The Male Role in Pregnancy Loss and Embryo Implantation Failure

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Novel topics compiled in this one-of-a-kind volume provide tantalizing hints for clinical application through future translational research. Only recently have we come to ask what role the male might play in pregnancy loss and embryo implantation failure, beyond contributing an abnormal set of paternal chromosomes at fertilization. This volume explores the recent evidence that these conditions might also be related to the transmission of previously unrecognized chromosomal micro-deletions and duplications, or via the epigenetic dysregulation of early embryonic gene function by spermatozoal microRNAs or alterations in sperm DNA methylation patterning, or by DNA damage secondary to either reactive oxygen species or environmental toxicants. In addition, the composition of seminal plasma has been found to be highly complex, containing many factors that play important roles in altering the uterine environment and the female immune system permissive of embryo implantation and trophectoderm outgrowth leading to successful pregnancy. Coverage includes an examination of both spermatozoa and seminal fluid component factors.

Blastocyst Implantation

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Embryo Implantation

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This volume contains the proceedings of the International Symposium on Embryo Implantation: Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Aspects, held from October 3-6, 1997 in Newport Beach, California. Internationally recognized experts discuss the development and future of human in vitro fertilization and embryo implantation, the cellular aspects of implantation, hormonal regulation, molecular markers of receptivity, trophoblast factors, primate models and animal studies, and transcriptional regulation of maternal-fetal recognition.

How to Prepare the Endometrium to Maximize Implantation Rates and IVF Success

Book Description

The last step in the IVF treatment cycle, embryo transfer, is also the process with the highest failure rate. No matter how good the laboratory technique is, a successful pregnancy will not be achieved without meticulous preparation of the uterus to accept the embryo. This book reviews the scientific evidence on endometrial receptivity, including histological, hormonal, biochemical, and immunological factors. Practical and concise, it supports gynecologists and embryologists to make evidence-based decisions that can influence the success rates of implantation and live births. Part of a series of books offering treatments and strategies for fertility and conception to optimize IVF outcomes, this volume is for all clinicians and embryologists working in reproductive medicine.

The Primate Endometrium

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Book Description

The advent of assisted conception procedures such as in-vitro fertili sation (IVF) has provided the impetus for exploration of the factors that lead to the establishment of pregnancy. This collection of papers from leading research workers brings together current concepts of the processes which may be of importance in implantation. The complex signals from the embryo to the ovary, endometrium and myometrium are now being revealed through studies in both primates and other mammalian species. This book addresses the interrelationship of pituitary and ovarian hormones in controlling ovulation and the preparation of the intrauterine environment for implantation. Once fertilisation has occurred and trophoblast has formed, the next vital step is the production of materials which signal the presence of the pregnancy to the rest of the body. Trophoblastic proteins and other early-pregnancy factors are prime candidates for this role. Recent studies have emphasised the importance of the intrauterine environment in implantation. Specific secretory products of the endometrium have great potential in this process. The prostaglandins also play an essential part. Immunological adjustments are now considered a condition for the successful establishment of pregnancy. The possible use of immuno therapy in the treatment of recurrent abortion has highlighted interest in this area. The use of immunological techniques for contraception are in their infancy but offer much hope for the future.

Human Embryo Transfer

Book Description

This concise work on embryo transfer is yet another contribution to the persevering effort to disseminate latest information on the science and skill of performing a traumatic and successful embryo transfer. It is the most critical culmination of the assisted reproductive technology (ART) stimulation cycle, and a rate-limiting step in dictating the success of treatment. The well-worded chapters draw the reader’s attention to significant aspects before initiating the actual embryo transfer, such as possible causes of failure at the embryo transfer stage, uterine evaluation, mock embryo transfer (ET), experience of the physician, and the use of ultrasound-guidance to monitor ET. The protocol for difficult transfers, variables that affect the success of ET, and the influence of the catheter used for ET have also been dealt with. The unique feature of this book is its pragmatic approach that can translate into solutions to the numerous frustrating ART failures that more often than not, may be attributed to an inefficient ET procedure. It helps the reader understand the integrity of embryo transfer, unravel its obvious simplicity and bridge the success between the several steps of ART. By highlighting the impeding problems associated with ET procedure and providing valid, scientific solutions, this stimulating edition will help the readers improve the ART success rates in their clinical practice.

ART and the Human Blastocyst

Book Description

The field of human artificial reproductive technology (ART) is continually advancing and has witnessed significant changes since the inception of Louise Brown in 1978. Though Louise Brown herself was conceived after the trans fer of a blastocyst, there remain significant confusion and debate regarding the stage at which the human embryo conceived in the laboratory should be replaced in the mother. Developments in culture media formulations, leading to the introduction of sequential media, have brought the role of the blasto cyst in human ART back into the spotlight. It was due to this resurgence of interest in the niche of extended culture in human infertility treatment that the symposium on "ART and the Human Blastocyst" was held. of this meeting within this volume bring to the forefront The proceedings the main issues raised with the transfer of embryos at the blastocyst stage. It is evident from the chapters that follow that ART needs to be perceived as a continuum of procedures, each one dependent on the preceding one, and all equally as important as each other. That is to say, the development of a com petent embryo is ultimately dependent on the quality of the gametes from which it was derived. With regard to the oocyte, this then places the emphasis on the physician to use a stimulation protocol that both produces quality oocytes and does not impair endometrial function. Maintenance of gamete and embryo quality is the laboratory's role.

How to Prepare the Egg and Embryo to Maximize IVF Success

Book Description

This comprehensive review of the factors that affect the harvesting and preparation of oocytes and the management of embryos will allow practitioners to make evidence-based decisions for successful IVF. The book reviews and re-considers the value of strategies and outcomes in the management of fertility and conception rates, centred on the production of oocytes, and successful development of the embryo. Authored by leading experts in the field, chapters engage with treatments and strategies that affect the production of oocytes and embryos, optimizing outcomes in the management of female fertility, conception rates, and live births. This vital guide covers controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, the role of AMH in determining ovarian reserve, and primary stimulation agents and the use of adjuncts. Integral for all clinicians and embryologists working in reproductive medicine units, readers are provided with evidence-based, comprehensive advice and review of all factors affecting the management of oocytes and the embryo that are vital for successful IVF cycles.

Assisted Reproductive Technology Surveillance

Book Description

Offers a comprehensive guide to assisted reproductive technology surveillance, describing its history, global variations, and best practices.