
Book Description

Emblems and Impact Volume I

Book Description

The art of the emblem is a pan-European phenomenon which developed in Western and Central Europe in the early modern period. It adopted meanings and motifs from Antiquity and the Middle Ages as part of a general humanistic impulse. Technological developments in printing that permitted the combination of letterpress with woodblock, and later copperplate, images, ensured that the emblem spread rapidly by way of printed collections. With time, emblematic ideas moved beyond Europe, conveying their insights and wisdom in the compact form of the book. These same books came to influence artists and designers working in the decoration of buildings, furniture, and household items, so that emblems entered personal life; they infiltrated festive culture, too. In such environments beyond the book, emblems were transported, adapted, and embedded in new functional contexts shaped by social, political, or religious conditions, but also by architectonical and regional art historical parameters. The results of these transformations are often of an intricate and complex meaning. The combination of word and image that constitutes the emblem still has resonance in contemporary art and architecture. The study of emblems allows us to look back at the collaborative endeavours of creative minds of earlier times from across Europe and beyond. At a time when that continent is under strain, and the world in general seeks to come to terms with globalization, emblems allow reflection on strongly shared cultural values and connections.

A Foretaste of Heaven

Book Description

Using the critical approach of the New Historicism and the sociological insights of Ernst Troeltsch, this study addresses the complicated issue of how the German Romantic poet, Friedrich Hölderlin, shifts religious vocabulary to the aesthetic realm, by examining his relationship to pietist groups in his native Württemberg. The study is divided into three sections: 1) a literature review and methodological statement; 2) overview of the spectrum of positions represented within Württemberg pietism, and a discussion of three pietists known to have had contact with Hölderlin in his youth and as a student; 3) analysis of a representative selection of Hölderlin's works - including his early poems, Hyperion, his theoretical writings on aesthetics, and a number of his late hymns - in light of their relation to Württemberg pietism.

Subversive Sublimities

Book Description

This anthology of critical essays pursues a field of scholarship that has only recently caught fire: the dark side of the German Enlightenment. The most prominent of German enlightened poets and thinkers - Goethe, Schiller, Lichtenberg, Tieck, among others - were conspicuously prone to the ideology of shamans, occultists, and charlatans of modern science and psychology. And yet the studies published here for the first time argue that the fascination with magic and the occult are not symptoms of a dying age but subversively productive elements, so that the subversiveness of irrationalism may be said to have become a progressive rather than a reactionary force.

The French Emblem

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Complète les deux ouvrages publiés dans la même collection, d'Alison Saunders, Stephen Rawles et Alison Adams. L'index des noms et des lieux enrichit la bibliographie des oeuvres secondaires consacrées aux emblèmes français et en facilite l'utilisation.

Enciclopedia Akal de Emblemas Españoles Ilustrados

Book Description

La obra contiene, extractados, todos los libros de emblemas que se publicaron en español durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Se trata de un material de difícil acceso que de este modo se pone a disposición del lector, ya sea investigador o mero aficionado a la riquísima cultura simbólica cifrada en el género de la literatura emblemática. El libro se presenta en primera instancia como índice alfabético de los motivos iconográficos principales presentes en cada emblema. Pero, además, se podrá acceder a los emblemas mediante búsquedas realizadas a partir de los índices complementarios: de autores, lemas, fuentes y claves temáticas, aparte de los motivos iconográficos secundarios. Completa el volumen un glosario terminológico y de personajes que ayuda a la comprensión de los significados. El desarrollo de los estudios de emblemática en el ámbito internacional (existe una extensa Society for Emblem Studies) ha hecho aconsejable introducir traducción al inglés de los campos de información más relevantes. Y las ventajas que proporcionan las nuevas tecnologías han sido aprovechadas con la incorporación de un CD-ROM (ejecutable por igual en los sistemas Macintosh y PC) que agiliza la combinación de búsquedas complejas. Tanto el CD-ROM como el libro reproducen los grabados de los 1.732 emblemas estudiados.

A Book of Emblems

Book Description

Andrea Alciati's Emblematum Liber was an essential work for every writer, artist and scholar in post-medieval Europe. First published in 1531, this illustrated book was a collection of emblems, each consisting of a motto or proverb, a typically enigmatic illustration, and a short explanation. Most of the emblems had symbolic and moral applications. Scholars depended on Alciati's book to interpret contemporary art and literature, while writers and artists turned to it to invest their work with an understood didactic sense. This new edition of the Emblematum Liber includes the original Latin texts, highly readable English translations, and the illustrations belonging to each of the 212 emblems. The editor's introduction explains both the importance and the cultural contexts of Alciati's book, as well as its innumerable artistic applications. For instance, close study of the emblems reveals--to cite only two examples--why statues of lions are traditionally placed before government buildings, and what underlying political message was conveyed by innumerable equestrian portraits during the Baroque era. The collection includes as an appendix the formerly suppressed emblem, "Adversus Naturam Peccantes," accompanied by a translation of the learned commentary applied to it by Johann Thuilius in 1612. An extensive bibliography points the student to scholarly research specifically dealing with artistic applications of Alciati's emblems. Altogether, this new edition of Alciati's seminal work is an essential tool for modern students of the liberal arts.

Rethinking Europe

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Rethinking Europe offers a selection of essays that reevaluate the Thirty Years’ War by contextualizing it within the broader history of the Reformation, military conflicts, peace initiatives, and negotiations of war in the early modern periods.

The Emblem in Early Modern Europe

Book Description

The emblem was big business in early-modern Europe, used extensively not only in printed books and broadsheets, but also to decorate pottery, metalware, furniture, glass and windows and numerous other domestic, devotional and political objects. At its most basic level simply a combination of symbolic visual image and texts, an emblem is a hybrid composed of words and picture. However, as this book demonstrates, understanding the precise and often multiple meaning, intention and message emblems conveyed can prove a remarkably slippery process. In this book, Peter Daly draws upon many years’ research to reflect upon the recent upsurge in scholarly interest in, and rediscovery of, emblems following years of relative neglect. Beginning by considering some of the seldom asked, but important, questions that the study of emblems raises, including the importance of the emblem, the truth value of emblems, and the transmission of knowledge through emblems, the book then moves on to investigate more closely-focussed aspects such as the role of mnemonics, mottoes and visual rhetoric. The volume concludes with a review of some perhaps inadequately considered issues such as the role of Jesuits (who had a role in the publication of about a quarter of all known emblem books), and questions such as how these hybrid constructs were actually read and interpreted. Drawing upon a database containing records of 6,514 books of emblems and imprese, this study suggests new ways for scholars to approach important questions that have not yet been satisfactorily broached in the standard works on emblems.

Literary Research and the British Renaissance and Early Modern Period

Book Description

This guide provides the best practices and reference resources, both print and electronic, that can be used in conducting research on literature of the British Renaissance and Early Modern Period. This volume seeks to address specific research characteristics integral to studying the period, including a more inclusive canon and the predominance of Shakespeare.