Emprende Con Miedo. Descubre Las Claves Del Emprendimiento y El Proceso Para Crear H?bitos Hacia Una Mentalidad de ?xito

Book Description

Quiz?s has escuchado o le?do mucho sobre el emprendimiento, pero... ¡hay cosas que nadie cuenta! S?, encontrar?s literatura, tutoriales, posts, y una serie de publicaciones rom?nticas sobre lo que es emprender, pero es necesario hablar toda la verdad. En este libro he decidido romper el silencio y compartir contigo lo que nadie te cuenta del emprendimiento. La cruda verdad s? garantiza el ?xito. Si comienzas a emprender, con una idea no muy clara, con conceptos y f?rmulas que te llevan por un camino errado, ¿a d?nde crees que llegar?s? Evidentemente, al lugar equivocado. Quiero ahorrarte dolores de cabeza, que sepas toda la verdad, que conozcas los errores, los dolores, los fracasos, pero tambi?n que conozcas el camino m?s ideal para emprender. Es necesario que sepas qu? cuidados tener, en este libro tendr?s las se?ales para no tomar una vereda que te lleve a la quiebra, p?rdida o frustraci?n. Quiero que sepas...las bases reales del ?xito del emprendimiento. Para tener ?xito necesitas claridad, enfoque, constancia, persistencia, mentalidad positiva, y una serie de cualidades especiales. S?, el emprendimiento es para gente especial, as? te digan lo contrario. ¿Qu? significa esto? Que si quieres tener ?xito debes concentrarte en desarrollar las habilidades necesarias. Y la buena noticia es que, aunque el emprendimiento es para gente especial, lo que les hace especial se puede desarrollar. Solo necesitas conocimiento, as? que el emprendimiento equivale a conocimiento tambi?n. ¿Y qu? necesitas conocer? En este libro encontrar?s errores que debes evitar, conceptos, se?ales, bases fundamentales, y tambi?n consejos pr?cticos. Aprender?s desde qu? realmente es emprender, hasta c?mo desarrollar tu emprendimiento y mantenerte con buena salud durante el viaje. Toma acci?n y compra este libro y conocer?s realmente qu? es emprender y c?mo lograr el ?xito. Desliza hacia arriba, "Compra con 1 Clic" y ¡Obt?n tu copia al instante!

Fear of Life

Book Description

Fear of Life is an in-depth study of the human condition within modern culture Alexander Lowen challenges conventional thinking and contends that neurotic behavior stems from a fear of life, and represents the individual's unconscious effort to overcome that fear. But one cannot do so. One can only suppress or deny it, at the cost of spontaneity and being at ease. Lowen explains that being a person requires that one stop their frantic doing, and take time out to breathe and to feel. If one has the courage to accept and feel the pain and hurt, despair and sadness, and inner emptiness or anxiety in one's life, one can heal trauma and gain pleasure, fulfillment, and joy....the object of Bioenergetic Analysis.

Media Education in Latin America

Book Description

This book offers a systematic study of media education in Latin America. As spending on technological infrastructure in the region increases exponentially for educational purposes, and with national curriculums beginning to implement media related skills, this book makes a timely contribution to new debates surrounding the significance of media literacy as a citizen’s right. Taking both a topical and country-based approach, authors from across Latin America present a comprehensive perspective of the region and address issues such as the political and social contexts in which media education is based, the current state of educational policies with respect to media, organizations and experiences that promote media education.

The Fourth Discontinuity

Book Description

Discusses the relationship between humans and machines, pondering the implications of humans becoming more mechanical and of computer robots being programmed to think. He describes early Greek and Chinese automatons and discusses ideas of previous centuries and of individuals on this subject.

Saracen Tales

Book Description

Fiction. Short Stories. Translated from the Italian by Barbara De Marco. In SARACEN TALES, Italian-born Giuseppe Bonaviri brings a wild newness to the tale of the life of Jesus. In this succession of stories, Bonaviri explores all manners of the known and unknown, the archetypal, the mythological, the symbolic--the life of Jesus is both his material and his point of departure. Part surrealism, part folklore, readers will be amazed at the originality and creativity with which a long-familiar tale is presented. "Bonaviri is a myth-maker, looking simultaneously to the historical past and to the future, to arrive at the a-historical, at cosmic universality"--Franco Zangrilli. Giuseppe Bonaviri was born in 1924 in Sicily. He began writing when he was ten and continued through high school, college, and in his professional life as a doctor, health official, and cardiologist. His work has been widely translated.

The Next American Revolution

Book Description

"Reading Grace Lee Boggs helps you glimpse a United States that is better and more beautiful than you thought it was. As she analyzes some of the inspiring theories and practices that have emerged from the struggles for equality and freedom in Detroit and beyond, she also shows us that in this country, a future revolution is not only necessary but possible." —Michael Hardt, co-author of Commonwealth "This groundbreaking book not only represents the best of Grace Lee Boggs, but the best of any radical, visionary thinking in the United States. She reminds us why revolution is not only possible and necessary, but in some places already in the making. The conditions we face under neoliberalism and war do, indeed, mark the end of an era in which the old ideological positions of protest are not really relevant or effective—and this book offers a new way forward."—Robin D.G. Kelley, author of Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination “Grace Boggs has long been a major voice of hope and action for transformation of the United States and the world. Here is her testimony of hope and program for action. It must be taken seriously.” —Immanuel Wallerstein, author of Utopistics: or, Historical Choices of the Twenty-first Century "One of the most accomplished radicals of our time, the Detroit-based visionary Grace Lee Boggs has become one of our most influential and inspiring public intellectuals. The Next American Revolution is her powerful reflection on a lifetime of urban revolutionary work, an ode to the courage and brilliance of her late partner James Boggs, and a plain-spoken call for us to address the troubled times we face with a sense of history, a strong set of values, and an unwavering faith in our own creative, restorative powers." —Jeff Chang, author of Can't Stop Won't Stop

The Starry Messenger

Book Description

Mark Williams is tired of his marriage and tired of his job teaching astronomy at the Hayden Planetarium in New York City. Angela Vasquez is a young single mother training to be a nurse. Norman Ketterly is fighting for his life in a cancer ward. Their intertwining stories unspool under a canopy of stars too vast to imagine and too beautiful to comprehend, especially when the travails of life on Earth threaten to blot it out. Kenneth Lonergan's play The Starry Messenger is a bittersweet exploration of love, hope and the mysteries of the cosmos. It premiered in New York in 2009, and received its UK premiere at Wyndham's Theatre, London, in May 2019, featuring Matthew Broderick and Elizabeth McGovern.

The Culture of Speed

Book Description

"John Tomlinson′s book is an invitation to an adventure. It contains a precious key to unlock the doors into the unmapped and unexplored cultural and ethical condition of ′immediacy′. Without this key concept from now on it will not be possible to make sense of the social existence of our times and its ambivalences." - Ulrich Beck, University of Munich "A most welcome, stimulating and challenging exploration of the cultural impact and significance of speed in advanced modern societies. It successfully interweaves theoretical discourse, historical and contemporary analyses and imaginative use of literary sources, all of which are mobilised in order to provide an original, intellectually rewarding and critical account of the changing significance of speed in our everyday experience." - David Frisby, London School of Economics and Political Science Is the pace of life accelerating? If so, what are the cultural, social, personal and economic consequences? This stimulating and accessible book examines how speed emerged as a cultural issue during industrial modernity. The rise of capitalist society and the shift to urban settings was rapid and tumultuous and was defined by the belief in ′progress′. The first obstacle faced by societies that were starting to ′speed up′ was how to regulate and control the process. The attempt to regulate the acceleration of life created a new set of problems, namely the way in which speed escapes regulation and rebels against controls. This pattern of acceleration and control subsequently defined debates about the cultural effects of acceleration. However, in the 21st century ′immediacy′, the combination of fast capitalism and the saturation of the everyday by media technologies, has emerged as the core feature of control. This coming of immediacy will inexorably change how we think about and experience media culture, consumption practices, and the core of our cultural and moral values. Incisive and richly illustrated, this eye-opening account of speed and culture provides an original guide to one of the central features of contemporary culture and everyday life.

Material Cultures

Book Description

The field of material culture, while historically well established, has recently enjoyed something of a renaissance. Methods once dominated by Marxist- and commodity-oriented analyses and by the study of objects as symbols are giving way to a more ethnographic approach to artifacts. This orientation is the cornerstone of the essays presented in Material Cultures. A collection of case studies which move from the domestic sphere to the global arena, the volume includes examinations of the soundscape produced by home radios, catalog shopping, the role of paper in the workplace, and the relationship between the production and consumption of Coca-Cola in Trinidad. The diversity of the essays is mediated by their common commitment to ethnography with a material focus. Rather than examine objects as mirages of media or language, Material Cultures emphasizes how the study of objects not only contributes to an understanding of artifacts but is also an effective means for studying social values and contradictions.

When the Past Is Always Present

Book Description

When the Past Is Always Present: Emotional Traumatization, Causes, and Cures introduces several new ideas about trauma and trauma treatment. The first of these is that another way to treat disorders arising from the mind/brain may be to use the senses. This idea, which is at the core of psychosensory therapy, forms what the author considers the "third pillar" of trauma treatment (the first and second pillars being psychotherapy and psychopharmacology). Psychosensory therapy postulates that sensory input—for example, touch—creates extrasensory activity that alters brain function and the way we respond to stimuli. The second idea presented in this book is that traumatization is encoded in the amygdala only under special circumstances. Thus, by understanding what makes an individual resistant to traumatization we can offer a way of preventing it. The third idea is that traumatization occurs because we cannot find a haven during the event. This is the cornerstone of havening, the particular form of psychosensory therapy described in the book. Using evolutionary biological principles and recently published neuroscientific studies, this book outlines in detail how havening touch de-links the emotional experience from a trauma, essentially making it just an ordinary memory. Once done, the event no longer causes distress.