Book Description
Numerical Modeling in Science and Engineering Myron B. Allen, George F. Pinder, and Ismael Herrera Emphasizing applications, this treatment combines three traditionally distinct disciplines—continuum mechanics, differential equations, and numerical analysis—to provide a unified treatment of numerical modeling of physical systems. Covers basic equations of macroscopic systems, numerical methods, steady state systems, dissipative systems, nondissipative systems, and high order, nonlinear, and coupled systems. 1988 (0 471-80635-8) 418 pp. Mathematical Modeling and Digital Simulation for Engineers and Scientists Second Edition Jon M. Smith Totally updated, this Second Edition reflects the many developments in simulation and computer modeling theory and practice that have occurred over the past decade. It includes a new section on the use of modern numerical methods for generating chaos and simulating random processes, a section on simulator verification, and provides applications of these methods for personal computers. Readers will find a wealth of practical fault detection and isolation techniques for simulator verification, fast functions evaluation techniques, and nested parenthetical forms and Chebyshev economization techniques. 1987 (0 471-08599-5) 430 pp. Numerical Analysis 1987 David F. Griffiths and George Alistair Watson An invaluable guide to the direction of current research in many areas of numerical analysis, this volume will be of great interest to anyone involved in software design, curve and surface fitting, the numerical solution of ordinary, partial, and integro-differential equations, and the real-world application of numerical techniques. 1988 (0 470-21012-5) 300 pp.