Física general

Book Description

El presente libro es el primer volumen de una obra sobre Física General, que se compondrá de dos, destinada a los alumnos de primer curso de universidad. En este volumen se presentan las partes de la Física correspondientes a la Mecánica, la Termodinámica y las Ondas, y ha sido estructurado en veintisiete capítulos. Su desarrollo se ha realizado siguiendo un método deductivo, partiendo de los principios fundamentales y exponiendo la materia objeto de estudio mediante deducciones lógicas con el apoyo de la herramienta matemática adecuada.

The History of Physics in Cuba

Book Description

This book brings together a broad spectrum of authors, both from inside and from outside Cuba, who describe the development of Cuba's scientific system from the colonial period to the present. It is a unique documentation of the self-organizing power of a local scientific community engaged in scientific research on an international level. The first part includes several contributions that reconstruct the different stages of the history of physics in Cuba, from its beginnings in the late colonial era to the present. The second part comprises testimonies of Cuban physicists, who offer lively insights from the perspective of the actors themselves. The third part presents a series of testimonies by foreign physicists, some of whom were directly involved in developing Cuban physics, in particular in the development of teaching and research activities in the early years of the Escuela de Física. The fourth part of the volume deals with some of the issues surrounding the publishing of scientific research in Cuba. Cuba’s recent history and current situation are very controversial issues. Little is known about the development and status of higher education and scientific research on the island. However, Cuba has one of the highest proportions in the world of people with a university degree or doctorate and is known for its highly developed medical system. This book focuses on a comprehensive overview of the history of the development of one specific scientific discipline: physics in Cuba. It traces the evolution of an advanced research system in a developing country and shows a striking capacity to link the development of modern research with the concrete needs of the country and its population. A little known aspect is the active participation of several “western” physicists and technicians during the 1960s, the role of summer schools, organized by French, Italian, and other western physicists, as well as the active collaboration with European universities.

Principios de Fisica

Book Description

Este libro esta disenado para impartir un curso de introduccion a la Fisica basado en el calculo matematico y de un ano de duracion. El libro esta pensado para estudiantes de ingenieria y de ciencias, y para estudiantes de medicina que esten siguiendo un curso riguroso de Fisica. Esta tercera edicion contiene muchas nuevas caracteristicas pedagogicas, entre las cuales podemos citar un enfoque contextual para mejorar la motivacion de los estudiantes, un mayor enfasis en las formas de evitar los errores comunes sobre conceptos fisicos, y una estrategia de resolucion de problemas que utiliza un enfoque basado en modelos. A partir de los comentarios realizados por los lectores de la segunda edicion y por los profesores que han utilizado este texto, y a partir tambien de las sugerencias de los revisores, se ha hecho un gran esfuerzo para mejorar la organizacion de los temas, la claridad de la presentacion, la precision del lenguaje y el cuidado de los detalles a lo largo de todo el texto.