This text describes methods for addressing one of theoretical chemistry's central problems, the study of electron correlation effects in molecules. Although the energy associated with electron correlation is a small fraction of the total energy of an atom or molecule, it is of the same order of magnitude as most energies of chemical interest. If the solution of quantum mechanical equations from first principles is to provide an accurate quantitative prediction, reliable techniques for the theoretical determination of the effect of electron correlation on molecular properties are therefore important. To that end, this text explores molecular electronic structure, independent electron models, electron correlation, the linked diagram theorem, group theoretical aspects, the algebraic approximation, and truncation of expansions for expectation values.

Electron Correlation in Molecules and Condensed Phases

Book Description

This book had its origins in lectures presented at EPFL, Lausanne, during two separate visits (the most recent being to IRRMA). The author is most grateful to Professors A. Baldereschi, R. Car, and A. Quattropani for making these visits possible, and for the splendidly stimulating environment provided. Professors S. Baroni and R. Resta also influenced considerably the presentation of material by constructive help and comments. Most importantly, Chapters 4 and 5 were originally prepared for a review article by Professor G. Senatore, then at Pavia and now in Trieste, and myself for Reviews of Modem Physics (1994). In the 'course of this collaboration, he has taught me a great deal, especially about quantum Monte Carlo procedures, and Chapter 5 is based directly on this review article. Also in Chapter 4, my original draft on Gutzwiller's method has been transformed by his deeper understanding; again this is reflected directly in Chapter 4; especially in the earlier sections. In addition to the above background, it is relevant here to point out that, as a backcloth for the present, largely "state of the art," account, there are two highly relevant earlier books: The Many-body Problem in Quantum Mechanics with W.

Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids

Book Description

Dieser Titel verbindet die Festkörpertheorie mit der Quantenchemie. Neue Konzepte der Vielteilchen-Verarbeitung und Korrelations-Effekte, normale quantenchemische Verfahren mit Projektionstechniken, Greensche Funktionen und Monte-Carlo-Methoden werden erarbeitet. Anwendungsbereiche der Molekültheorie, von Halbleitern, supraleitender high-Tc-Materialien, etc., werden vorgestellt.

Methods in Computational Chemistry

Book Description

When, forty years ago, as a student of Charles Coulson in Oxford I began work in theoretical chemistry, I was provided with a Brunsviga calculator-a small mechanical device with a handle for propulsion, metal levers for setting the numbers, and a bell that rang to indicate overflow. What has since come to be known as computational chemistry was just beginning. There followed a long period in which the fundamental theory of the "golden age" (1925-1935) was extended and refined and in which the dreams of the early practitioners were gradually turned into hard arithmetic reality. As a still-computing survivor from the early postwar days now enjoying the benefits of unbelievably improved hardware, I am glad to contribute a foreword to this series and to have the opportunity of providing a little historical perspective. After the Brunsviga came the electromechanical machines of the late 1940s and early 1950s, and a great reduction in the burden of calculating molecular wavefunctions. We were now happy. At least for systems con taining a few electrons it was possible to make fully ab initio calculations, even though semiempirical models remained indispensable for most molecules of everyday interest. The 1950 papers of Hall and of Roothaan represented an important milestone along the road to larger-scale non empirical calculations, extending the prewar work of Hartree and Fock from many-electron atoms to many-electron molecules-and thus into "real chemistry.

Electron Correlation in Molecules – ab initio Beyond Gaussian Quantum Chemistry

Book Description

Electron Correlation in Molecules – ab initio Beyond Gaussian Quantum Chemistry presents a series of articles concerning important topics in quantum chemistry, including surveys of current topics in this rapidly-developing field that has emerged at the cross section of the historically established areas of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Presents surveys of current topics in this rapidly-developing field that has emerged at the cross section of the historically established areas of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology Features detailed reviews written by leading international researchers The volume includes review on all the topics treated by world renown authors and cutting edge research contributions.

Electron Correlation in Molecules

Book Description

Electron correlation effects are of vital significance to the calculation of potential energy curves and surfaces, the study of molecular excitation processes, and in the theory of electron-molecule scattering. This text describes methods for addressing one of theoretical chemistry's central problems, the study of electron correlation effects in molecules. Although the energy associated with electron correlation is a small fraction of the total energy of an atom or molecule, it is of the same order of magnitude as most energies of chemical interest. If the solution of quantum mechanical equations from first principles is to provide an accurate quantitative prediction, reliable techniques for the theoretical determination of the effect of electron correlation on molecular properties are therefore important. To that end, this text explores molecular electronic structure, independent electron models, electron correlation, the linked diagram theorem, group theoretical aspects, the algebraic approximation, and truncation of expansions for expectation values.

Relativistic and Electron Correlation Effects in Molecules and Solids

Book Description

The NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on "R@lativistic and Electron Correlation Effects in Molecules and Solids", co-sponsored by Simon Fraser University (SFU) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) was held Aug 10- 21, 1992 at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada. A total of 90 lecturers and students with backgrounds in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and various interdisciplinary subjects attended the ASI. In my proposal submitted to NATO for financial support for this ASI, I pointed out that a NATO ASI on the effects of relativity in many-electron systems was held ten years ago, [See G.L. Malli, (ed) Relativistic Effects in Atoms, Molecules and Solids, Plenum Press, Vol B87, New York, 1983]. Moreover, at a NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on advanced methods for molecular electronic structure "an assessment of state-of the-art of Electron Correlation ... " was carried out [see C.E. Dykstra, (ed), Advanced Theories and Computational Approaches to the Electronic Structure of Molecules, D. Reidel Publishin~ Company, Vol C133, Dordrecht, The Netherlands 1984]. However, during the last five years, it has become clear that the relativistic and electron correlation effects must be included in the theoretical treatment of many-electron molecules and solids of heavy elements (with Z > 70). Molecules and clusters containing heavy elements are of crucial importance in a number of areas of Chemistry and Physics such as nuclear fuels, catalysis, surface science, etc.

Electron Correlations in Solids, Molecules, and Atoms

Book Description

From July 20 till 31, 1981, the Advanced Study Institute on "Electron Correlations in Solids, Molecules and Atoms", sponsored by NATO, was held at the University of Antwerpen (U.I.A.), in the Conference Center Corsendonk. In the last few years, the problem of many-electron correlations has gained renewed attention, due to recent experimental and theoretic al developments. From the theoretical point of view, more sophisticated treatments of the homogeneous electron gas model evolved, including dynamical aspects of the electron correlation in the dielectric response. Furthermore, the homogeneous electron gas, which served as a model for simple metals, was extended to include spin- and charge-density waves and phasons. The concept of elementary excitations too was introduced not only in perfectly ordered metallic crystals, but also in magnetic alloys, in liquid metals and alloys, in semiconductors, and even in molecules and atoms. Fairly accurate quantitative calculations of these effects recently became possible, ranging from plasmon frequencies in atoms, over dielectric response of semiconduc tors and resistivity in magnetic alloys to electron-hole liquids and their phase separation. The recent technological evolution allowed for more accurate measurements in previously unaccessible domains, e.g. X-ray scatter ing and fast electron energy loss at large wavevector. Moreover, these new developments opened new perspectives in physics, accompany ing or even introducing the new concepts which also evolved in the theory.

Electron Correlations In The Solid State

Book Description

This invaluable book deals with the many-electron theory of the solid state. Mastery of the material in it will equip the reader for research in areas such as high-temperature superconductors and the fractional quantum Hall effect. The whole book has been designed to provide the diligent reader with a wide variety of approaches to many-electron theory.The level of the book is suitable for research workers and higher-degree students in a number of disciplines, embracing theoretical physics, materials science and solid-state chemistry. It should be useful not only to theorists in these areas but also to experimental scientists who desire to orient their programmes to address outstanding questions raised by many-body theory.